.. _language-index: ======================= Complete Language Index ======================= This is the index of Maple's :ref:`language reference ` documentation. The "Maple API" column provides API references for documented libmaple functionality. The "C++ for Maple" pages are intended as a minimal reference/refresher for programmers familiar with the Arduino language. .. _index-language-index-cpp: .. _index-language-index-api: +----------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | Maple API | C++ for Maple | | | | +==================================+====================================+ | | | | .. toctree:: | .. toctree:: | | :maxdepth: 1 | :maxdepth: 1 | | :glob: | :glob: | | | | | lang/api/* | lang/cpp/* | | | | +----------------------------------+------------------------------------+ .. Unimplemented in libmaple or not part of current release: .. toctree:: :hidden: lang/unimplemented/notone.rst lang/unimplemented/pulsein.rst lang/unimplemented/shiftout.rst lang/unimplemented/stringclass.rst lang/unimplemented/stringobject.rst lang/unimplemented/tone.rst