.. highlight:: cpp

.. _lang-random:


The ``random()`` function generates pseudo-random numbers.

Library Documentation

.. FIXME keep tracking Sphinx/Breathe's ability to reference
.. overloaded functions so we can use doxygenfunction instead of
.. manually documenting.

.. cpp:function:: random(long max)

   Same as a call to ``random(0, max)``.

.. cpp:function:: random(long min, long max)

   Generate a pseudo-random number with given lower and upper bounds.


   - ``min`` - Lower bound on the returned value, inclusive
   - ``max`` - Upper bound on the returned value, exclusive

   *Returns*: A pseudo-random number in the range [min, max).


If it is important for a sequence of values generated by
:ref:`random() <lang-random>` to differ, on subsequent executions of a
sketch, use :ref:`randomSeed() <lang-randomseed>` to initialize the
random number generator with a fairly random input, such as
:ref:`analogRead() <lang-analogread>` on an unconnected pin.

Conversely, it can occasionally be useful to use pseudorandom
sequences that repeat exactly. This can be accomplished by calling
``randomSeed()`` with a fixed number, before starting the random


The following sketch initializes the random seed based on an :ref:`ADC
<adc>` reading of pin 0.  If this pin is unconnected, the Sketch
should print different values to the :ref:`serial monitor
<ide-serial-monitor>` each time it is run::

    long randNumber;

    void setup() {
      pinMode(0, INPUT_ANALOG);

    void loop() {
      randNumber = random(300);


See Also

-  :ref:`randomSeed() <lang-randomseed>`

.. include:: cc-attribution.txt