.. highlight:: cpp .. _lang-unsignedlong: unsigned long ============= Description ----------- An unsigned version of the :ref:`long ` data type. An ``unsigned long`` occupies 8 bytes of memory; it stores an integer from 0 to 2^64-1, which is approximately 1.8×10^19 (18 quintillion, or 18 billion billion). Like an :ref:`unsigned int `, an ``unsigned long`` won't store negative numbers; it is also subject to the same :ref:`overflow issues ` as any integral data type. Here is an example of declaring an ``unsigned long`` variable named ``c``, then giving it value 299,792,458,000,000,000 (see :ref:`integer constants ` for an explanation of the "L" at the end of the number):: // Speed of light in nanometers per second (approximate). unsigned long c = 299792458000000000L; The general syntax for declaring an ``unsigned long`` variable named ``var``, then giving it value ``val``, looks like:: unsigned long var = val; See Also -------- - :ref:`long ` - :ref:`int ` - :ref:`unsigned ` - :ref:`char ` - :ref:`unsigned char ` - :ref:`Integer Constants ` - :ref:`Variables ` .. include:: cc-attribution.txt