.. highlight:: cpp .. _arduino-attachinterrupt: attachInterrupt() ================= Used to specify a function to call when an external interrupt (like an GPIO changing from LOW to HIGH, a button getting pressed, etc.) occurs. .. contents:: Contents :local: Library Documentation --------------------- .. doxygenfunction:: attachInterrupt .. doxygenenum:: ExtIntTriggerMode .. doxygentypedef:: voidFuncPtr Discussion ---------- Because the function will run in interrupt context, inside of it, :ref:`arduino-delay` won't work, and the value returned by :ref:`arduino-millis` will not increment. Serial data received while in the function may be lost. You should declare as ``volatile`` any global variables that you modify within the attached function. There are a few constraints you should be aware of if you're using more than one interrupt at a time; the :ref:`external-interrupts` page has the details. Using Interrupts ---------------- Interrupts are useful for making things happen automatically in microcontroller programs, and can help solve timing problems. A good task for using an interrupt might be reading a rotary encoder, or monitoring user input. If you wanted to insure that a program always caught the pulses from a rotary encoder, never missing a pulse, it would make it very tricky to write a program to do anything else, because the program would need to constantly poll the sensor lines for the encoder, in order to catch pulses when they occurred. Other sensors have a similar interface dynamic too, such as trying to read a sound sensor that is trying to catch a click, or an infrared slot sensor (photo-interrupter) trying to catch a coin drop. In all of these situations, using an interrupt can free the microcontroller to get some other work done while not missing the doorbell. Example ------- :: int maple_led_pin = 13; volatile int state = LOW; // must declare volatile, since it's // modified within the blink handler void setup() { pinMode(maple_led_pin, OUTPUT); attachInterrupt(0, blink, CHANGE); } void loop() { digitalWrite(maple_led_pin, state); } void blink() { state = !state; } Arduino Compatibility --------------------- Most Arduino boards have two external interrupts: numbers 0 (on digital pin 2) and 1 (on digital pin 3). The Arduino Mega has an additional four: numbers 2 (pin 21), 3 (pin 20), 4 (pin 19), and 5 (pin 18). On the Maple, you don't have to remember which interrupt number goes with which pin -- just tell ``attachInterrupt()`` the pin you want. See also -------- - :ref:`detachInterrupt ` - :ref:`external-interrupts`