.. highlight:: sh .. _unix-toolchain: =========================== Unix Toolchain Quickstart =========================== This is a tutorial for using the Maple with a standard Unix toolchain (``make``, ``gcc``, etc.). It's not necessary to do this in order to program the Maple; you can always :ref:`install the Maple IDE ` instead. This document is intended for users who are comfortable using C or C++ and would like to use :ref:`libmaple` directly. We currently have instructions for 32- and 64-bit Linux and OS X Snow Leopard. If you're on another Unix platform, Windows, or an earlier version of OS X, we imagine you can translate/port these directions on your own. You might want to begin with these `stripped down distributions `_ of the `CodeSourcery GCC compiler tools `_ (including Win32 versions). If you do have success on other platforms, please post in the forums, so we can fold your tips into this document! .. contents:: Contents :local: Requirements ------------ You'll need a Maple board, a Mini-B USB cable, a functional computer, and root (or Administrator) access to that computer. This guide assumes you've had success with the IDE on your machine and that you are fairly comfortable with the Unix command line. Some previous experience with editing your shell startup script (.bashrc, .tcshrc, etc.) and using `GCC `_ and `make `_ is recommended. .. _toolchain-linux-setup: Setup ----- Linux ^^^^^ These instructions are oriented towards Linux users using a contemporary, 32-bit Debian-based distribution. If you use another Linux operating system and you have any tips to offer, please us at info@leaflabs.com or post in the `forum`_. Thanks! **1. Collect and Install Tools** First, you'll need some tools:: $ sudo aptitude install build-essential git-core wget screen dfu-util \ openocd python python-serial A user report says that on Fedora, the following will install Git, wget, screen, dfu-util, Python, and PySerial, although it won't install GCC, etc.:: $ yum install screen wget git pyserial dfu-util openocd You'll want to install a bunch of developer "basics" like ``make``, ``tar``, etc. A good catch-all for these tools is the ``build-essential`` meta-package on most Debian platforms: installing this fake package will pull in dozens of useful tools without bogging your system down too much. `Git `_ is a distributed code versioning system we use to track changes in our source code; ``git-core`` is the corresponding package. ``wget`` is a simple tool to download files over http from the command line; installing it is optional (you could pull in the required downloads using a browser). ``screen`` is a screen manager; in the context of Maple, we use it to connect to serial port devices. ``dfu-util`` is a tool from the `OpenMoko`_ project that we use to upload programs to the Maple over USB. .. _OpenMoko: http://openmoko.com/ ``openocd`` is a `JTAG `_ control program used in conjunction with an ARM JTAG device to do in circuit debugging (pause/resume program execution, upload and download code, read out register status, etc). It's also optional. Lastly, our reset script (which sends control signals over the USB-serial connection to restart and enter the bootloader) is written in `Python `_, and requires the `PySerial `_ library available in the ``python-serial`` package. This can also be installed with `easy_install `_. **2. Fetch libmaple and Compiler Toolchain** :: $ cd ~ $ git clone git://github.com/leaflabs/libmaple.git libmaple $ cd libmaple $ wget http://static.leaflabs.com/pub/codesourcery/gcc-arm-none-eabi-latest-linux32.tar.gz $ tar xvzf gcc-arm-none-eabi-latest-linux32.tar.gz $ export PATH=$PATH:~/libmaple/arm/bin # or wherever these tools ended up This step is fairly straightforward: do a git clone of the `libmaple repository `_ to some directory, then download and extract the ARM compiler toolchain. The :file:`arm/bin/` directory will need to be added to ``PATH``; you can check that this worked by entering ``arm-none-`` and hitting tab to auto-complete (your shell should show a bunch of results). Regardless of where you put the toolchain, make sure to preserve its internal directory layout, as the binaries make relative path calls and references. After you're done, you'll probably want to update your shell startup script so :file:`~/libmaple/arm/bin` stays in your ``PATH``. .. _toolchain-udev: **3. Install udev Rules** From the libmaple directory, :: $ groups # make sure it includes plugdev; if not, add yourself to it $ sudo cp support/scripts/45-maple.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/45-maple.rules $ sudo restart udev As a security precaution on Linux, unknown USB devices can only be accessed by root. This udev script identifies the Maple based on its vendor and product IDs, mounts it to :file:`/dev/maple`, and grants read/write permissions to the ``plugdev`` group. After restarting ``udev`` you'll need to fully unplug or power cycle any Maples connected to the computer. **So far, so good?