.. _lang-numeric-types: Numeric types ============= This document serves as a reference for all of the built-in numeric types which are available when programming in the IDE. Programmers using the :ref:`command-line tools ` will have access to these types as long as they have imported ``wirish.h``; several are defined in in `libmaple_types.h `_. .. _lang-numeric-types-integral: Integral types -------------- .. cpp:type:: char 8-bit integer value. .. cpp:type:: short 16-bit integer value. .. cpp:type:: int 32-bit integer value. .. cpp:type:: long 64-bit integer value. .. cpp:type:: long long 64-bit integer value. .. cpp:type:: int8 Synonym for ``char``. .. cpp:type:: uint8 Synonym for ``unsigned char``. .. cpp:type:: int16 Synonym for ``short``. .. cpp:type:: uint16 Synonym for ``unsigned short``. .. cpp:type:: int32 Synonym for ``int``. .. cpp:type:: uint32 Synonym for ``unsigned int`` .. cpp:type:: int64 Synonym for ``long long`` .. cpp:type:: uint64 Synonym for ``unsigned long long``. Floating-Point Types -------------------- .. cpp:type:: float 32-bit, IEEE 754 single-precision floating-point type. .. cpp:type:: double 64-bit, IEEE 754 double-precision floating-point type.