/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2008 STMicroelectronics ******************** * File Name : usb_core.c * Author : MCD Application Team * Version : V2.2.1 * Date : 09/22/2008 * Description : Standard protocol processing (USB v2.0) ******************************************************************************** * THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE TIME. * AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE * CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE CODING * INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. *******************************************************************************/ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "usb_lib.h" /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define ValBit(VAR,Place) (VAR & (1 << Place)) #define SetBit(VAR,Place) (VAR |= (1 << Place)) #define ClrBit(VAR,Place) (VAR &= ((1 << Place) ^ 255)) #define Send0LengthData() { _SetEPTxCount(ENDP0, 0); \ vSetEPTxStatus(EP_TX_VALID); \ } #define vSetEPRxStatus(st) (SaveRState = st) #define vSetEPTxStatus(st) (SaveTState = st) #define USB_StatusIn() Send0LengthData() #define USB_StatusOut() vSetEPRxStatus(EP_RX_VALID) #define StatusInfo0 StatusInfo.bw.bb1 /* Reverse bb0 & bb1 */ #define StatusInfo1 StatusInfo.bw.bb0 /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ u16_u8 StatusInfo; USB_Bool Data_Mul_MaxPacketSize = FALSE; /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ static void DataStageOut(void); static void DataStageIn(void); static void NoData_Setup0(void); static void Data_Setup0(void); /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Standard_GetConfiguration. * Description : Return the current configuration variable address. * Input : Length - How many bytes are needed. * Output : None. * Return : Return 1 , if the request is invalid when "Length" is 0. * Return "Buffer" if the "Length" is not 0. *******************************************************************************/ u8 *Standard_GetConfiguration(u16 Length) { if (Length == 0) { pInformation->Ctrl_Info.Usb_wLength = sizeof(pInformation->Current_Configuration); return 0; } pUser_Standard_Requests->User_GetConfiguration(); return (u8 *)&pInformation->Current_Configuration; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Standard_SetConfiguration. * Description : This routine is called to set the configuration value * Then each class should configure device themself. * Input : None. * Output : None. * Return : Return USB_SUCCESS, if the request is performed. * Return USB_UNSUPPORT, if the request is invalid. *******************************************************************************/ RESULT Standard_SetConfiguration(void) { if ((pInformation->USBwValue0 <= Device_Table.Total_Configuration) && (pInformation->USBwValue1 == 0) && (pInformation->USBwIndex == 0)) /*call Back usb spec 2.0*/ { pInformation->Current_Configuration = pInformation->USBwValue0; pUser_Standard_Requests->User_SetConfiguration(); return USB_SUCCESS; } else { return USB_UNSUPPORT; } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Standard_GetInterface. * Description : Return the Alternate Setting of the current interface. * Input : Length - How many bytes are needed. * Output : None. * Return : Return 0, if the request is invalid when "Length" is 0. * Return "Buffer" if the "Length" is not 0. *******************************************************************************/ u8 *Standard_GetInterface(u16 Length) { if (Length == 0) { pInformation->Ctrl_Info.Usb_wLength = sizeof(pInformation->Current_AlternateSetting); return 0; } pUser_Standard_Requests->User_GetInterface(); return (u8 *)&pInformation->Current_AlternateSetting; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Standard_SetInterface. * Description : This routine is called to set the interface. * Then each class should configure the interface them self. * Input : None. * Output : None. * Return : - Return USB_SUCCESS, if the request is performed. * - Return USB_UNSUPPORT, if the request is invalid. *******************************************************************************/ RESULT