/* A low-level stress test of SRAM functionality. Uses slow-ish timing by default (DATAST = ADDSET = 0xF). Copyright 2011 LeafLabs, LLC. This code is released into the public domain. */ #include #include #include "wirish.h" #include "rcc.h" #include "fsmc.h" // -- SRAM config ------------------------------------------------------------- // Timing configuration #define DATAST 0xF #define ADDSET 0xF // Number of SRAM chips to test #define N 1 // How much of each to test #define MEM_SIZE 0x3FFF // Their start addresses in FSMC bank 1 __io uint16 *const starts[N] = { // (__io uint16 *const)FSMC_NOR_PSRAM_REGION1, // (__io uint16 *const)FSMC_NOR_PSRAM_REGION2, (__io uint16 *const)FSMC_NOR_PSRAM_REGION3, // (__io uint16 *const)FSMC_NOR_PSRAM_REGION4, }; // Corresponding FSMC configuration registers __io uint32 *const bcrs[N] = { // &FSMC_NOR_PSRAM1_BASE->BCR, // &FSMC_NOR_PSRAM2_BASE->BCR, &FSMC_NOR_PSRAM3_BASE->BCR, // &FSMC_NOR_PSRAM4_BASE->BCR, }; // Corresponding FSMC timing registers __io uint32 *const btrs[N] = { // &FSMC_NOR_PSRAM1_BASE->BTR, // &FSMC_NOR_PSRAM2_BASE->BTR, &FSMC_NOR_PSRAM3_BASE->BTR, // &FSMC_NOR_PSRAM4_BASE->BTR, }; // -- Pseudorandom number generation ----------------------------------------- const uint32 seed = 0xDEADBEEF; uint32 num_rand_calls = 0; uint32 rand(long n) { num_rand_calls++; return random(n); } // -- Printing ---------------------------------------------------------------- // For snprintf() char snprintf_buf[200]; #define ERR(fmt, ...) do { \ snprintf(snprintf_buf, sizeof snprintf_buf, \ "ERROR: " fmt " (seed %d, ncalls %d, line %d)", \ __VA_ARGS__, seed, num_rand_calls, __LINE__); \ SerialUSB.println(snprintf_buf); \ } while (0) // Set to 1 for more output #define VERBOSE 0 // -- setup()/loop() ---------------------------------------------------------- void setup() { fsmc_sram_init_gpios(); rcc_clk_enable(RCC_FSMC); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { *bcrs[i] = (FSMC_BCR_WREN | FSMC_BCR_MTYP_SRAM | FSMC_BCR_MWID_16BITS | FSMC_BCR_MBKEN); *btrs[i] = (DATAST << 8) | ADDSET; } randomSeed(seed); SerialUSB.read(); SerialUSB.println("Starting test"); } // stress_test() and simple_roundtrip() are the available test routines bool stress_test(void); bool simple_roundtrip(void); void loop() { uint32 count = 0; uint32 last; bool ok = true; bool (*test)(void) = stress_test; last = millis(); while (true) { count++; bool result = test(); ok = ok && result; if (ok && (millis() - last > 300)) { snprintf(snprintf_buf, sizeof snprintf_buf, "everything ok so far, timestamp %d ms", millis()); SerialUSB.println(snprintf_buf); last = millis(); } } } // -- Test routines ----------------------------------------------------------- bool random_trips(); bool sequential_trips(); bool stress_test(void) { static int i = 0; i = !i; switch (i) { case 0: return random_trips(); default: return sequential_trips(); } } bool simple_roundtrip(void) { uint16 wval = 0xAB; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { __io uint16 *addr = starts[i] + 4; snprintf(snprintf_buf, sizeof snprintf_buf, "round-trip 0x%x at %p", wval, addr); SerialUSB.println(snprintf_buf); *addr = wval; uint16 rval = *addr; if (rval != wval) { ERR("wrote 0x%x, read 0x%x, timestamp %d", wval, rval, millis()); return false; } else { snprintf(snprintf_buf, sizeof snprintf_buf, "got back 0x%x", rval); SerialUSB.println(snprintf_buf); } } return true; } bool random_trips(void) { #if VERBOSE SerialUSB.println("[random]"); #endif for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) { __io uint16 *const start = starts[n]; for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { uint32 offset = rand(MEM_SIZE); uint32 wval = rand(0xFFFF); *(start + offset) = wval; uint32 rval = *(start + offset); if (rval != wval) { ERR("wrote 0x%x to 0x%x, read 0x%x", wval, offset, rval); return false; } } } return true; } bool sequential_trips(void) { static const uint32 seq_length = 300; #if VERBOSE SerialUSB.println("[seq]"); #endif for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) { __io uint16 *const start = starts[n]; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { uint32 start_offset = rand(MEM_SIZE - seq_length); for (uint32 w = 0; w < seq_length; w++) { uint32 offset = start_offset + w; *(start + offset) = w; uint32 r = *(start + offset); if (w != r) { ERR("wrote 0x%x to 0x%x, read 0x%x", w, offset, r); return false; } } } } return true; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- __attribute__((constructor)) void premain() { init(); } int main(void) { setup(); while (true) { loop(); } return 0; }