path: root/source/unix-toolchain.rst
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1 files changed, 38 insertions, 479 deletions
diff --git a/source/unix-toolchain.rst b/source/unix-toolchain.rst
index f767d7a..64fd9d1 100644
--- a/source/unix-toolchain.rst
+++ b/source/unix-toolchain.rst
@@ -11,469 +11,44 @@ This is a tutorial for using a standard Unix toolchain (``make``,
who want to use :ref:`libmaple` directly. If you're just beginning, we
recommend installing :ref:`Maple IDE <maple-ide-install>` instead.
-If you have success on an operating system not covered here, please
-post in the `forum`_ (or email us at info@leaflabs.com), so we can
-update this document.
.. contents:: Contents
- :depth: 2
-You need:
+We assume you've had success with the :ref:`Maple IDE <ide>` (this is
+important on Windows, as this document doesn't cover :ref:`driver
+installation <maple-ide-install-windows-drivers>`).
+At a minimum, you need:
* Maple board
* Mini-B USB cable
* root (or Administrator) access to your computer.
+On Linux and OS X, you need to know how to use `bash
+<http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/>`_, and how to edit your .bashrc.
Some experience using `GCC <http://gcc.gnu.org/>`_ and `make
<http://www.gnu.org/software/make/>`_ is recommended, but is not
-On Linux and OS X, you need to know how to use `bash
-<http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/>`_, and how to edit your .bashrc.
-We assume you've had success with the :ref:`Maple IDE <ide>` (this is
-important on Windows, as this document doesn't cover :ref:`driver
-installation <maple-ide-install-windows-drivers>`).
.. _toolchain-linux-setup:
-1. Collect and Install Tools
-First, you'll need some tools.
-.. warning:: Due to firmware bugs in our :ref:`bootloader
- <bootloader>`, you must use recent versions of ``dfu-util``, or
- uploads will not work. ``dfu-util`` versions 0.6 and greater
- should work.
-**Debian-based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc.)**:
- Install mandatory and optional tools with ::
- $ sudo apt-get install build-essential git-core screen dfu-util python python-serial
- On *64-bit distros only*, you will also need to install some 32-bit
- libraries needed by the LeafLabs-supported :ref:`ARM GCC toolchain
- <arm-gcc>` with ::
- # 64-bit systems only!
- $ sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
- You may also need to remove `brltty <http://mielke.cc/brltty/>`_
- with ::
- # Optional
- $ sudo apt-get remove brltty
- Brltty provides braille access to the console. It has been reported
- to cause conflicts with Maple.
-**Red Hat-based distributions (RHEL, Fedora, Centos, etc.)**:
- Install mandatory and optional tools with ::
- $ sudo yum install screen git python pyserial dfu-util make
- On *64-bit distros only*, you will also need to install 32-bit
- libraries needed by the LeafLabs-supported :ref:`ARM GCC toolchain
- <arm-gcc>` with ::
- # 64-bit systems only!
- $ sudo yum install glibc.i686
- You may also need to remove `brltty <http://mielke.cc/brltty/>`_
- with one of these::
- # Optional, 64-bit systems:
- $ sudo yum erase brltty.x86_64
- # Optional, 32-bit systems:
- $ sudo yum erase brltty.i686
- Brltty provides braille access to the console. It has been
- reported to cause conflicts with Maple.
-**Other Linux distributions**:
- On other distributions, you'll need to figure this out for yourself
- (please `contact`_ us if you have instructions for distros not
- covered here!).
- Mandatory tools:
- * `Git`_ is a distributed version control system. We use it to track
- our source code.
- * `dfu-util`_ is a tool from the `OpenMoko`_ project. It is used to
- upload programs to the Maple over USB.
- * `Make <http://www.gnu.org/software/make/>`_ is used to direct
- compilation.
- * `Python`_ is a programming language. Our reset script, which sends
- control signals to the board which cause it to to reset and enter
- the :ref:`bootloader <bootloader>`, is written in Python (and
- works with Python 2 or 3). Most Linux distributions these days
- include Python by default.
- * `PySerial`_ is a Python library for interacting with serial port
- devices. It's needed by our reset script. PySerial can also be
- installed with `easy_install`_.
- Optional tools:
- * `screen <http://www.gnu.org/s/screen/>`_ is a screen manager used
- here to connect to serial port devices. (Some popular
- alternatives are `Minicom
- <http://alioth.debian.org/projects/minicom/>`_ and `Kermit
- <http://www.kermitproject.org/>`_).
