#!/bin/sh # This hack copies libmaple's source, linker scripts, and built # documentation into the Maple IDE repository (which is expected as # its first argument). DEST=$1 DEST_REF=$DEST/build/shared/reference DEST_CORES=$DEST/hardware/leaflabs/cores/maple DEST_LIBS=$DEST/libraries LMAPLE_SRC="LICENSE ./libmaple/*.h ./libmaple/*.c ./libmaple/*.S ./libmaple/usb/*.h ./libmaple/usb/*.c ./libmaple/usb/usb_lib/*.h ./libmaple/usb/usb_lib/*.c ./wirish/*.h ./wirish/main.cxx ./wirish/*.cpp ./wirish/comm/*.cpp ./wirish/comm/*.h ./support/ld/common_ram.inc ./support/ld/common_rom.inc ./support/ld/libcs3_stm32_high_density.a ./support/ld/libcs3_stm32_med_density.a ./support/ld/maple ./support/ld/maple_mini ./support/ld/maple_native ./support/ld/maple_RET6 ./support/ld/names.inc" LMAPLE_DOCS=./docs LMAPLE_DOCS_BUILD=$LMAPLE_DOCS/build/html echo "First make sure DEST exists: $DEST" if !(test -d $DEST) then echo "Nope! Make sure you're doing this right?" exit -1 fi # source echo Copying libmaple source rm -rf $DEST_CORES/*.c $DEST_CORES/*.cpp $DEST_CORES/*.h $DEST_CORES/*.cxx $DEST_CORES/*.S rm -rf $DEST_CORES/*.inc $DEST_CORES/*.a $DEST_CORES/maple $DEST_CORES/maple_* cp -R $LMAPLE_SRC $DEST_CORES echo Copying over libraries cp -R libraries/* $DEST_LIBS # docs echo Deleting old reference directory contents rm -rf $DEST_REF/* echo Rebuilding documentation ( cd $LMAPLE_DOCS; doxygen >/dev/null 2>&1 && make clean >/dev/null 2>&1 && make html ) echo Copying over documentation cp -R $LMAPLE_DOCS_BUILD/* $DEST_REF echo Done.