.. highlight:: cpp .. _libs-servo: Servo ===== This documents the Servo library for controlling RC servomotors. It is implemented as a thin layer over the built-in :ref:`timer peripherals `. You can use this library in the :ref:`IDE ` by choosing the Servo item under the Sketch > Import Library... menu. If you are using the :ref:`Unix toolchain `, the library is located in the ``/libraries/Servo/`` :ref:`libmaple` directory. Servo Class Reference --------------------- You can construct a Servo object by including the declaration :: Servo servo; in your sketch. This will create a Servo object called ``servo``. You can then use any of its methods; for instance, to control a servomotor attached to pin 9, you could write :: servo.attach(9); .. TODO [0.0.10] figure out the cpp domain well enough to replace .. references here .. _libs-servo-attach: .. _libs-servo-attached: .. doxygenclass:: Servo :members: Arduino Compatibility --------------------- The Servo class provides a public interface identical to the Arduino version's documented functionality (as of Arduino 0021), so in most cases, this library will be a drop-in replacement. However, there are some differences, essentially at the level of implementation details. The major difference is that while the Arduino implementation drives the servos with "bit-banged" :ref:`PWM `, the Maple implementation uses :ref:`timers ` to drive the PWM directly. Consequently, **the Maple implementation only allows Servo instances to** :ref:`attach ` **to pins that support PWM**. To determine if a pin supports PWM, you can either check if "PWM" appears next to its number on your board's silkscreen, or look for it in the list of :ref:`boardPWMPins ` in your board's :ref:`hardware documentation `. RC Servos expect a pulse approximately every 20ms. In the Maple implementation, :ref:`periods ` are set for entire timers, rather than individual channels. Thus, ``attach()``\ ing a Servo to a pin can interfere with other pins associated with the same timer\ [#fard-servo]_. Because of this, we recommend connecting multiple servomotors to pins which share a timer, in order to keep as many timers free for other purposes as possible. Consult your board's :ref:`Timer Pin Map ` to match up pins and timer channels. And here's some fine print: - Although it is not publicly documented to do so, the Arduino implementation of `attach() `_ returns the timer channel associated with the newly-attached pin, or 0 on failure (as of Arduino 0021). The Maple implementation returns :ref:`true ` on success, and :ref:`false ` on failure (and this is its documented behavior). - In another bit of undocumented behavior, the Arduino implementation of write() also treats its argument as an angle or a pulse width depending on its value. This is a bad idea, and we don't do it. .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#fard-servo] The Arduino implementation also captures timer channels in groups as more Servo objects are attached, but the details of which channels have their periods reset when are slightly different.