-2. Fetch ``libmaple`` and Compiler Toolchain
-First, make a Git clone of :ref:`libmaple`::
- $ cd ~
- $ git clone git://github.com/leaflabs/libmaple.git libmaple
-Next, download the `Linux ARM GCC toolchain
-you'll use to build your programs. Extract the archive into a
-directory named :file:`arm`. Put resulting :file:`arm/bin`
-subdirectory somewhere in your ``PATH``. For example, if you have
-`wget <http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/>`_ installed, you can run::
- $ cd ~/libmaple
- $ wget http://static.leaflabs.com/pub/codesourcery/gcc-arm-none-eabi-latest-linux32.tar.gz
- $ tar xvf gcc-arm-none-eabi-latest-linux32.tar.gz
- $ export PATH=$PATH:~/libmaple/arm/bin
-You can check that this worked by entering ``arm-none-`` and hitting
-tab to auto-complete; your shell should show a bunch of results. After
-you're done, you'll probably want to update your shell startup script
-so the :file:`arm/bin` directory stays in your ``PATH``.
-.. _toolchain-udev:
-3. Install udev Rules
-From the libmaple directory, copy our udev rules [#fudev]_ to
- $ sudo cp support/scripts/45-maple.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/45-maple.rules
-Then restart udev.
-**Debian-based distros**:
- Make sure you are in the plugdev group (e.g. by running ``$ groups``
- and seeing if the output includes "plugdev"). If not, add yourself
- to plugdev with ::
- $ sudo usermod -a -G plugdev $USER
- then log back out and log back in.
- After that's done, restart udev::
- $ sudo restart udev
-**Red Hat-based distros**:
- ::
- $ udevadm control --reload-rules
-After restarting ``udev``, you'll need to unplug and re-plug your
-So far, so good?
-Great! Test your setup by :ref:`compiling a sample program
.. _toolchain-osx-setup:
-These instructions have been tested successfully on OS X 10.6.4 and
-1. Collect and Install Tools
-First, you'll need some tools. [#fpackman]_
-* `XCode <http://developer.apple.com/technologies/xcode.html>`_:
- Provides compilers and other basic tools of the trade. XCode was
- once free of charge, but Apple has since begun charging for it. If
- you'd rather not pay, you can probably get by with just a `make
- <http://www.gnu.org/software/make/>`_ binary, but you're on your
- own.
-* `Git`_: All of our code is tracked by a distributed versioning
- system called Git. A `Mac installer
- <http://code.google.com/p/git-osx-installer/downloads/list?can=3>`_
- is available.
-* `dfu-util`_: A tool from `OpenMoko`_ that we use to upload programs
- to the Maple over USB.
- .. warning:: Due to firmware bugs in our :ref:`bootloader
- <bootloader>`, you must use recent versions of ``dfu-util``, or
- uploads will not work. ``dfu-util`` versions 0.6 and greater
- should work.
- If you prefer to compile from source, OpenMoko provides instructions
- for `building dfu-util on OS X
- <http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Dfu-util#Mac>`_.
- If you're in a hurry, you can use the dfu-util binary bundled with
- `OpenMoko Flasher
- <http://www.handheld-linux.com/wiki.php?page=OpenMoko%20Flasher>`_. To
- do this, first `download OpenMoko Flasher
- <http://projects.goldelico.com/p/omflasher/downloads/>`_, then move
- it to your :file:`/Applications` folder (or wherever you
- like). Let's say you save it as :file:`/Applications/OpenMoko
- Flasher.app`. Then the ``dfu-util`` binary resides in
- :file:`/Applications/OpenMoko Flasher.app/Contents/Mac OS/dfu-util`
- To run it from the command line, make a symbolic link to the binary
- from some place on your ``PATH``::
- $ ln -s /Applications/OpenMoko\ Flasher.app/Contents/Mac\ OS/dfu-util \
- /somewhere/on/your/PATH/dfu-util
- .. note::
- Copying the binary won't work, as it relies on dynamically linked
- libraries found elsewhere in the .app bundle.
