This file explains how to build the HTML documentation. As such, it's probably only useful to LeafLabs developers. Users can read the HTML for the latest release here: Install Dependencies -------------------- First, you will need to install some dependencies (Doxygen, Sphinx, and Breathe). 1. Much of the documentation is pulled out of the libmaple source code's Doxygen comments, so you need a recent-ish version of Doxygen in your PATH: 2. Documentation not taken from the libmaple sources is written in Sphinx's extensions to the reStructuredText (reST) markup language. (More about Sphinx: These are your choices for how to install Sphinx: - From source or .egg: - Via easy_install: $ sudo easy_install -U Sphinx You need Sphinx version >= 1.0.6. 3. We use a Sphinx plugin called Breathe to parse Doxygen's XML output into a form usable by Sphinx. (More about Breathe: LeafLabs sometimes patches Breathe for the purposes of building our docs, so clone the LeafLabs Breathe tree from GitHub (somewhere else on your system, NOT in the leaflabs-docs repo): - LeafLabs developers, clone with push permissions: $ git clone - Everyone else, clone without them: $ git clone git:// After that's done, set an environment variable BREATHE_HOME to point to your clone. Something like this in Bash: $ export BREATHE_HOME=/path/to/breathe/repo/ (You'll want to put this in your shell startup script.) Build the Docs -------------- You are finally ready to build the documentation. First, you'll produce Doxygen XML output, then you can generate the final HTML docs. 1. Before the first time you run Sphinx (and any time the Doxygen comments in the libmaple source code are changed), you'll need to re-run doxygen on libmaple. $ cd /path/to/libmaple $ make doxygen Doxygen will yell at you a lot; it's generally safe to ignore it. 2. Finally, you can build the HTML (in the leaflabs-docs repository): $ cd /path/to/leaflabs-docs $ make html On Windows, you can supposedly use the batch file make.bat instead. Breathe will yell at you a lot; it's often safe to ignore this, too. C'est la vie. Read and Modify the Docs ------------------------ Point your web browser at the file build/html/index.html For the most part, the file build/html/foo.html is built from source/foo.rst. (The index is an exception, because we needed to hand-hack the HTML to get the "Contents at a Glance" section to look nice). All of the documentation which isn't pulled out of libmaple's Doxygen comments lives in source/. The directory source/_static/ is for static content (like style sheets); source/_templates/ is meant to contain Sphinx templates. Read more about Sphinx and use the existing leaflabs-docs source for examples when writing new docs. The directory tmpl/ contains template ReST files you should sometimes use when creating a page that follows a pattern (like a libmaple API page), in order to keep the style consistent. The file source/ is the Sphinx configuration file; you can go read it for more information about our setup.