The pin maps in this document are included for informational purposes only. The final arbiters of truth are the PIN_MAP definitions in ../wirish/boards.h and the STM32 datasheets. ==== Maple ==== Reserved Pins: Function PA11 USBDM PA12 USBDP PA13 JTMS-SWDAT PA14 JTCK-SWCLK PA15 JTDI PB2 BOOT1 PB3 JTDO PB4 JTRST PC9 BUT button PC11 USB_P PC12 DISC PD0 OSC_IN PD1 OSC_OUT Alternate function remaps: None? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pin STM32 PIN ADC Timer I2C UART SPI 5v? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D0 PA3 ADC3 TIM2_CH4 - USART2_RX - - D1 PA2 ADC2 TIM2_CH3 - USART2_TX - - D2 PA0 ADC0 TIM2_CH1_ETR - USART2_CTS - - D3 PA1 ADC1 TIM2_CH2 - USART2_RTS - - D4 PB5 - - ISC1_SMBA - - - D5 PB6 - TIM4_CH1 I2C1_SCL - - Y D6 PA8 - TIM1_CH1 - USART1_CK - Y D7 PA9 - TIM1_CH2 - USART1_TX - Y D8 PA10 - TIM1_CH3 - USART1_RX - Y D9 PB7 - TIM4_CH2 I2C1_SDA - - Y D10 PA4 ADC4 - - USART2_CK SPI1_NSS - D11 PA7 ADC7 TIM3_CH2 - - SPI1_MOSI - D12 PA6 ADC6 TIM3_CH1 - - SPI1_MISO - D13 PA5 ADC5 - - - SPI1_SCK - D14 PB8 0 TIM4_CH3 - - - Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Little header ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D15 PC0 ADC10 - - - - - D16 PC1 ADC11 - - - - - D17 PC2 ADC12 - - - - - D18 PC3 ADC13 - - - - - D19 PC4 ADC14 - - - - - D20 PC5 ADC15 - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- External header ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D21 PC13 - - - - - - D22 PC14 - - - - - - D23 PC15 - - - - - - D24 PB9 - TIM4_CH4 - - - Y D25 PD2 - TIM3_ETR - - - Y D26 PC10 - - - - - Y D27 PB0 ADC8 TIM3_CH3 - - - - D28 PB1 ADC9 TIM3_CH4 - - - - D29 PB10 - - I2C2_SCL USART3_TX - Y D30 PB11 - - I2C2_SDA USART3_RX - Y D31 PB12 - TIM1_BKIN I2C2_SMBAL USART3_CK SPI2_NSS Y D32 PB13 - TIM1_CH1N - USART3_CTS SPI2_SCK Y D33 PB14 - TIM1_CH2N - USART3_RTS SPI2_MISO Y D34 PB15 - TIM1_CH3N - - SPI2_MOSI Y D35 PC6 - - - - - Y D36 PC7 - - - - - Y D37 PC8 - - - - - Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: former pin D38 (PC9) is now attached to the BUT button and there is a GND connection where D38 was. TODO: - [?] JTAG pins for GPIO ========== Maple Mini ========== Reserved pins: Pin Function --- -------- PA11 USBDM PA12 USBDP PB8 BUT button PB9 DISC PD0 OSC_IN PD1 OSC_OUT Alternate function remaps: Pin Default Remap --- ------- ----- PB4 JNTRST GPIO PB3 JTDO GPIO PA15 JTDI GPIO PA14 JTCK GPIO PA13 JTMS GPIO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pin STM32 PIN ADC Timer I2C USART SPI 5v? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D0 PB11 - - I2C2_SDA USART3_RX - Y D1 PB10 - - I2C2_SCL USART3_TX - Y D2 PB2 - - - - - Y D3 PB0 ADC8 TIM3_CH3 - - - - D4 PA7 ADC7 TIM3_CH2 - - SPI1_MOSI - D5 PA6 ADC6 TIM3_CH1 - - SPI1_MISO - D6 PA5 ADC5 - - - SPI1_SCK - D7 PA4 ADC4 - - USART2_CK SPI1_NSS - D8 PA3 ADC3 TIM2_CH4 - USART2_RX - - D9 PA2 ADC2 TIM2_CH3 - USART2_TX - - D10 PA1 ADC1 TIM2_CH2 - USART2_RTS - - D11 PA0 ADC0 TIM2_CH1_ETR - USART2_CTS - - D12 PC15 - - - - - - D13 PC14 - - - - - - D14 PC13 - - - - - - D15 PB7 - TIM4_CH2 I2C1_SDA - - Y D16 PB6 - TIM4_CH1 I2C1_SCL - - Y D17 PB5 - - I2C1_SMBA - - - D18 PB4 - - - - - Y D19 PB3 - - - - - Y D20 PA15 - - - - - Y D21 PA14 - - - - - Y D22 PA13 - - - - - Y # D23 is USBDP, but supports: PA12 - - - - - Y # D24 is USBDM, but supports: PA11 - - - - - Y D25 PA10 - TIM1_CH3 - USART1_RX - Y D26 PA9 - TIM1_CH2 - USART1_TX - Y D27 PA8 - TIM1_CH1 - USART1_CK - Y D28 PB15 - TIM1_CH3N - - SPI2_MOSI Y D29 PB14 - TIM1_CH2N - USART3_RTS SPI2_MISO Y D30 PB13 - TIM1_CH1N - USART3_CTS SPI2_SCK Y D31 PB12 - TIM1_BKIN I2C2_SMBAL USART3_CK SPI2_NSS Y D32 PB8 0 TIM4_CH3 - - - Y D33 PB1 ADC9 TIM3_CH4 - - - - TODO: - [?] JTAG pins for GPIO ============ Maple Native ============ Reserved pins: TODO Alternate function remaps: TODO The pin map on Maple Native is in flux. However, the bank/port pin definitions are available in notes/native-pin-definitions.txt.