.. highlight:: sh .. _maple-ret6: Maple RET6 Edition ================== .. contents:: Contents :local: Technical Specifications ------------------------ * MCU: **STM32F103RET6**, a 32-bit ARM Cortex M3 microprocessor * Clock Speed: **72 MHz** * **512KB Flash** and **64KB SRAM** * 44 Digital I/O Pins (:ref:`GPIO `) * 16 Analog Input pins, 12 bit **ADC** resolution (:ref:`ADC `) * Built-in, 2 channel **DAC** at 12 bit resolution (:ref:`libmaple-dac`). * 19 **PWM** pins at 16-bit resolution (:ref:`PWM `) * Dedicated **USB** port for programming and communications (:ref:`USB`) * External **JTAG** interface (:ref:`JTAG `) * 64 Channel nested vector interrupt handler (including :ref:`external interrupt ` on GPIOs) * Integrated **SPI** (:ref:`SPI `) * Integrated **SDIO** * Integrated **I2C** and **I2S** (:ref:`I2C `) * 12 Channels of Direct Memory Access (**DMA**) (:ref:`libmaple-dma`) * 3 **USART** and 2 **UART** devices (:ref:`USART `) * Two advanced control, four general purpose, two basic **timers** (:ref:`timers`) * Supplies up to 500mA @ 3.3v (with separate 250 mA digital and analog regulators) * Support for low power, sleep, and standby modes (<500uA) * Operating Voltage: 3.3V * Input Voltage (recommended): 3V-12V * Dimensions are 2.05″x2.1″ .. _maple-ret6-powering: Powering the Maple RET6 Edition ------------------------------- The Maple RET6 Edition's power source is determined by the header to the left of the "LeafLabs" label on the silkscreen. The RET6 Edition can be powered from the barrel jack connector, USB, or a LiPo battery. We ship the RET6 Edition with a jumper on the USB selector. In order to power it off of an alternative source, unplug the board, then move the jumper to the desired selector before reconnecting power. You can also power the Maple via the pin labeled "Vin" on the lower header. However, don't do this while simultaneously powering the board from another source, or you could damage the it. Using the Built-in Battery Charger ---------------------------------- The RET6 Edition has a built-in LiPo battery charger. In order to use it, put a jumper across the CHRG header on the power selection header and across the USB, or EXT selectors, depending on whether you're charging the battery via USB cable or barrel jack connector. The LED labeled CHRG will light up while the battery is being charged. When the battery is finished charging, the LED labeled DONE will also light up. .. _maple-ret6-gpios: GPIO Information ---------------- The RET6 Edition features 38 ready-to-use general purpose input/output (GPIO) pins for digital input/output, numbered ``D0`` through ``D37``. These numbers correspond to the numeric values next to each header on the Maple silkscreen. More GPIOs (numbered ``D39``\ --``D43``) are available through use in combination with the :ref:`lang-disabledebugports` function; see the :ref:`board-specific debug pin constants ` for more information. .. TODO [0.1.0] silkscreen pictures which expand abbreviations .. _maple-ret6-pin-map-master: Master Pin Map ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. TODO [0.0.10] Update from base Maple information This table shows the available functionality on every GPIO pin, by peripheral type. The "STM32" column refers to the port and number that the header is connected to on the microcontroller. The "5V?" column documents whether or not the pin is 5 volt tolerant. .. csv-table:: :header: "Pin", "STM32", ":ref:`ADC `", ":ref:`Timer `", ":ref:`I2C `", ":ref:`UART `", ":ref:`SPI `", "5v?" "D0", "PA3", "ADC3", "TIM2_CH4", "-", "USART2_RX", "-", "No" "D1", "PA2", "ADC2", "TIM2_CH3", "-", "USART2_TX", "-", "No" "D2", "PA0", "ADC0", "TIM2_CH1_ETR", "-", "USART2_CTS", "-", "No" "D3", "PA1", "ADC1", "TIM2_CH2", "-", "USART2_RTS", "-", "No" "D4", "PB5", "-", "-", "ISC1_SMBA", "-", "-", "No" "D5", "PB6", "-", "TIM4_CH1", "I2C1_SCL", "-", "-", "Yes" "D6", "PA8", "-", "TIM1_CH1", "-", "USART1_CK", "-", "Yes" "D7", "PA9", "-", "TIM1_CH2", "-", "USART1_TX", "-", "Yes" "D8", "PA10", "-", "TIM1_CH3", "-", "USART1_RX", "-", "Yes" "D9", "PB7", "-", "TIM4_CH2", "I2C1_SDA", "-", "-", "Yes" "D10", "PA4", "ADC4", "-", "-", "USART2_CK", "SPI1_NSS", "No" "D11", "PA7", "ADC7", "TIM3_CH2", "-", "-", "SPI1_MOSI", "No" "D12", "PA6", "ADC6", "TIM3_CH1", "-", "-", "SPI1_MISO", "No" "D13", "PA5", "ADC5", "-", "-", "-", "SPI1_SCK", "No" "D14", "PB8", "-", "TIM4_CH3", "-", "-", "-", "Yes" "D15", "PC0", "ADC10", "-", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D16", "PC1", "ADC11", "-", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D17", "PC2", "ADC12", "-", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D18", "PC3", "ADC13", "-", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D19", "PC4", "ADC14", "-", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D20", "PC5", "ADC15", "-", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D21", "PC13", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D22", "PC14", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D23", "PC15", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D24", "PB9", "-", "TIM4_CH4", "-", "-", "-", "Yes" "D25", "PD2", "-", "TIM3_ETR", "-", "-", "-", "Yes" "D26", "PC10", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "Yes" "D27", "PB0", "ADC8", "TIM3_CH3", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D28", "PB1", "ADC9", "TIM3_CH4", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D29", "PB10", "-", "-", "I2C2_SCL", "USART3_TX", "-", "Yes" "D30", "PB11", "-", "-", "I2C2_SDA", "USART3_RX", "-", "Yes" "D31", "PB12", "-", "TIM1_BKIN", "I2C2_SMBA", "USART3_CK", "SPI2_NSS", "Yes" "D32", "PB13", "-", "TIM1_CH1N", "-", "USART3_CTS", "SPI2_SCK", "Yes" "D33", "PB14", "-", "TIM1_CH2N", "-", "USART3_RTS", "SPI2_MISO", "Yes" "D34", "PB15", "-", "TIM1_CH3N", "-", "-", "SPI2_MOSI", "Yes" "D35", "PC6", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "Yes" "D36", "PC7", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "Yes" "D37", "PC8", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "Yes" .. TODO [0.0.10] Another table for the JTAG pins Timer Pin Map ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. TODO [0.0.10] Add Timer 5,6,7,8 information The following table shows what pins are associated with a particular timer's capture/compare channels. .. csv-table:: :header: Timer, Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4 :delim: | 1 | D6 | D7 | D8 | - 2 | D2 | D3 | D1 | D0 3 | D12 | D11 | D27 | D28 4 | D5 | D9 | D14 | D24 .. _maple-ret6-exti-map: EXTI Line Pin Map ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following table shows which pins connect to which :ref:`EXTI lines ` on the Maple RET6 Edition. .. list-table:: :widths: 1 1 :header-rows: 1 * - EXTI Line - Pins * - EXTI0 - 2, 15, 27 * - EXTI1 - 3, 16, 28 * - EXTI2 - 1, 17, 25 * - EXTI3 - 0, 18 * - EXTI4 - 10, 19 * - EXTI5 - 4, 13, 20 * - EXTI6 - 5, 12, 35 * - EXTI7 - 9, 11, 36 * - EXTI8 - 6, 14, 37 * - EXTI9 - 7, 25, 28 * - EXTI10 - 8, 26, 29 * - EXTI11 - 30 * - EXTI12 - 31 * - EXTI13 - 21, 32 * - EXTI14 - 22, 33 * - EXTI15 - 23, 34 .. _maple-ret6-usart-map: USART Pin Map ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Maple RET6 Edition has three serial ports whose pins are broken out to headers (also known as a UARTs or USARTs): ``Serial1``, ``Serial2``, and ``Serial3``. They communicate using the pins summarized in the following table: .. csv-table:: :header: Serial Port, TX, RX, CK, CTS, RTS :delim: | ``Serial1`` | 7 | 8 | 6 | - | - ``Serial2`` | 1 | 0 | 10 | 2 | 3 ``Serial3`` | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 Unfortunately, :ref:`UART4 and UART5 aren't completely available `. Board-Specific