This directory contains source files used to generate libmaple's documentation. The generated documentation for the latest libmaple release is available online in HTML form at The web interface is the recommended way for users to read the documentation. This file contains instructions for generating the HTML files. About the Documentation ----------------------- The docs are written in Sphinx's extensions to reStructuredText (reST). You can read more about Sphinx here: Much of the documentation is pulled out of the libmaple source code; we use Doxygen XML output into Sphinx documentation. You can read more about Doxygen here: We use a Sphinx plugin called Breathe to parse Doxygen's XML output into a form usable by Sphinx. You can read more about Breathe here: Documentation Build Steps ------------------------- You first need to produce Doxygen XML output, then you can generate the HTML documentation. 1. You need a recent-ish version of Doxygen in your PATH: 2. Install Breathe, which does Doxygen-to-Sphinx conversion: Read/write version (for LeafLabs developers): $ git clone Read-only version (for non-LeafLabs developers): $ git clone git:// After that's done, set an environment variable BREATHE_HOME to point to where you downloaded it. Something like this on bash: $ export BREATHE_HOME=/path/to/breathe/repo/ (You'll want to put this in your shell startup script). 3. Install Sphinx. From source or .egg: Via easy_install: $ sudo easy_install -U Sphinx You need Sphinx version >= 1.0.6. 4. Before the first time you run Sphinx (and any time the Doxygen comments in the libmaple source code are changed), you'll need to build the Doxygen XML output: $ cd libmaple/docs/source $ doxygen 5. Finally, you can build the documentation: $ make html On Windows, use the batch file make.bat instead. Reading and Modifying the Documentation --------------------------------------- Just point your web browser at the file /docs/build/html/index.html It corresponds to the Sphinx file /docs/source/index.rst The file /docs/source/ is the Sphinx configuration file; you can go read it for more information about our setup. All of the documentation which isn't pulled out of source code comments lives in /docs/source/. The directory /docs/source/_static/ is for static content (like style sheets); /docs/source/_templates/ contains Sphinx templates.