path: root/src/modelica_model.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/modelica_model.rs')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/modelica_model.rs b/src/modelica_model.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcc00b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/modelica_model.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+extern crate modelica_parser;
+use std::clone::Clone;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::collections::HashSet;
+use self::modelica_parser::ast::*;
+//// Helpers
+pub trait ModelicaModelExt {
+ fn get_constant_vars(&self) -> HashMap<String,Option<Expr>>;
+ fn get_free_vars(&self) -> Vec<String>;
+ fn solve_for(&self, indep_vars: Vec<String>, dep_vars: Vec<String>) -> Result<ModelicaModel,String>;
+impl ModelicaModelExt for ModelicaModel {
+ fn get_constant_vars(&self) -> HashMap<String,Option<Expr>> {
+ let mut binds = HashMap::new();
+ // XXX: actually implement this...
+ for c in &self.components {
+ match c.prefix {
+ Some(ComponentPrefix::Constant) => { binds.insert(c.name.clone(), Some(Expr::Integer(123))); },
+ Some(ComponentPrefix::Parameter) => { binds.insert(c.name.clone(), Some(Expr::Float(4.56))); },
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ }
+ binds
+ }
+ // This crude function finds "unbound" variables: those which are not constants, parameters, or
+ // the sole element on the LHS of an equation.
+ // Bugs:
+ // if a var is on LHS and RHS of same equation
+ fn get_free_vars(&self) -> Vec<String> {
+ // Start with components, and remove constants and parameters
+ let vars = self.components.iter().filter(|v| match v.prefix {
+ Some(ComponentPrefix::Constant) | Some(ComponentPrefix::Parameter) => false,
+ _ => true,
+ });
+ // Remove LHS (bound) vars
+ let mut outputs = vec![];
+ for eq in self.equations.iter() {
+ // TODO:
+ if let Expr::Ident(ref symb) = eq.lhs {
+ outputs.push(symb.to_string());
+ }
+ }
+ let vars = vars.filter(|v| !outputs.contains(&v.name));
+ vars.map(|c| c.name.clone()).collect()
+ }
+ // V variables
+ // Q constants (become kwargs)
+ // P bound vars (independent, inputs/passed, become like constants)
+ // M unknowns (dependent, outputs)
+ // N' total equations
+ // N equations with unknowns
+ //
+ // TODO: allow passing in Q
+ fn solve_for(&self, indep_vars: Vec<String>, dep_vars: Vec<String>) -> Result<ModelicaModel,String> {
+ let constants = self.get_constant_vars();
+ let mut all_vars: HashSet<String> = HashSet::new();
+ for eqn in &self.equations {
+ all_vars.extend(eqn.identifiers());
+ }
+ // check that all dep and indep are in equations
+ let mut passed_vars = indep_vars.clone();
+ passed_vars.extend(dep_vars.clone());
+ for var in passed_vars {
+ if !all_vars.contains(&var) {
+ return Err(format!("Variable not found in equations: {}", var));
+ }
+ }
+ // check that V = Q + P + M
+ if all_vars.len() != (constants.len() + indep_vars.len() + dep_vars.len()) {
+ return Err(format!("Variable counts don't add up (V={} Q={} P={} M={})",
+ all_vars.len(),
+ constants.len(),
+ indep_vars.len(),
+ dep_vars.len()));
+ }
+ // check that all constants are bound and simple
+ for (name, value) in &constants {
+ match *value {
+ None => return Err(format!("UnderSpecifiedConstant: {}", name)),
+ Some(Expr::Integer(_)) | Some(Expr::Float(_)) => (), // Ok,
+ Some(_) => return Err(format!("NaiveImplementation: can't handle constant: {}", name)),
+ }
+ }
+ // check that there is a depdendent variable in each equation
+ for eqn in &self.equations {
+ if intersect_strings(&dep_vars, &eqn.identifiers()).len() == 0 {
+ return Err("NaiveImplementation/OverConstrained: at least one equation is missing a dependent variable".to_string());
+ }
+ }
+ // check N >= M
+ if self.equations.len() < dep_vars.len() {
+ return Err("UnderConstrained: more dependent variables than equations".to_string());
+ }
+ println!("Soliving for {:?} in terms of params {:?} and constants {:?}, with {} equations",
+ dep_vars, indep_vars, constants, self.equations.len());
+ let mut unsolved_eqns = self.equations.clone();
+ let mut solved: Vec<SimpleEquation> = vec![];
