_ _ _                           _      
                  | (_) |__  _ __ ___   __ _ _ __ | | ___ 
                  | | | '_ \| '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \| |/ _ \
                  | | | |_) | | | | | | (_| | |_) | |  __/
                  |_|_|_.__/|_| |_| |_|\__,_| .__/|_|\___|
                                            |_|               by leaflabs!

The latest version of this repository can be found at:

libmaple Repo Layout
    Licensing and copyright information

    main.cpp is required for a successful build but is non-existant by default;
    use this file as a template for building your program. By default just 
    blinks an LED.

    Binary output

    Linker scripts

    Lowest level definitions, routines, macros, and functions. This is the meat
    of the library.

    Extra wrappers and functionality around the lower level code which is 
    useful for programming in the IDE. Files in here implement the "Wirish"
    language, an Arduino "Wiring"-like language.

    What it sounds like. Copy these to /main.cpp to compile them.
    Unstructured text notes that may be useful. The 45-maple.rules udev file
    can be placed in /etc/udev/rules.d/ on compatible linux machines to allow
    non-root access to the Maple USB device for uploading.

Instructions to Compile for ARM Targets
The Codesourcery g++ compiler for arm platforms is required. It is based on gcc
(they push changes into gcc a couple times a year), get the latest EABI version


Note: grab the linux binaries for targeting the EABI platform; there are also
linux binaries for targeting the linux platform).

I unzip the archive ("TAR") version into a place like
~/bin/arm-gcc-codesourcery and then add the bin/ directory within that to my
$PATH in ~/.profile, then check that arm-none-eabi-gcc and others are in my

You will also need to have dfu-util installed (on Linux) or compiled and placed
in a folder "dfu-util/" at the same level as the maple-library folder (macosx
and windows).

Write your program using /main.cpp as the entry point. Then just 'make' and
follow the directions!