#!/usr/bin/python import serial import os import sys import time from struct import pack def get_maple_device_path(file_prefix): """Try to find the device file for the Maple on OS X; assuming that it looks like /dev/<file_prefix>*. If there are multiple possibilities, ask the user what to do. If the user chooses not to say, returns None.""" possible_paths = [os.path.join('/dev', x) for x in os.listdir('/dev') \ if x.startswith(file_prefix)] if len(possible_paths) == 0: return None elif len(possible_paths) == 1: return possible_paths[0] else: print 'Found multiple candidates for the Maple device:' for (i,p) in enumerate(possible_paths): print '\t%d. %s' % (i+1, p) prompt = 'Enter a number to select one, or q to quit: ' while True: resp = raw_input(prompt).strip().lower() if resp == 'q': return None try: i = int(resp, 10) except ValueError: pass else: if 0 <= i-1 < len(possible_paths): return possible_paths[i-1] prompt = 'Please enter a number from the list, or q to quit: ' os_sysname = os.uname()[0] if os_sysname == 'Linux': maple_path = get_maple_device_path('ttyACM') # fall back on /dev/maple if that doesn't work if maple_path is None: maple_path = '/dev/maple' print 'Could not find Maple serial port; defaulting to /dev/maple.' elif os_sysname == 'Darwin': maple_path = get_maple_device_path('tty.usbmodem') else: # TODO [mbolivar] what to do for windows, BSD, whatever? maple_path = '/dev/maple' if maple_path is None: print 'Could not find the Maple serial port for reset.', \ 'Perhaps this is your first upload, or the board is already', \ 'in bootloader mode.' print print "If your sketch doesn't upload, try putting your Maple", \ 'into bootloader mode manually by pressing the RESET button', \ 'then letting it go and quickly pressing button BUT', \ '(hold for several seconds).' sys.exit() print 'Using %s as Maple serial port' % maple_path try: ser = serial.Serial(maple_path, baudrate=115200, xonxoff=1) ser.open() # try to toggle DTR/RTS (old scheme) ser.setRTS(0) time.sleep(0.01) ser.setDTR(0) time.sleep(0.01) ser.setDTR(1) time.sleep(0.01) ser.setDTR(0) # try magic number ser.setRTS(1) time.sleep(0.01) ser.setDTR(1) time.sleep(0.01) ser.setDTR(0) time.sleep(0.01) ser.write("1EAF") # ok we're done here ser.close() except: print 'Failed to open serial port %s for reset.' % maple_path sys.exit()