////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Xilinx, Inc. 2009 www.xilinx.com // // XAPP xyz // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // File name : dvi_encoder.v // // Description : dvi_encoder // // Date - revision : April 2009 - 1.0.0 // // Author : Bob Feng // // Disclaimer: LIMITED WARRANTY AND DISCLAMER. These designs are // provided to you "as is". Xilinx and its licensors makeand you // receive no warranties or conditions, express, implied, // statutory or otherwise, and Xilinx specificallydisclaims any // implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement,or // fitness for a particular purpose. Xilinx does notwarrant that // the functions contained in these designs will meet your // requirements, or that the operation of these designswill be // uninterrupted or error free, or that defects in theDesigns // will be corrected. 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This // limitation shall apply not-withstanding the failure ofthe // essential purpose of any limited remedies herein. // // Copyright © 2009 Xilinx, Inc. // All rights reserved // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Modifications copyright (c) 2011, Andrew "bunnie" Huang // All rights reserved as permitted by law. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, // are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or // other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT // SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `timescale 1 ns / 1ps module dvi_encoder_top ( input wire pclk, // pixel clock input wire pclkx2, // pixel clock x2 input wire pclkx10, // pixel clock x2 input wire serdesstrobe, // OSERDES2 serdesstrobe input wire rstin, // reset input wire [7:0] blue_din, // Blue data in input wire [7:0] green_din, // Green data in input wire [7:0] red_din, // Red data in input wire hsync, // hsync data input wire vsync, // vsync data input wire de, // data enable output wire [3:0] TMDS, output wire [3:0] TMDSB, input wire vid_pa, input wire vid_gb, input wire dat_pa, input wire dat_gb, input wire dat_ena, input wire [9:0] dat_din, input wire [3:0] ctl_code, input wire [29:0] bypass_sdata, input wire bypass_ena, output reg byp_error, input wire box_active ); wire [9:0] red ; wire [9:0] green ; wire [9:0] blue ; wire [9:0] red_t4 ; wire [9:0] green_t4 ; wire [9:0] blue_t4 ; wire [4:0] tmds_data0, tmds_data1, tmds_data2; wire [2:0] tmdsint; // // Forward TMDS Clock Using OSERDES2 block // reg [4:0] tmdsclkint = 5'b00000; reg toggle = 1'b0; always @ (posedge pclkx2 or posedge rstin) begin if (rstin) toggle <= 1'b0; else toggle <= ~toggle; end always @ (posedge pclkx2) begin if (toggle) tmdsclkint <= 5'b11111; else tmdsclkint <= 5'b00000; end wire tmdsclk; serdes_n_to_1 #( .SF (5)) clkout ( .iob_data_out (tmdsclk), .ioclk (pclkx10), .serdesstrobe (serdesstrobe), .gclk (pclkx2), .reset (rstin), .datain (tmdsclkint)); OBUFDS TMDS3 (.I(tmdsclk), .O(TMDS[3]), .OB(TMDSB[3])) ;// clock // // Forward TMDS Data: 3 channels // serdes_n_to_1 #(.SF(5)) oserdes0 ( .ioclk(pclkx10), .serdesstrobe(serdesstrobe), .reset(rstin), .gclk(pclkx2), .datain(tmds_data0), .iob_data_out(tmdsint[0])) ; serdes_n_to_1 #(.SF(5)) oserdes1 ( .ioclk(pclkx10), .serdesstrobe(serdesstrobe), .reset(rstin), .gclk(pclkx2), .datain(tmds_data1), .iob_data_out(tmdsint[1])) ; serdes_n_to_1 #(.SF(5)) oserdes2 ( .ioclk(pclkx10), .serdesstrobe(serdesstrobe), .reset(rstin), .gclk(pclkx2), .datain(tmds_data2), .iob_data_out(tmdsint[2])) ; OBUFDS TMDS0 (.I(tmdsint[0]), .O(TMDS[0]), .OB(TMDSB[0])) ; OBUFDS TMDS1 (.I(tmdsint[1]), .O(TMDS[1]), .OB(TMDSB[1])) ; OBUFDS TMDS2 (.I(tmdsint[2]), .O(TMDS[2]), .OB(TMDSB[2])) ; encodeb encb ( .clkin (pclk), .rstin (rstin), .din (blue_din), .c0 (hsync), .c1 (vsync), .de (de), .dout (blue), .vid_gb (vid_gb)) ; encodeg encg ( .clkin (pclk), .rstin (rstin), .din (green_din), .c0 (ctl_code[0]), // bit 0 .c1 (ctl_code[1]), // bit 1 .de (de), .dout (green), .vid_gb (vid_gb)) ; encoder encr ( .clkin (pclk), .rstin (rstin), .din (red_din), .c0 (ctl_code[2]), // bit 2 .c1 (ctl_code[3]), // bit 3 .de (de), .dout (red), .vid_gb (vid_gb)) ; encode_terc4 engb_t4 ( .clkin (pclk), .rstin (rstin), .din ( {dat_din[9] | dat_gb, dat_din[8] | dat_gb, vsync, hsync} ), .dout (blue_t4), .dat_gb (1'b0) // gb is considered with sync ); encode_terc4 encg_t4 ( .clkin (pclk), .rstin (rstin), .din (dat_din[3:0]), .dout (green_t4), .dat_gb (dat_gb) ); encode_terc4 encr_t4 ( .clkin (pclk), .rstin (rstin), .din (dat_din[7:4]), .dout (red_t4), .dat_gb (dat_gb) ); // pipe alignment reg dat_ena_q, dat_ena_reg, dat_ena_r2; reg dat_gb_q, dat_gb_reg, dat_gb_r2; always @(posedge pclk or posedge rstin) begin if( rstin ) begin dat_ena_q <= 1'b0; dat_ena_reg <= 1'b0; dat_ena_r2 <= 1'b0; dat_gb_q <= 1'b0; dat_gb_reg <= 1'b0; dat_gb_r2 <= 1'b0; end else begin dat_ena_q <= dat_ena; dat_ena_reg <= dat_ena_q; dat_ena_r2 <= dat_ena_reg; dat_gb_q <= dat_gb; dat_gb_reg <= dat_gb_q; dat_gb_r2 <= dat_gb_reg; end end // insert four pipe stages to s_data override reg [29:0] byp_sd1; reg [29:0] byp_sd2; reg [29:0] byp_sd3; reg [29:0] byp_sd4; reg [29:0] byp_sd5; reg [4:0] box_active_q; always @(posedge pclk or posedge rstin) begin if( rstin ) begin byp_sd1 <= 30'b0; byp_sd2 <= 30'b0; byp_sd3 <= 30'b0; byp_sd4 <= 30'b0; byp_sd5 <= 30'b0; end else begin byp_sd1 <= bypass_sdata; byp_sd2 <= byp_sd1; byp_sd3 <= byp_sd2; byp_sd4 <= byp_sd3; byp_sd5 <= byp_sd4; box_active_q[4] <= box_active_q[3]; box_active_q[3] <= box_active_q[2]; box_active_q[2] <= box_active_q[1]; box_active_q[1] <= box_active_q[0]; box_active_q[0] <= box_active; end // else: !if( rstin ) end // always @ (posedge pclk or posedge rstin) // wire [29:0] s_data_x = (dat_ena_r2 | dat_gb_r2) ? // {red_t4[9:5], green_t4[9:5], blue_t4[9:5], // red_t4[4:0], green_t4[4:0], blue_t4[4:0]} : // {red[9:5], green[9:5], blue[9:5], // red[4:0], green[4:0], blue[4:0]}; // this destroys our ability to bypass sound, but fixes the problem // where HDMI data of Red = 0x55, Green = 0x55, blue = anything // causes the stream to flip into TERC4 mode wire [29:0] s_data_x = {red[9:5], green[9:5], blue[9:5], red[4:0], green[4:0], blue[4:0]}; // was bypass_ena in here... wire [29:0] s_data = !box_active_q[4] ? byp_sd5 : s_data_x; always @(posedge pclk or posedge rstin) begin if( rstin ) begin byp_error <= 1'b0; end else begin byp_error = byp_sd5 != s_data_x; end end convert_30to15_fifo pixel2x ( .rst (rstin), .clk (pclk), .clkx2 (pclkx2), .datain (s_data), .dataout ({tmds_data2, tmds_data1, tmds_data0})); endmodule