** Great! Test your setup by :ref:`compiling a sample program `. .. _toolchain-osx-setup: OS X ^^^^ These instructions have been tested successfully on OS X 10.6.4. As stated previously, this document assumes a general level of Unix aptitude on the part of the reader; if you're uncomfortable using Terminal (or if you don't know what that means), then you should probably stick with using the :ref:`Maple IDE ` to write programs. **1. Collect and Install Tools** You will need the following tools\ [#fpackman]_ to get started: 1. `XCode `_: If you're reading this, you've probably already got this. Provides compilers and other basic tools of the trade. While XCode was once free of charge, Apple has since begun charging for it; if you'd rather not pay, you can probably get by with just a `make `_ binary. 2. `Git `_: All of our code is tracked by a distributed versioning system called Git. A `Mac installer `_ is available. 3. ``dfu-util``: A tool from `OpenMoko`_ that we use to upload programs to the Maple over USB. If you prefer to compile from source, OpenMoko provides instructions for `building dfu-util `_. If you're in a hurry, you can steal a dfu-util binary from a program called `OpenMoko Flasher `_. To do this, first `download OpenMoko Flasher `_, then copy the OpenMoko application into your :file:`/Applications` folder (or wherever you like). Let's pretend you saved the .app to the directory :file:`/Applications/OpenMoko Flasher.app` Then the ``dfu-util`` binary resides in :file:`/Applications/OpenMoko Flasher.app/Contents/Mac OS/dfu-util` To get access to it from the command line, just make a symbolic link to the binary from some place on your ``PATH``:: $ ln -s /Applications/OpenMoko\ Flasher.app/Contents/Mac\ OS/dfu-util \ /somewhere/on/your/PATH/dfu-util .. note:: Just copying the binary somewhere doesn't work, as it relies on dynamically linked libraries found elsewhere in the .app bundle. It's possible to pull just the relevant pieces out of the .app, but you're on your own. To make sure this worked, try plugging in your Maple, making sure it's in :ref:`perpetual bootloader mode ` (do this by pressing RESET, then quickly pressing BUT and holding it for several seconds), then running :: $ dfu-util -l If you see some lines that look like :: Found DFU: [0x1eaf:0x0003] devnum=0, cfg=0, intf=0, alt=0, name="DFU Program RAM 0x20000C00" Found DFU: [0x1eaf:0x0003] devnum=0, cfg=0, intf=0, alt=1, name="DFU Program FLASH 0x08005000" then you're all set. 4. PySerial: our reset script (which sends control signals over the USB-serial connection to restart and enter the bootloader) is written in Python and requires the `PySerial `_ library. Download the `latest version `_. After you download and untar, install it with :: $ cd /path/to/pyserial-x.y $ python setup.py build $ sudo python setup.py install The package is also available via ``easy_install``, so if you're comfortable using that, you could also install it with :: $ easy_install pyserial **2. Fetch libmaple and Compiler Toolchain** You first need to clone libmaple:: $ cd ~ $ git clone git://github.com/leaflabs/libmaple.git libmaple Then you need to get the cross-compilers we use to build a project. These are just modified versions of GCC; you can `download them for OS X here `_. Let's say you saved this file to :file:`~/Downloads/gcc-blah-blah-osx32.tar.gz` You can then unpack the archive and let OS X know where the compilers live with :: $ cd ~/Downloads $ tar -xvzf gcc-blah-blah-osx32.tar.gz $ mv arm ~/libmaple/arm $ export PATH=$PATH:~/libmaple/arm/bin After that's done, you'll probably want to update your shell startup script so :file:`~/libmaple/arm/bin` stays in your ``PATH``. **So far, so good?** Great! Go on to the next section, where you test everything out. .. _toolchain-test: Test compilation ---------------- Get back into the libmaple directory (this tutorial assumes you put it in :file:`~/libmaple`) and test that you've installed all the compilation tools correctly:: $ cd ~/libmaple $ cp main.cpp.example main.cpp $ make clean $ make .. note:: These instructions are for the Maple. If you're compiling for another board, you'll need to set a ``BOARD`` environment variable appropriately. For example, to compile for Maple Mini (in the bash shell), :: $ export BOARD=maple_mini $ make The ``BOARD`` for Maple RET6 edition is ``maple_RET6``. You can also use :: $ BOARD=maple_mini make This will only set the environment variable for the duration of that single compile. If it all works out, you should end up seeing something like this:: find build -iname *.o | xargs arm-none-eabi-size -t text data bss dec hex filename 482 4 24 510 1fe build/wirish/comm/HardwareSerial.o 260 0 0 260 104 build/wirish/comm/HardwareSPI.o 60 0 0 60 3c build/wirish/wirish.o [...] 