This is Sphinx-based documentation, built from reStructured Text sources. Build locally with ``make html`` (you'll need the ``python-sphinx`` package or equivalent on your platform). The output will pop out at ``_build/html/index.html``. The live version (currently at is hosted by ReadTheDocs using github hooks for auto builds. For context, and pointers for how to make changes and contributions, see The sources are hosted at Contributions by patch or pull-request are welcome! Please indicate that you agree with the licensing terms. If you don't want to use the github system, you can send patches or plain text corrections or comments to "bnewbold" at the domain of "". The documentation infrastructure supports both multiple variants (eg, tweaked docs for derivative or future hardware) and translations. If you'd like to help with a translation it's probably best to get in touch first to make sure efforts aren't duplicated.