cleanups and fixes: - refactor away metadata into just modelica and examples.toml - proper error handling types/story - validate incomplete identifiers (?) - finish rebalance/resolve/rephrase for {x} => tests! - switch to .mo files - latex output - tangle demo - - show a variable table - Van der Pol oscillator - minimum viable library and daemon/API for accessing db of models => cross-model type validation => versioning/tagging allowing editing of dep tree => versioned transpiling => federation/merging - minimum viable wiki-editor web front end on top of API later: - look at libsyntax for (maybe) rust idiomatic ways to do AST stuff - more complete modelica support ("import" large files into multiple linked models) - LICENSE (AGPL, CC0 for generated code) - error pretty printer isn't great - refactor Debug and Display for AST - basic travis setup - logging (slog? or default to 'INFO') - testing framework with "raises" and "assert_gt" - rename to "modell-dinge"? - basic generation of python/julia code from model - elm explorer?