+ let mut unsolved_vars = dep_vars.clone();
+ while unsolved_eqns.len() > 0 {
+ let next_i = unsolved_eqns
+ .iter()
+ .position(|ref x| intersect_strings(&unsolved_vars, &x.identifiers()).len() == 1);
+ let eqn = match next_i {
+ None => { return Err("NaiveImplementation (or poor equation selection?)".to_string()); },
+ Some(i) => unsolved_eqns.remove(i),
+ };
+ let ref var = intersect_strings(&unsolved_vars, &eqn.identifiers())[0];
+ let eqn = eqn.rebalance_for(var.to_string()).expect("rebalance for success");
+ solved.push(eqn);
+ let var_i = unsolved_vars.iter().position(|ref x| x == &var).unwrap();
+ unsolved_vars.remove(var_i);
+ };
+ // TODO: sort output equations by LHS
+ Ok(ModelicaModel{
+ name: self.name.clone(),
+ components: self.components.clone(),
+ connections: vec![],
+ equations: solved,
+ extends: vec![],
+ })
+ }
+fn intersect_strings(a: &Vec<String>, b: &Vec<String>) -> Vec<String> {
+ let mut both = vec![];
+ for e in a {
+ if b.contains(&e) {
+ both.push(e.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ both
+pub trait SimpleEquationExt {
+ fn rebalance_for(&self, ident: String) -> Result<SimpleEquation,String>;
+ fn simplify_lhs(&self, ident: &str) -> Result<SimpleEquation,String>;
+impl SimpleEquationExt for SimpleEquation {
+ fn rebalance_for(&self, ident: String) -> Result<SimpleEquation,String> {
+ let lvars = self.lhs.identifiers();
+ let rvars = self.rhs.identifiers();
+ let ret = match (lvars.contains(&ident), rvars.contains(&ident)) {
+ (true, true) => Err("SymbolicError: NaiveImplementation".to_string()),
+ (false, false) => Err("SymbolicError: VariableNotFound".to_string()),
+ (true, false) => self.simplify_lhs(&ident),
+ (false, true) =>
+ SimpleEquation{lhs: self.rhs.clone(),
+ rhs: self.lhs.clone()}.simplify_lhs(&ident),
+ };
+ match ret {
+ Ok(eqn) => {
+ if eqn.rhs.contains(&ident) {
+ Err("SymbolicError: NaiveImplementation".to_string())
+ } else {
+ Ok(eqn)
+ }},
+ Err(_) => ret,
+ }
+ }
+ fn simplify_lhs(&self, ident: &str) -> Result<SimpleEquation,String> {
+ use modelica_parser::ast::Expr::*;
+ use modelica_parser::ast::BinOperator::*;
+ match self.lhs {
+ Ident(ref s) if s == ident => Ok((*self).clone()),
+ Ident(_) | Integer(_) | Float(_) =>
+ Err("SymbolicError: InternalError: expected var on LHS".to_string()),
+ Der(_) | Abs(_) =>
+ Err("SymbolicError: NaiveImplementation: can't simplify der() or abs()".to_string()),
+ // TODO: create a macro for the below...
+ BinExpr(Multiply, ref a, ref b) if a.contains(ident) => {
+ SimpleEquation{
+ lhs: *a.clone(),
+ rhs: BinExpr(Divide, Box::new(self.rhs.clone()), b.clone())}.simplify_lhs(&ident) },
+ BinExpr(Multiply, ref a, ref b) if b.contains(ident) => {
+ SimpleEquation{
+ lhs: *b.clone(),
+ rhs: BinExpr(Divide, Box::new(self.rhs.clone()), a.clone())}.simplify_lhs(&ident) },
+ BinExpr(Divide, ref a, ref b) if a.contains(ident) => {
+ SimpleEquation{
+ lhs: *a.clone(),
+ rhs: BinExpr(Multiply, Box::new(self.rhs.clone()), b.clone())}.simplify_lhs(&ident) },
+ BinExpr(Divide, ref a, ref b) if b.contains(ident) => {
+ SimpleEquation{
+ lhs: *b.clone(),
+ rhs: BinExpr(Divide, a.clone(), Box::new(self.rhs.clone()))}.simplify_lhs(&ident) },
+ BinExpr(Add, ref a, ref b) if a.contains(ident) => {
+ SimpleEquation{
+ lhs: *a.clone(),
+ rhs: BinExpr(Subtract, Box::new(self.rhs.clone()), b.clone())}.simplify_lhs(&ident) },
+ BinExpr(Add, ref a, ref b) if b.contains(ident) => {
+ SimpleEquation{
+ lhs: *b.clone(),
+ rhs: BinExpr(Subtract, Box::new(self.rhs.clone()), a.clone())}.simplify_lhs(&ident) },
+ BinExpr(Subtract, ref a, ref b) if a.contains(ident) => {
+ SimpleEquation{
+ lhs: *a.clone(),
+ rhs: BinExpr(Add, Box::new(self.rhs.clone()), b.clone())}.simplify_lhs(&ident) },
+ BinExpr(Subtract, ref a, ref b) if b.contains(ident) => {
+ SimpleEquation{
+ lhs: *b.clone(),
+ rhs: BinExpr(Subtract, a.clone(), Box::new(self.rhs.clone()))}.simplify_lhs(&ident) },
+ BinExpr(_, _, _) => Err("SymbolicError: NotImplemented BinOperator (or else couldn't find var...)".to_string()),
+ // in case we add opers: _ => Err("NotImplemented".to_string()),
+ }
+ }