.. _stm32: Introduction to the STM32 ========================= .. FIXME [v0.0.13] Stub. Stub. To fill in: .. _stm32-general: General Information ------------------- - Description of the history and present state of the STM32 line. ARM Cortex-M series etc. - Introduction and pointers to ARM Cortex-M docs and other good books on the subject. - Pointers to ST reference manuals. Note that the appropriate reference manual for each board is always documented in that board's hardware page. ST's Documentation ------------------ - Classes of documentation: product flyer, datasheet, reference manual, programming manual, application note. .. _stm32-registers: Registers and Register Maps --------------------------- - General purpose registers vs. peripheral registers. Perhaps you haven't read it in detail, but maybe you've at least thumbed through a few of the sections, trying to gain some understanding of what's going on. If you've done that (and if you haven't, just take our word for it), then you know that underneath the covers, *everything* is controlled by messing with bits in the seemingly endless collections of registers specific to every peripheral. The :ref:`USARTs ` have data registers; (some of the) the :ref:`timers ` have capture/compare registers, the :ref:`GPIOs ` have output data registers, etc. - Peripheral register maps; how they're duplicated for each peripheral - Portability concerns across series .. _stm32-libmaple-support: ``libmaple``\ 's STM32 support ------------------------------ - Descriptions of libmaple's present support for the STM32 line (i.e. currently performance-line only; update when the F2 branch is ready to merge into master etc.).