Standard_SetInterface(void) { RESULT Re; /*Test if the specified Interface and Alternate Setting are supported by the application Firmware*/ Re = (*pProperty->Class_Get_Interface_Setting)(pInformation->USBwIndex0, pInformation->USBwValue0); if (pInformation->Current_Configuration != 0) { if ((Re != USB_SUCCESS) || (pInformation->USBwIndex1 != 0) || (pInformation->USBwValue1 != 0)) { return USB_UNSUPPORT; } else if (Re == USB_SUCCESS) { pUser_Standard_Requests->User_SetInterface(); pInformation->Current_Interface = pInformation->USBwIndex0; pInformation->Current_AlternateSetting = pInformation->USBwValue0; return USB_SUCCESS; } } return USB_UNSUPPORT; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Standard_GetStatus. * Description : Copy the device request data to "StatusInfo buffer". * Input : - Length - How many bytes are needed. * Output : None. * Return : Return 0, if the request is at end of data block, * or is invalid when "Length" is 0. *******************************************************************************/ u8 *Standard_GetStatus(u16 Length) { if (Length == 0) { pInformation->Ctrl_Info.Usb_wLength = 2; return 0; } StatusInfo.w = 0; /* Reset Status Information */ if (Type_Recipient == (STANDARD_REQUEST | DEVICE_RECIPIENT)) { /*Get Device Status */ u8 Feature = pInformation->Current_Feature; /* Remote Wakeup enabled */ if (ValBit(Feature, 5)) { SetBit(StatusInfo0, 1); } /* Bus-powered */ if (ValBit(Feature, 6)) { ClrBit(StatusInfo0, 0); } else /* Self-powered */ { SetBit(StatusInfo0, 0); } } /*Interface Status*/ else if (Type_Recipient == (STANDARD_REQUEST | INTERFACE_RECIPIENT)) { return (u8 *)&StatusInfo; } /*Get EndPoint Status*/ else if (Type_Recipient == (STANDARD_REQUEST | ENDPOINT_RECIPIENT)) { u8 Related_Endpoint; u8 wIndex0 = pInformation->USBwIndex0; Related_Endpoint = (wIndex0 & 0x0f); if (ValBit(wIndex0, 7)) { /* IN endpoint */ if (_GetTxStallStatus(Related_Endpoint)) { SetBit(StatusInfo0, 0); /* IN Endpoint stalled */ } } else { /* OUT endpoint */ if (_GetRxStallStatus(Related_Endpoint)) { SetBit(StatusInfo0, 0); /* OUT Endpoint stalled */ } } } else { return NULL; } pUser_Standard_Requests->User_GetStatus(); return (u8 *)&StatusInfo; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Standard_ClearFeature. * Description : Clear or disable a specific feature. * Input : None. * Output : None. * Return : - Return USB_SUCCESS, if the request is performed. * - Return USB_UNSUPPORT, if the request is invalid. *******************************************************************************/ RESULT Standard_ClearFeature(void) { u32 Type_Rec = Type_Recipient; u32 Status; if (Type_Rec == (STANDARD_REQUEST | DEVICE_RECIPIENT)) {/*Device Clear Feature*/ ClrBit(pInformation->Current_Feature, 5); return USB_SUCCESS; } else if (Type_Rec == (STANDARD_REQUEST | ENDPOINT_RECIPIENT)) {/*EndPoint Clear Feature*/ DEVICE* pDev; u32 Related_Endpoint; u32 wIndex0; u32 rEP; if ((pInformation->USBwValue != ENDPOINT_STALL) || (pInformation->USBwIndex1 != 0)) { return USB_UNSUPPORT; } pDev = &Device_Table; wIndex0 = pInformation->USBwIndex0; rEP = wIndex0 & ~0x80; Related_Endpoint = ENDP0 + rEP; if (ValBit(pInformation->USBwIndex0, 7)) { /*Get Status of endpoint & stall the request if the related_ENdpoint is Disabled*/ Status = _GetEPTxStatus(Related_Endpoint); } else { Status = _GetEPRxStatus(Related_Endpoint); } if ((rEP >= pDev->Total_Endpoint) || (Status == 0) || (pInformation->Current_Configuration == 0)) { return USB_UNSUPPORT; } if (wIndex0 & 0x80) { /* IN endpoint */ if (_GetTxStallStatus(Related_Endpoint )) { ClearDTOG_TX(Related_Endpoint); SetEPTxStatus(Related_Endpoint, EP_TX_VALID); } } else { /* OUT endpoint */ if (_GetRxStallStatus(Related_Endpoint)) { if (Related_Endpoint == ENDP0) { /* After clear the STALL, enable the default endpoint receiver */ SetEPRxCount(Related_Endpoint, Device_Property.MaxPacketSize); _SetEPRxStatus(Related_Endpoint, EP_RX_VALID); } else { ClearDTOG_RX(Related_Endpoint); _SetEPRxStatus(Related_Endpoint, EP_RX_VALID); } } } pUser_Standard_Requests->User_ClearFeature(); return USB_SUCCESS; } return