.. highlight:: cpp .. _arduino-switchcase: switch / case statements ======================== Like :ref:`if/else ` blocks, A ``switch`` statement controls program flow by allowing you to specify different code that should be executed under various cases. The general syntax looks like this:: switch (var) { case val1: // statements break; case val2: // statements break; ... default: // statements } Where ``var`` is a variable whose value to investigate, and the ``val1``, ``val2`` after each ``case`` are constant values that ``var`` might be. Description ----------- A ``switch`` statement compares the value of a variable to the values specified in ``case`` statements. When a ``case`` statement is found whose value matches that of the variable, the code in that case statement is run. Here's a more concrete example:: switch (var) { case 1: doThing1(); break; case 2: doThing2(); break; } afterTheSwitch(); In the above example, if ``var == 1``, then the code beginning on the line after ``case 1:`` gets executed. That is, if ``var`` is one, ``doThing1()`` gets called first, and then the ``break`` statement gets executed. The ``break`` keyword exits the ``switch`` statement, and is typically used at the end of each ``case``. Since there is a ``break`` at the end of ``case 1:``, the ``switch`` statement gets exited, and the next line to be run is the one which calls ``afterTheSwitch()``. Without a ``break``, the ``switch`` statement will continue executing the following ``case`` expressions ("falling-through") until a ``break`` (or the end of the switch statement) is reached. Let's pretend the ``switch`` looked like this instead:: switch (var) { case 1: doThing1(); // no break statement anymore case 2: doThing2(); break; } afterTheSwitch(); Now, if ``var`` is one, ``doThing1()`` gets executed like before. However, without a ``break``, the code would continue to be executed line-by-line, so ``doThing2()`` would be called next. At this point, a ``break`` has been reached, so the program continues by calling ``afterTheSwitch()``. This is usually not what you want, which is why each ``case`` usually has a ``break`` at the end. Writing "``default:``" instead of a ``case`` statement allows you to specify what to do if none of the ``case`` statements matches. Having a ``default`` is optional (you can leave it out), but if you have one, it must appear after all of the ``case`` statements. Let's add a ``default`` to the ``switch`` we've been discussing:: switch (var) { case 1: doThing1(); break; case 2: doThing2(); break; default: doSomethingElse(); } afterTheSwitch(); If ``var`` is one, then ``doThing1()`` gets called. If ``var`` is two, ``doThing2()`` gets called. If ``var`` is anything else, ``doSomethingElse()`` gets called. As stated above, a ``default`` is optional. If you're missing one and none of the ``case`` statements match, the ``switch`` does nothing at all, as if it wasn't there. ``switch`` statements are often used with an ``enum`` value as the variable to compare. In this case, you can write down all of the values the ``enum`` takes as ``case`` statements, and be sure you've covered all the possibilities. See also: --------- - :ref:`if...else ` .. include:: cc-attribution.txt