Source code standards for libmaple. Do it like this unless there's a really good reason why not. You being a lazy bastard doesn't count as a good reason. The file .dir-locals.el in the libmaple root directory already ensures that many of these standards are followed by default, if you use emacs (and not Windows, where it would need to be named _dir_locals.el, and no way, man). There's also some elisp scattered about this file which will provide you additional help. Vim customizations to do the same thing would be nice! License ------- - Put an MIT license at the beginning of the file (look at any of our source files for an example). Copyright should go to either your or LeafLabs LLC. Emacs: if you don't like seeing the license, you should use elide-head (which will hide it for you). Here is some elisp you can modify to make this pleasant: (require 'elide-head) (setq programming-mode-hooks '(c-mode-hook c++-mode-hook)) (add-to-list 'elide-head-headers-to-hide '("The MIT License" . "DEALINGS IN\n [*] THE SOFTWARE")) (add-to-list 'elide-head-headers-to-hide '("The MIT License" . "DEALINGS IN THE\n...SOFTWARE")) (dolist (hook mbolivar-programming-mode-hooks) (add-hook hook (lambda () (elide-head)))) Whitespace ---------- - 4 space indents. [Set in .dir-locals.el] - Unix newlines. - No tab characters. [Set in .dir-locals.el] - No trailing whitespace. For help getting this (and no tab characters) done automatically in Emacs, you can use this: I hear tell you can get something similar in vim; ask Perry, I guess. - Files end in exactly one newline. [The presence of a newline at EOF is already done by `c-require-final-newline' in recent versions of emacs.] - Exactly two newlines separate source paragraphs. - The first line in a function is non-blank. Comments -------- - Multi-line comments look like this: /* text starts here * continued lines have a '*' before them * the comment can end after the last line */ or this: /* comment starts here * the comment can end on the same line */ - Doxygen comments are newline comments that begin with /** instead. - Single-line comments on the same line are // in c or c++. - Single-line comments on their own source line are /* */ in c, but can also be // in c++. If you think that typing out /* */ is too slow in emacs, use M-; (comment-dwim) when you're on an empty line, and it'll ... well... You should be using the (super awesome) comment-dwim; it pretty much does exactly what you want to the comment on the current line, including "create one and put it in the right place". Braces ------ - 1TBS. Nothing more need be said. Naming conventions ------------------ So there's always a fight about upper and lower case vs. underscores. We'll handle this as follows. First, Dammit_Dont_Mix_Like_This, because It_Looks_Really_Ugly, ok? - Variables: Use underscores to separate words in C identifiers: int some_example_name; It is strongly advised to do it this way in C++ too, but it's not [yet] mandatory. - Classes: Pascal case. So ThisIsAClassName, but thisIsNot, this_is_not, and like I said, Dont_You_DareTryANYTHING_STUPID. - Functions: C functions are all lowercase, and words are separated by underscores. C++ method names are camel cased. - Structs: pick a style from "Variables" or "Classes" depending on how you mean it (since it might be either a simple record type, in which case do like c variables, or you might be faking an object in c, in which case do like classes). If it's in a typedef, should also probably put _t at the end, but maybe you won't, and I don't really feel too strongly about it. - Acronyms: The case of letters in an acronym is determined by the case of the first letter in the acronym. Examples: void usb_func() { ... } class SomethingUSB { void usbInit(); void initUSB(); }; NEVER DO THIS: class BadUsb { ... }; // say "GoodUSB" instead - Macros and constants: all caps, separated by underscores. - foo.h gets ifdef'ed to _FOO_H_. Documentation ------------- - Document your code, bitches! - At least put a doxygen comment with a nonempty @brief for every source file you add. See the existing ones for examples. General Formatting ------------------ - Keep it 80-column clean. That means Emacs says the largest column number=79. If you haven't already, you should turn on column numbers to help you out: (column-number-mode 1) You can get more help from lineker-mode. Download it here: Then put the file somewhere in your load-path, and (require 'lineker) (dolist (hook programming-mode-hooks) (add-hook hook (lambda () (lineker-mode 1))))