.. highlight:: cpp .. _lang-assert: ``ASSERT(...)`` =============== ASSERT() can be very useful for basic program debugging. It accepts a boolean; for example:: ASSERT(state == WAIT); Zero is false and any other number is true. If the boolean is true, the assertion passes and the program continues as usual. If it is false, the assertion fails: the program is halted, debug information is printed to USART2, and the status LED begins to throb (it's noticeably different from blinking). The debug information is printed at 9600 baud and consists of the filename and line number where the ASSERT() failed. Including assertions in a program increases the program size. When using libmaple **from the command line only**, they can be disabled by making the definition :: #define DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_NONE before including either wirish.h or libmaple.h. In this case, all assertions will pass without any lost clock cycles. Note that this will **not work in the IDE**; even with this definition, assertions will still be enabled.