Values --------------------- This section lists the Maple RET6 Edition's :ref:`board-specific values `. - ``CYCLES_PER_MICROSECOND``: 72 - ``BOARD_BUTTON_PIN``: 38 - ``BOARD_LED_PIN``: 13 - ``BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS``: 44 - ``BOARD_NR_PWM_PINS``: 16 - ``boardPWMPins``: 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 24, 25, 27, 28 - ``BOARD_NR_ADC_PINS``: 15 - ``boardADCPins``: 0, 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 28 - ``BOARD_NR_USED_PINS``: 7 - ``boardUsedPins``: ``BOARD_LED_PIN``, ``BOARD_BUTTON_PIN``, ``BOARD_JTMS_SWDIO_PIN``, ``BOARD_JTCK_SWCLK_PIN``, ``BOARD_JTDI_PIN``, ``BOARD_JTDO_PIN``, ``BOARD_NJTRST_PIN`` - ``BOARD_NR_USARTS``: 3 (unfortunately, due to the Maple Rev 5 design, UARTs 4 and 5 have pins which are not broken out) - ``BOARD_USART1_TX_PIN``: 7 - ``BOARD_USART1_RX_PIN``: 8 - ``BOARD_USART2_TX_PIN``: 1 - ``BOARD_USART2_RX_PIN``: 0 - ``BOARD_USART3_TX_PIN``: 29 - ``BOARD_USART3_RX_PIN``: 30 - ``BOARD_NR_SPI``: 3 - ``BOARD_SPI1_NSS_PIN``: 10 - ``BOARD_SPI1_MOSI_PIN``: 11 - ``BOARD_SPI1_MISO_PIN``: 12 - ``BOARD_SPI1_SCK_PIN``: 13 - ``BOARD_SPI2_NSS_PIN``: 31 - ``BOARD_SPI2_MOSI_PIN``: 34 - ``BOARD_SPI2_MISO_PIN``: 33 - ``BOARD_SPI2_SCK_PIN``: 32 - ``BOARD_SPI3_NSS_PIN``: 41 - ``BOARD_SPI3_MOSI_PIN``: 4 - ``BOARD_SPI3_MISO_PIN``: 43 - ``BOARD_SPI3_SCK_PIN``: 42 - ``BOARD_JTMS_SWDIO_PIN``: 39 - ``BOARD_JTCK_SWCLK_PIN``: 40 - ``BOARD_JTDI_PIN``: 41 - ``BOARD_JTDO_PIN``: 42 - ``BOARD_NJTRST_PIN``: 43 Hardware Design Files --------------------- The hardware schematics and board layout files are available in the `Maple Github repository `_. Other than the processor used, the design files for the Maple RET6 edition are identical to the Maple Rev 5, which are in the ``maple-r5`` subdirectory of the Maple repository. A schematic for a JTAG adapter suitable for use with Maple is available in the ``jtagadapter`` directory. From the GitHub repository main page, you can download the entire repository by clicking the "Download" button. If you are familiar with `git `_, you can also clone the repository at the command line with :: $ git clone git://github.com/leaflabs/maple.git .. _maple-ret6-failure-modes: Failure Modes ------------- The following known failure modes apply to all Maple boards. The failure modes aren't design errors, but are easy ways to break or damage your board permanently. * **High voltage on non-tolerant pins**: not all header pins are 5V compatible; so e.g. connecting certain serial devices in the wrong way could over-voltage the pins. The :ref:`pin-mapping master table ` details which pins are 5V-tolerant. Errata ------ This section lists known issues and warnings for the Maple RET6 Edition. * **Power Supply Marketing Mistake**: We originally sold the Maple advertising that it was capable of supplying up to 800 mA; the correct value is 500 mA. .. _maple-ret6-uart-errata: * **UART4, UART5 GPIOs unavailable**: Pins related to the digital to analog converter (DAC) and UARTs 4 and 5 are not broken out to headers. The RET6 Edition's hardware layout is identical to that of the Maple Rev 5, which wasn't designed for use with these STM32F103RET6-only peripherals. * **DAC channel 2 on BOARD_LED_PIN**: The Maple Rev 5 connects PA5 to the board's built-in LED; this is the same GPIO bit which is connected to the DAC's channel 2 output. * **Reset and NJTRST tied together**: The MCU's reset pin is connected to PB4, the NJTRST (JTAG reset) pin, which is pin 43. Thus, attempting to use pin 43 as a GPIO will reset your board (and also prevents the JTAG "reset halt" command from working properly). Recommended Reading ------------------- * STMicro documentation for STM32F103RE microcontroller: * `Datasheet `_ (PDF) * `Reference Manual `_ (PDF) * `Programming Manual `_ (PDF; assembly language and register reference)