## 2019 Project: symbolic Orrery create personal tooling to comparisons of: - number/detail of bodies - newtonian / relativistic / MOND - different solvers/numerical - published ephemeris should be able to tweak/"compile" all the math from symbolic high-level syntax. also periodograms? refs: - SICM and func diff geo plan: - basic n-body solver with graphics in rust; not symbolic? - play with structures to improve - do basic solar system and compare existing => until matching basic ephemeris - side: try other systems (attractors) - revisit SICM and try other structures. symbolic input, digital orrery paper - read and compare best current systems; import more complex models - func diff geo book tools/tech: - rust, racket, julia, python, wasm, typescript - gl, webgl - inter-process plotting/graphics - diff and other analysis ## Specific Graphical These could all be xscreensaver things in rust? - GPU fluid 2D: smoke, liquid - n-body, attractors - 3D Box2D constraint kinetics simulation thing -> to understand rigid constraint satisfaction - somewhat generic graphic runtime -> takes in AST model or scheme -> JIT compiles somehow? -> solving with error propagation -> fast interactive phase space exploration -> periodograms -> julia or rust? ## Big List agent-based natural modeling point/particle graphics => n-body simulations => cloth, water, gas => GPUs optics and GEANT computational physics re-implement classic numerical routines => runge-kutta BPF and other sub-turing-complete languages?