USB_UNSUPPORT; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Standard_SetEndPointFeature * Description : Set or enable a specific feature of EndPoint * Input : None. * Output : None. * Return : - Return USB_SUCCESS, if the request is performed. * - Return USB_UNSUPPORT, if the request is invalid. *******************************************************************************/ RESULT Standard_SetEndPointFeature(void) { u32 wIndex0; u32 Related_Endpoint; u32 rEP; u32 Status; wIndex0 = pInformation->USBwIndex0; rEP = wIndex0 & ~0x80; Related_Endpoint = ENDP0 + rEP; if (ValBit(pInformation->USBwIndex0, 7)) { /* get Status of endpoint & stall the request if the related_ENdpoint is Disabled*/ Status = _GetEPTxStatus(Related_Endpoint); } else { Status = _GetEPRxStatus(Related_Endpoint); } if (Related_Endpoint >= Device_Table.Total_Endpoint || pInformation->USBwValue != 0 || Status == 0 || pInformation->Current_Configuration == 0) { return USB_UNSUPPORT; } else { if (wIndex0 & 0x80) { /* IN endpoint */ _SetEPTxStatus(Related_Endpoint, EP_TX_STALL); } else { /* OUT endpoint */ _SetEPRxStatus(Related_Endpoint, EP_RX_STALL); } } pUser_Standard_Requests->User_SetEndPointFeature(); return USB_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Standard_SetDeviceFeature. * Description : Set or enable a specific feature of Device. * Input : None. * Output : None. * Return : - Return USB_SUCCESS, if the request is performed. * - Return USB_UNSUPPORT, if the request is invalid. *******************************************************************************/ RESULT Standard_SetDeviceFeature(void) { SetBit(pInformation->Current_Feature, 5); pUser_Standard_Requests->User_SetDeviceFeature(); return USB_SUCCESS; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Standard_GetDescriptorData. * Description : Standard_GetDescriptorData is used for descriptors transfer. * : This routine is used for the descriptors resident in Flash * or RAM * pDesc can be in either Flash or RAM * The purpose of this routine is to have a versatile way to * response descriptors request. It allows user to generate * certain descriptors with software or read descriptors from * external storage part by part. * Input : - Length - Length of the data in this transfer. * - pDesc - A pointer points to descriptor struct. * The structure gives the initial address of the descriptor and * its original size. * Output : None. * Return : Address of a part of the descriptor pointed by the Usb_ * wOffset The buffer pointed by this address contains at least * Length bytes. *******************************************************************************/ u8 *Standard_GetDescriptorData(u16 Length, ONE_DESCRIPTOR *pDesc) { u32 wOffset; wOffset = pInformation->Ctrl_Info.Usb_wOffset; if (Length == 0) { pInformation->Ctrl_Info.Usb_wLength = pDesc->Descriptor_Size - wOffset; return 0; } return pDesc->Descriptor + wOffset; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : DataStageOut. * Description : Data stage of a Control Write Transfer. * Input : None. * Output : None. * Return : None. *******************************************************************************/ void DataStageOut(void) { ENDPOINT_INFO *pEPinfo = &pInformation->Ctrl_Info; u32 save_rLength; save_rLength = pEPinfo->Usb_rLength; if (pEPinfo->CopyData && save_rLength) { u8 *Buffer; u32 Length; Length = pEPinfo->PacketSize; if (Length > save_rLength) { Length = save_rLength; } Buffer = (*pEPinfo->CopyData)(Length); pEPinfo->Usb_rLength -= Length; pEPinfo->Usb_rOffset += Length; PMAToUserBufferCopy(Buffer, GetEPRxAddr(ENDP0), Length); } if (pEPinfo->Usb_rLength != 0) { vSetEPRxStatus(EP_RX_VALID);/* re-enable for next data reception */ SetEPTxCount(ENDP0, 0); vSetEPTxStatus(EP_TX_VALID);/* Expect the host to abort the data OUT stage */ } /* Set the next State*/ if (pEPinfo->Usb_rLength >= pEPinfo->PacketSize) { pInformation->ControlState = OUT_DATA; } else { if (pEPinfo->Usb_rLength > 0) { pInformation->ControlState = LAST_OUT_DATA; } else if (pEPinfo->Usb_rLength == 0) { pInformation->ControlState = WAIT_STATUS_IN; USB_StatusIn(); } } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : DataStageIn. * Description : Data stage of a Control Read Transfer. * Input : None. * Output : None. * Return : None. *******************************************************************************/ void DataStageIn(void) { ENDPOINT_INFO *pEPinfo = &pInformation->Ctrl_Info; u32 save_wLength = pEPinfo->Usb_wLength; u32 ControlState = pInformation->ControlState; u8 *DataBuffer; u32 Length; if ((save_wLength == 0) && (ControlState == LAST_IN_DATA)) { if(Data_Mul_MaxPacketSize == TRUE) { /* No more data to send and empty packet */ Send0LengthData(); ControlState = LAST_IN_DATA; Data_Mul_MaxPacketSize = FALSE; } else { /* No more data to send so STALL the TX Status*/ ControlState = WAIT_STATUS_OUT; vSetEPTxStatus(EP_TX_STALL); } goto Expect_Status_Out; } Length = pEPinfo->PacketSize; ControlState = (save_wLength <= Length) ? LAST_IN_DATA : IN_DATA; if (Length > save_wLength) { Length = save_wLength; } DataBuffer = (*pEPinfo->CopyData)(Length); UserToPMABufferCopy(DataBuffer, GetEPTxAddr(ENDP0), Length); SetEPTxCount(ENDP0, Length); pEPinfo->Usb_wLength -= Length; pEPinfo->Usb_wOffset += Length; vSetEPTxStatus(EP_TX_VALID); USB_StatusOut();/* Expect the host to abort the data IN stage */ Expect_Status_Out: pInformation->ControlState = ControlState; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : NoData_Setup0. * Description : Proceed the processing of setup request without data stage. * Input : None. * Output : None. * Return : None. *******************************************************************************/ void NoData_Setup0(void) { RESULT Result = USB_UNSUPPORT; u32 RequestNo = pInformation->USBbRequest; u32 ControlState; if (Type_Recipient == (STANDARD_REQUEST | DEVICE_RECIPIENT)) { /* Device Request*/ /* SET_CONFIGURATION*/ if (RequestNo == SET_CONFIGURATION) { Result = Standard_SetConfiguration(); } /*SET ADDRESS*/ else if (RequestNo == SET_ADDRESS) { if ((pInformation->USBwValue0 > 127) || (pInformation->USBwValue1 != 0) || (pInformation->USBwIndex != 0) || (pInformation->Current_Configuration != 0)) /* Device Address should be 127 or less*/ { ControlState = STALLED; goto exit_NoData_Setup0; } else { Result = USB_SUCCESS; } } /*SET FEATURE for Device*/ else if (RequestNo == SET_FEATURE) { if ((pInformation->USBwValue0 == DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP) && (pInformation->USBwIndex == 0) && (ValBit(pInformation->Current_Feature, 5))) { Result = Standard_SetDeviceFeature(); } else { Result = USB_UNSUPPORT; } } /*Clear FEATURE for Device */ else if (RequestNo == CLEAR_FEATURE) { if (pInformation->USBwValue0 == DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP && pInformation->USBwIndex == 0 && ValBit(pInformation->Current_Feature, 5)) { Result = Standard_ClearFeature(); } else { Result = USB_UNSUPPORT; } } } /* Interface Request*/ else if (Type_Recipient == (STANDARD_REQUEST | INTERFACE_RECIPIENT)) { /*SET INTERFACE*/ if (RequestNo == SET_INTERFACE) { Result = Standard_SetInterface(); } } /* EndPoint Request*/ else if (Type_Recipient == (STANDARD_REQUEST | ENDPOINT_RECIPIENT)) { /*CLEAR FEATURE for EndPoint*/ if (RequestNo == CLEAR_FEATURE) { Result = Standard_ClearFeature(); } /* SET FEATURE for EndPoint*/ else if (RequestNo == SET_FEATURE) { Result = Standard_SetEndPointFeature(); } } else { Result = USB_UNSUPPORT; } if (Result != USB_SUCCESS) { Result = (*pProperty->Class_NoData_Setup)(RequestNo); if (Result == USB_NOT_READY) { ControlState = PAUSE; goto exit_NoData_Setup0; } } if (Result != USB_SUCCESS) { ControlState = STALLED; goto exit_NoData_Setup0; } ControlState = WAIT_STATUS_IN;/* After no data stage SETUP */ USB_StatusIn(); exit_NoData_Setup0: pInformation->ControlState = ControlState; return; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Data_Setup0. * Description : Proceed the processing of setup request with data stage. * Input : None. * Output : None. * Return : None. *******************************************************************************/ void Data_Setup0(void) { u8 *(*CopyRoutine)(u16); RESULT Result; u32 Request_No = pInformation->USBbRequest; u32 Related_Endpoint, Reserved; u32 wOffset, Status; CopyRoutine = NULL; wOffset = 0; if (Request_No == GET_DESCRIPTOR) { if (Type_Recipient == (STANDARD_REQUEST | DEVICE_RECIPIENT)) { u8 wValue1 = pInformation->USBwValue1; if (wValue1 == DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR) { CopyRoutine = pProperty->GetDeviceDescriptor; } else if (wValue1 == CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR) { CopyRoutine = pProperty->GetConfigDescriptor; } else if (wValue1 == STRING_DESCRIPTOR) { CopyRoutine = pProperty->GetStringDescriptor; } else if (wValue1 == 0x21) /* added to support functional descriptors */ { CopyRoutine = pProperty->GetFunctionalDescriptor; } /* End of GET_DESCRIPTOR */ } } /*GET STATUS*/ else if ((Request_No == GET_STATUS) && (pInformation->USBwValue == 0) && (pInformation->USBwLength == 0x0002) && (pInformation->USBwIndex1 == 0)) { /* GET STATUS for Device*/ if ((Type_Recipient == (STANDARD_REQUEST | DEVICE_RECIPIENT)) && (pInformation->USBwIndex == 0)) { CopyRoutine = Standard_GetStatus; } /* GET STATUS for Interface*/ else if (Type_Recipient == (STANDARD_REQUEST | INTERFACE_RECIPIENT)) { if (((*pProperty->Class_Get_Interface_Setting)(pInformation->USBwIndex0, 0) == USB_SUCCESS) && (pInformation->Current_Configuration != 0)) { CopyRoutine = Standard_GetStatus; } } /* GET STATUS for EndPoint*/ else if (Type_Recipient == (STANDARD_REQUEST | ENDPOINT_RECIPIENT)) { Related_Endpoint = (pInformation->USBwIndex0 & 0x0f); Reserved = pInformation->USBwIndex0 & 0x70; if (ValBit(pInformation->USBwIndex0, 7)) { /*Get Status of endpoint & stall the request if the related_ENdpoint is Disabled*/ Status = _GetEPTxStatus(Related_Endpoint); } else { Status = _GetEPRxStatus(Related_Endpoint); } if ((Related_Endpoint < Device_Table.Total_Endpoint) && (Reserved == 0) && (Status != 0)) { CopyRoutine = Standard_GetStatus; } } } /*GET CONFIGURATION*/ else if (Request_No == GET_CONFIGURATION) { if (Type_Recipient == (STANDARD_REQUEST | DEVICE_RECIPIENT)) { CopyRoutine = Standard_GetConfiguration; } } /*GET INTERFACE*/ else if (Request_No == GET_INTERFACE) { if ((Type_Recipient == (STANDARD_REQUEST | INTERFACE_RECIPIENT)) && (pInformation->Current_Configuration != 0) && (pInformation->USBwValue == 0) && (pInformation->USBwIndex1 == 0) && (pInformation->USBwLength == 0x0001) && ((*pProperty->Class_Get_Interface_Setting)(pInformation->USBwIndex0, 0) == USB_SUCCESS)) { CopyRoutine = Standard_GetInterface; } } if (CopyRoutine) { pInformation->Ctrl_Info.Usb_wOffset = wOffset; pInformation->Ctrl_Info.CopyData = CopyRoutine; /* sb in the original the cast to word was directly */ /* now the cast is made step by step */ (*CopyRoutine)(0); Result = USB_SUCCESS; } else { Result = (*pProperty->Class_Data_Setup)(pInformation->USBbRequest); if (Result == USB_NOT_READY) { pInformation->ControlState = PAUSE; return; } } if (pInformation->Ctrl_Info.Usb_wLength == 0xFFFF) { /* Data is not ready, wait it */ pInformation->ControlState = PAUSE; return; } if ((Result == USB_UNSUPPORT) || (pInformation->Ctrl_Info.Usb_wLength == 0)) { /* Unsupported request */ pInformation->ControlState = STALLED; return; } if (ValBit(pInformation->USBbmRequestType, 7)) { /* Device ==> Host */ vu32 wLength = pInformation->USBwLength; /* Restrict the data length to be the one host asks */ if (pInformation->Ctrl_Info.Usb_wLength > wLength) { pInformation->Ctrl_Info.Usb_wLength = wLength; } else if (pInformation->Ctrl_Info.Usb_wLength < pInformation->USBwLength) { if (pInformation->Ctrl_Info.Usb_wLength < pProperty->MaxPacketSize) { Data_Mul_MaxPacketSize = FALSE; } else if ((pInformation->Ctrl_Info.Usb_wLength % pProperty->MaxPacketSize) == 0) { Data_Mul_MaxPacketSize = TRUE; } } pInformation->Ctrl_Info.PacketSize = pProperty->MaxPacketSize; DataStageIn(); } else { pInformation->ControlState = OUT_DATA; vSetEPRxStatus(EP_RX_VALID); /* enable for next data reception */ } return; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Setup0_Process * Description : Get the device request data and dispatch to individual process. * Input : None. * Output : None. * Return : Post0_Process. *******************************************************************************/ u8 