.. _gpio: ====== GPIO ====== The Maple features 38 ready-to-use general purpose input/output (GPIO) pins for digital input/output, numbered D0 through D37. These numbers correspond to the numeric values next to each header on the Maple silkscreen. Many of these pins may additionally be used for special features or peripheral functions. This page documents those capabilities, by pin. The current and voltage limitations have not been copied over from the STM32 datasheet (see the :ref:`Recommended Reading ` for a link). In particular, a number of GPIO pins are 5v tolerant (which means that applying 5v to a pin and reading it as input or allowing it to drain to ground will not damage that pin), while some are not. .. contents:: Contents :local: .. _pin-mapping-mega-table: Pin Mapping Mega Table ---------------------- This huge reference table shows the available functionality on every GPIO pin, by peripheral type. The "STM32" column refers to the port and number that the header is connected to on the microcontroller. The "5v?" column documents whether or not the pin is 5v tolerant (see above). .. csv-table:: :header: "Pin", "STM32", ":ref:`ADC `", ":ref:`Timer `", ":ref:`I2C `", ":ref:`UART `", ":ref:`SPI `", "5v?" "D0", "PA3", "ADC3", "TIM2_CH4", "-", "USART2_RX", "-", "No" "D1", "PA2", "ADC2", "TIM2_CH3", "-", "USART2_TX", "-", "No" "D2", "PA0", "ADC0", "TIM2_CH1_ETR", "-", "USART2_CTS", "-", "No" "D3", "PA1", "ADC1", "TIM2_CH2", "-", "USART2_RTS", "-", "No" "D4", "PB5", "-", "-", "ISC1_SMBA", "-", "-", "No" "D5", "PB6", "-", "TIM4_CH1", "I2C1_SCL", "-", "-", "Yes" "D6", "PA8", "-", "TIM1_CH1", "-", "USART1_CK", "-", "Yes" "D7", "PA9", "-", "TIM1_CH2", "-", "USART1_TX", "-", "Yes" "D8", "PA10", "-", "TIM1_CH3", "-", "USART1_RX", "-", "Yes" "D9", "PB7", "-", "TIM4_CH2", "I2C1_SDA", "-", "-", "Yes" "D10", "PA4", "ADC4", "-", "-", "USART2_CK", "SPI1_NSS", "No" "D11", "PA7", "ADC7", "TIM3_CH2", "-", "-", "SPI1_MOSI", "No" "D12", "PA6", "ADC6", "TIM3_CH1", "-", "-", "SPI1_MISO", "No" "D13", "PA5", "ADC5", "-", "-", "-", "SPI1_SCK", "No" "D14", "PB8", "-", "TIM4_CH3", "-", "-", "-", "Yes" "D15", "PC0", "ADC10", "-", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D16", "PC1", "ADC11", "-", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D17", "PC2", "ADC12", "-", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D18", "PC3", "ADC13", "-", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D19", "PC4", "ADC14", "-", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D20", "PC5", "ADC15", "-", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D21", "PC13", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D22", "PC14", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D23", "PC15", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D24", "PB9", "-", "TIM4_CH4", "-", "-", "-", "Yes" "D25", "PD2", "-", "TIM3_ETR", "-", "-", "-", "Yes" "D26", "PC10", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "Yes" "D27", "PB0", "ADC8", "TIM3_CH3", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D28", "PB1", "ADC9", "TIM3_CH4", "-", "-", "-", "No" "D29", "PB10", "-", "-", "I2C2_SCL", "USART3_TX", "-", "Yes" "D30", "PB11", "-", "-", "I2C2_SDA", "USART3_RX", "-", "Yes" "D31", "PB12", "-", "TIM1_BKIN", "I2C2_SMBAL", "USART3_CK", "SPI2_NSS", "Yes" "D32", "PB13", "-", "TIM1_CH1N", "-", "USART3_CTS", "SPI2_SCK", "Yes" "D33", "PB14", "-", "TIM1_CH2N", "-", "USART3_RTS", "SPI2_MISO", "Yes" "D34", "PB15", "-", "TIM1_CH3N", "-", "-", "SPI2_MOSI", "Yes" "D35", "PC6", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "Yes" "D36", "PC7", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "Yes" "D37", "PC8", "-", "-", "-", "-", "-", "Yes" .. _gpio-modes: GPIO Modes ---------- ``OUTPUT`` Basic digital output: when the pin set high the voltage is held at +3.3V (|vcc|) and when set low it is pulled down to ground. ``OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN`` In open drain mode, the pin indicates "low" by accepting current flow to ground and "high" by providing increased impedance. An example use would be to connect a pin to a bus line (which is pulled up to a positive voltage by a separate supply through a large resistor). When the pin is high, not much current flows through to ground and the line stays at positive voltage; when the pin is low the bus "drains" to ground with a small amount of current constantly flowing through the large resistor from the external supply. In this mode no current is ever actually *sourced* from the pin. ``INPUT`` (or ``INPUT_FLOATING``) Basic digital input. The pin voltage is sampled; when it is closer to 3.3V (|vcc|) the pin status is high, and when it is closer to 0V (ground) it is low. If no external circuit is pulling the pin voltage to high or low, it will tend to randomly oscillate and be very sensitive to noise (e.g., a breath of air across the pin will cause the state to flip). ``INPUT_PULLUP`` The state of the pin in this mode is reported the same way as with INPUT, but the pin voltage is gently "pulled up" towards +3.3V. This means the state will be high unless an external device is specifically pulling the pin down to ground, in which case the "gentle" pull up will not effect the state of the input. ``INPUT_PULLDOWN`` The state of the pin in this mode is reported the same way as with INPUT, but the pin voltage is gently "pulled down" towards 0V. This means the state will be low unless an external device is specifically pulling the pin up to 3.3V, in which case the "gentle" pull down will not effect the state of the input. ``INPUT_ANALOG`` This is a special mode for when the pin will be used for analog (not digital) reads. See the :ref:`ADC ` page. ``PWM`` This is a special mode for when the pin will be used for PWM output (a special case of digital output). See the :ref:`PWM ` page. .. TODO PWM_OPEN_DRAIN needs documentation Function Reference ------------------ ``pinMode(pin_number, MODE)`` Usually called from within `setup()`_ to configure the pin. MODE is one of the set listed :ref:`above `. ``digitalRead(pin_number)`` Returns ``HIGH`` (|vcc|) or ``LOW`` (0V). ``digitalWrite(pin_number, value)`` Sets the pin to ``HIGH`` or ``LOW``. .. _gpio-recommended-reading: Recommended Reading ------------------- STMicro documentation for STM32F103RB microcontroller: * `All `_ * `Datasheet `_ (pdf) * `Reference Manual `_ (pdf)