FSMC notes (for maple native and other "high density" STM32 devices)

There is an application note for all this which is helpful; see the ST website.

SRAM chip details
    512k x 16
    19 address input
    16 data inputs
    t_wc (write cycle) = 55ns
    t_rc (write cycle) = 55ns
    t_pwe1 (write enable low pulse) = 40ns
    t_aa (address access) = 55ns

The FSMC nomenclature is very confusing. There are three separate
"banks" (which I will call "peripheral banks") each specialized for
different types of external memory (NOR flash, NAND flash, SRAM,
etc). We use the one for "PSRAM" with our SRAM chip; it's bank #1. The
SRAM peripheral bank is further split into 4 "banks" (which I will
call "channels") to support multiple external devices with chip select
pins. I think what's going on is that there are 4 hardware peripherals
and many sections of RAM; the docs are confusing about what's a "block
of memeory" and what's an "FSMC block".

Anyways, this all takes place on the AHB memory bus.

I'm going to use not-extended mode 1 for read/write.

Steps from application note:

- enable bank3: BCR3_MBKEN = '1'
- memory type is SRAM: BCR3_MTYP = '00'
- databuse weidth is 16bits: BCR3_MWID = '01'
- memory is nonmultiplexed: BCR3_MEXEN is reset (= '0')
- everything else is cleared

But not true! Actually write enable needs to be set. 

Using the application note, which is based around a very similar chip (with
faster timing), I calculated an ADDSET (address setup) value of 0x0 and a
DATAST (data setup) value of 0x3.

Using channel1, NOR/PSRAM1 memory starts at 0x60000000.

Have to turn on the RCC clock for all those GPIO pins, but don't need to use
any interrupts.


Note the possible confusion with address spaces, bitwidths, rollovers, etc. 

- more rigorous testing: throughput, latency, bounds checking, bitwidth, data
  resiliance, etc.
- update .ld scripts to transparently make use of this external memory
- test/demo using a seperate external SRAM chip or screen
- write up documentation