Setup0_Process(void) { union { u8* b; u16* w; } pBuf; pBuf.b = PMAAddr + (u8 *)(_GetEPRxAddr(ENDP0) * 2); /* *2 for 32 bits addr */ if (pInformation->ControlState != PAUSE) { pInformation->USBbmRequestType = *pBuf.b++; /* bmRequestType */ pInformation->USBbRequest = *pBuf.b++; /* bRequest */ pBuf.w++; /* word not accessed because of 32 bits addressing */ pInformation->USBwValue = ByteSwap(*pBuf.w++); /* wValue */ pBuf.w++; /* word not accessed because of 32 bits addressing */ pInformation->USBwIndex = ByteSwap(*pBuf.w++); /* wIndex */ pBuf.w++; /* word not accessed because of 32 bits addressing */ pInformation->USBwLength = *pBuf.w; /* wLength */ } pInformation->ControlState = SETTING_UP; if (pInformation->USBwLength == 0) { /* Setup with no data stage */ NoData_Setup0(); } else { /* Setup with data stage */ Data_Setup0(); } return Post0_Process(); } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : In0_Process * Description : Process the IN token on all default endpoint. * Input : None. * Output : None. * Return : Post0_Process. *******************************************************************************/ u8 In0_Process(void) { u32 ControlState = pInformation->ControlState; if ((ControlState == IN_DATA) || (ControlState == LAST_IN_DATA)) { DataStageIn(); /* ControlState may be changed outside the function */ ControlState = pInformation->ControlState; } else if (ControlState == WAIT_STATUS_IN) { if ((pInformation->USBbRequest == SET_ADDRESS) && (Type_Recipient == (STANDARD_REQUEST | DEVICE_RECIPIENT))) { SetDeviceAddress(pInformation->USBwValue0); pUser_Standard_Requests->User_SetDeviceAddress(); } (*pProperty->Process_Status_IN)(); ControlState = STALLED; } else { ControlState = STALLED; } pInformation->ControlState = ControlState; return Post0_Process(); } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Out0_Process * Description : Process the OUT token on all default endpoint. * Input : None. * Output : None. * Return : Post0_Process. *******************************************************************************/ u8 Out0_Process(void) { u32 ControlState = pInformation->ControlState; if ((ControlState == OUT_DATA) || (ControlState == LAST_OUT_DATA)) { DataStageOut(); ControlState = pInformation->ControlState; /* may be changed outside the function */ } else if (ControlState == WAIT_STATUS_OUT) { (*pProperty->Process_Status_OUT)(); ControlState = STALLED; } else if ((ControlState == IN_DATA) || (ControlState == LAST_IN_DATA)) { /* host aborts the transfer before finish */ ControlState = STALLED; } /* Unexpect state, STALL the endpoint */ else { ControlState = STALLED; } pInformation->ControlState = ControlState; return Post0_Process(); } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Post0_Process * Description : Stall the Endpoint 0 in case of error. * Input : None. * Output : None. * Return : - 0 if the control State is in PAUSE * - 1 if not. *******************************************************************************/ u8 Post0_Process(void) { SetEPRxCount(ENDP0, Device_Property.MaxPacketSize); if (pInformation->ControlState == STALLED) { vSetEPRxStatus(EP_RX_STALL); vSetEPTxStatus(EP_TX_STALL); } return (pInformation->ControlState == PAUSE); } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : SetDeviceAddress. * Description : Set the device and all the used Endpoints addresses. * Input : - Val: device adress. * Output : None. * Return : None. *******************************************************************************/ void SetDeviceAddress(u8 Val) { u32 i; u32 nEP = Device_Table.Total_Endpoint; /* set address in every used endpoint */ for (i = 0; i < nEP; i++) { _SetEPAddress((u8)i, (u8)i); } /* for */ _SetDADDR(Val | DADDR_EF); /* set device address and enable function */ } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : NOP_Process * Description : No operation function. * Input : None. * Output : None. * Return : None. *******************************************************************************/ void NOP_Process(void) { } /******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2008 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/