[model] name-en = "Classic Gravitation" descrption-en = "Newtonian" sexprs = [''' (= F (/ (* G m1 m2) (square r 2))) '''] [variables] [variables.G] type = "constant" name-en = "Gravitational Constant" value_si = 6.674e-11 [variables.F] type = 'dependent' name-en = "force" units_si = "unit" [variables.r] type = 'independent' name-en = "distance" units_si = "meter" [variables.m1] type = 'independent' latex = 'm_1' name = "mass #1" units_si = "kilogram" [variables.m2] type = 'independent' latex = 'm_2' name = "mass #2" units_si = "kilogram" [examples] [examples.earth_surface] r = 6.371e6 # radius of earth m1 = 5.972e24 # mass of earth m2 = 70 # mass of human [examples.earth_moon] r = 385000 # radius of earth m1 = 5.972e24 # mass of earth m2 = 7.348e22 # mass of moon [references] [references.url] "Mathworld" = "http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Lotka-VolterraEquations.html" "Wikipedia" = "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lotka%E2%80%93Volterra_equations"