.. _usart: ======= USART ======= .. contents:: Contents :local: Hardware/Circuit Design ----------------------- .. FIXME [0.0.10] UART4 and UART5 .. FIXME [0.1.0] Maple Native and Mini info and links The Maple has 3 separate USART devices. In the most simple use case, the RX and TX pins are used to send data at a predetermined baudrate with the line voltage level relative to ground. Their usage is documented in the :ref:`Serial Ports ` language reference page. Which pins correspond to the USART TX and RX pins are given on your board's silkscreen, and also in the board-specific USART pin maps available here: * :ref:`Maple ` * :ref:`Maple RET6 Edition ` If you use a particular serial port, you cannot also use its communication pins for other purposes at the same time. Compatible Devices and Specifications ------------------------------------- We have successfully used the USART ports with an FT232R-based USB-serial converter at up to 115200 baud. Higher speeds should certainly be possible. Recommended Reading ------------------- * `Wikipedia article on Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (USART) `_ * `Arduino reference on Serial `_ * STMicro documentation for STM32F103RB microcontroller: * `Datasheet `_ (pdf) * `Reference Manual `_ (pdf)