2196 0 1 2197 895 build/libmaple/usb/usb_lib/usb_core.o 1904 0 0 1904 770 build/libmaple/usb/usb_lib/usb_regs.o 56 0 0 56 38 build/libmaple/usb/usb_lib/usb_init.o 344 0 0 344 158 build/libmaple/usb/usb_hardware.o 6637 0 58 6695 1a27 build/main.o 21499 201 391 22091 564b (TOTALS) Final Size: arm-none-eabi-size build/maple.out text data bss dec hex filename 21824 200 552 22576 5830 build/maple.out Flash build The ``dec`` field at the end gives the total program size in bytes. The long listing of object files above the ``Final Size`` helps to identify bloated code. As you write larger projects, you may find that they use too much space. If that happens, the file-by-file listing will help you track down the culprits. .. _toolchain-upload: Upload a program ---------------- Let's blow away the little example program and upload the interactive test session to your Maple. This will let you interact with the Maple over a :ref:`USB serial port `. If you're on Linux, then before executing ``make install``, you'll want to have the udev rules setup :ref:`as described above `. Plug in your Maple using the Mini-B USB cable; then run :: $ cd ~/libmaple $ cp examples/test-session.cpp main.cpp $ make clean $ make $ make install A number of things can go wrong at this stage. Simple debugging steps include using :ref:`perpetual bootloader mode `, restarting the Maple a couple times, ``make clean``, etc. If nothing works, the `forum`_ is your friend. .. _toolchain-serialusb: Communicate over USB-Serial interface ------------------------------------- Now let's try out the interactive test session. The serial port device file should look something like :file:`/dev/ttyACMXXX` on Linux or :file:`/dev/tty.usbmodemXXX` on OS X, but ``XXX`` will vary depending on your system. Try using one of these to find out which it is:: # Linux $ ls /dev/ttyACM* # OS X $ ls /dev/tty.usbmodem* To open up a session, run :: $ screen /dev/ttyXXX If the interactive test program built and uploaded correctly, ``screen`` won't report any errors, and will present you an empty terminal. Your board is now waiting for you to send it a command. Type ``h`` to print a list of commands which demonstrate various features; type any command's letter to run it. To exit the screen session, type :kbd:`C-a C-\\` (control-a, followed by control-backslash) on Mac, or :kbd:`C-a k` (control-a k) on Linux, and type ``y`` when prompted if you're sure. .. note:: Using ``screen`` sometimes messes up your terminal session on OS X. If your shell starts acting funny after you exit ``screen``, you should be able to fix it with :: $ reset && clear If that doesn't work, just close the Terminal window and open up a new one. .. _toolchain-projects: Starting your own projects -------------------------- So everything worked, and you want to start your own project? Great! There are two ways to go about it. If your project is small, all you have to do is replace :file:`~/libmaple/main.cpp` with your own code, and you're free to use ``make`` and ``make install`` in the same way you did when you first :ref:`uploaded a program `. If you have a more complicated project, with its own Makefile and multiple source files, or if you're using an IDE that creates its own Makefile, you'll probably want to load libmaple from an archive (a build-time library, not a DLL). To create an archive, use the ``library`` Makefile target:: $ cd ~/libmaple $ make library This will produce a build-time library in the file :file:`~/libmaple/build/libmaple.a`. To use it, make sure that you link against that library, and that the libmaple sources are in your include path. At a minimum, your include path should contain the directories :file:`~/libmaple/libmaple` and :file:`~/libmaple/wirish/`. If you want to use one of the officially supported :ref:`libraries `, those live under :file:`~/libmaple/libraries/`. The main include file for the Wirish library is :file:`~/libmaple/wirish/wirish.h`. Getting Updates --------------- We update libmaple fairly frequently with bugfixes and other improvements. In order get access to these in your local copy of the repository, you should periodically update it with:: $ cd ~/libmaple $ git pull We keep releases of libmaple and the Maple IDE in lockstep, so any IDE updates will have corresponding library updates. Our `blog `_ is the place to watch for major releases; an `RSS feed `_ is available. You can sign up for a free `GitHub `_ account and `watch libmaple `_ to receive notifications about bleeding-edge development. .. _toolchain-openocd: Debug with OpenOCD ------------------ TODO. For now see `this great guide `_ from fun-tech.se, and the ``jtag`` Makefile target. There is also a `JTAG How-To `_ page on our `wiki `_ which you may find useful. .. _toolchain-exuberantly: Go forth exuberantly! --------------------- Let us know what you come up with! Use #leaflabs on `Twitter `_, post in the `forum`_, join the the #leafblowers IRC channel on `freenode `_, whatever. We love projects! .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#fpackman] Some of these software packages might be available on `MacPorts `_ or `Homebrew `_. The author had some bad experiences with MacPorts a few years ago, though, and hasn't touched a package manager on OS X since. Of course, your mileage may vary.