#include <stddef.h> // for ptrdiff_t #include "wirish.h" #include "fsmc.h" #ifndef BOARD_maple_native #error "Sorry, this example only works on Maple Native." #endif // Start of FSMC SRAM bank 1 static uint16 *const sram_start = (uint16*)0x60000000; // End of Maple Native SRAM chip address space (512K 16-bit words) static uint16 *const sram_end = (uint16*)0x60080000; void test_single_write(void); void test_all_addresses(void); void setup() { pinMode(BOARD_LED_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(BOARD_LED_PIN, HIGH); Serial1.begin(115200); Serial1.println("*** Beginning RAM chip test"); test_single_write(); test_all_addresses(); Serial1.println("Tests pass, finished."); } void loop() { } void test_single_write() { uint16 *ptr = sram_start; uint16 tmp; Serial1.print("Writing 0x1234... "); *ptr = 0x1234; Serial1.println("Done."); Serial1.print("Reading... "); tmp = *ptr; Serial1.print("Done: 0x"); Serial1.println(tmp, HEX); if (tmp != 0x1234) { Serial1.println("Mismatch; abort."); ASSERT(0); } } void test_all_addresses() { uint32 start, end; uint16 count = 0; uint16 *ptr; Serial1.println("Now writing all memory addresses (unrolled loop)"); // Turn off the USB interrupt, as it interferes most with timing // (don't turn off SysTick, or we won't get micros()). SerialUSB.end(); start = micros(); for (ptr = sram_start; ptr < sram_end;) { *ptr++ = count++; *ptr++ = count++; *ptr++ = count++; *ptr++ = count++; *ptr++ = count++; *ptr++ = count++; *ptr++ = count++; *ptr++ = count++; *ptr++ = count++; *ptr++ = count++; *ptr++ = count++; *ptr++ = count++; *ptr++ = count++; *ptr++ = count++; *ptr++ = count++; *ptr++ = count++; } end = micros(); SerialUSB.begin(); Serial1.print("Done. Elapsed time (us): "); Serial1.println(end - start); Serial1.println("Validating writes."); for (ptr = sram_start, count = 0; ptr < sram_end; ptr++, count++) { uint16 value = *ptr; if (value != count) { Serial1.print("mismatch: 0x"); Serial1.print((uint32)ptr); Serial1.print(" = 0x"); Serial1.print(value, HEX); Serial1.print(", should be 0x"); Serial1.print(count, HEX); Serial1.println("."); ASSERT(0); } } Serial1.println("Done; all writes seem valid."); ptrdiff_t nwrites = sram_end - sram_start; double us_per_write = double(end-start) / double(nwrites); Serial1.print("Number of writes = "); Serial1.print(nwrites); Serial1.print("; avg. time per write = "); Serial1.print(us_per_write); Serial1.print(" us ("); Serial1.print(1 / us_per_write); Serial1.println(" MHz)"); } __attribute__((constructor)) void premain() { init(); } int main(void) { setup(); while (true) { loop(); } return 0; }