- To make sure this worked, plug in your Maple, put it into
- :ref:`perpetual bootloader mode
- <troubleshooting-perpetual-bootloader>` (press RESET, then quickly
- press and hold BUT for several seconds), and run ::
- $ dfu-util -l
- The output should look like this::
- Found DFU: [0x1eaf:0x0003] devnum=0, cfg=0, intf=0, alt=0, name="DFU Program RAM 0x20000C00"
- Found DFU: [0x1eaf:0x0003] devnum=0, cfg=0, intf=0, alt=1, name="DFU Program FLASH 0x08005000"
-* `PySerial`_: our reset script (which sends control signals over the
- USB-serial connection to restart and enter the bootloader) is
- written in Python, and requires the PySerial library. Download and
- extract the `latest version
- <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyserial>`_, then install with ::
- $ cd /path/to/pyserial-x.y
- $ python setup.py build
- $ sudo python setup.py install
- PySerial is also available via `easy_install`_, so if you're
- comfortable using that, you could alternatively install it with ::
- $ easy_install pyserial
-2. Fetch ``libmaple`` and Compiler Toolchain
-First, make a `Git`_ clone of :ref:`libmaple`::
- $ cd ~
- $ git clone git://github.com/leaflabs/libmaple.git
-Next, `download the cross-compilers
-you'll use to build libmaple and your own programs. (These are just
-special-purpose versions of :ref:`GCC <arm-gcc>`).
-Let's say you saved these into
-:file:`~/Downloads/gcc-arm-none-eabi-latest-osx32.tar.gz`. Then unpack
-the archive and tell the shell about its contents with::
- $ cd ~/Downloads
- $ tar -xvf gcc-arm-none-eabi-latest-osx32.tar.gz
- $ mv arm ~/libmaple/arm
- $ export PATH=$PATH:~/libmaple/arm/bin
-After that's done, update your shell startup script so
-:file:`~/libmaple/arm/bin` stays in your ``PATH``.
-So far, so good?
-Great! Test your setup by :ref:`compiling a sample program
.. _toolchain-win-setup:
-These instructions have been tested successfully on Windows 7 Home
-1. Collect and Install Tools
-First, you'll need some tools.
-* `GitHub for Windows <http://windows.github.com/>`_: this is a GUI
- for `Git`_, the version control system we use for :ref:`libmaple`.
- If you don't have one, you need to sign up for a (free) `GitHub
- account <https://github.com/signup/free>`_.
- .. note:: If you use Git from the command line, you can clone
- libmaple with::
- $ git clone git://github.com/leaflabs/libmaple.git
- If you go this route, you don't need a GitHub account.
-* `Python`_: choose the **latest 2.7.x version**. (Python 3 works, but
- you're on your own.)
-* `PySerial`_: Choose the latest **pyserial-x.y-win32.exe version**.
-2. Fetch ``libmaple`` and Compiler Toolchain
-First, make a Git clone of the :ref:`libmaple` repository with the
-following steps:
-1. **Run GitHub for Windows**, and **sign in** using your GitHub
- account.
-2. **Visit** `libmaple's GitHub page
- <https://github.com/leaflabs/libmaple/>`_, and **sign in** to
- GitHub in your web browser as well.
-3. **Click on the "Clone in Windows" button** on libmaple's GitHub
- page, which looks like this:
- .. figure:: /_static/img/github-clone-in-windows.png
- Your browser may prompt you about what to do when you click the
- "Clone in Windows" button. Choose the option that launches the
- GitHub for Windows application.
-Next, you'll need to get some cross-compilers and other tools for
-building and uploading your programs:
-- `Download a .zip of the latest tools
- <http://static.leaflabs.com/pub/codesourcery/gcc-arm-none-eabi-latest-win32.zip>`_.
-- Extract the .zip, and **move the extracted "arm" folder into the
- libmaple repository's folder**.
- You can open the libmaple repository folder by right-clicking
- libmaple in the main GitHub for Windows screen and choosing "open in
- explorer":
- .. figure:: /_static/img/win7-github-open-in-explorer.png
- :align: center
-3. Update your PATH
-You'll next need to configure your system to use the various tools
-you've downloaded and installed. Do that by adding the Python and
-``arm\bin`` directories to your PATH environment variable.
-If you've never set environment variables before, this section
-explains what to do.
-**Add Python to your PATH**:
- Start by navigating to the folder where Python is installed on your
- system (this is probably ``C:\Python27``). Right click on the folder
- address, then choose "Copy address as text":
- .. figure:: /_static/img/win7-copy-python-address.png
- :align: center
- Next, open your environment variables window: from the Start/Windows
- menu, right click on Computer, then choose Properties > Advanced
- System Settings > Environment Variables. Under the "User variables
- for YOUR_USERNAME", look for PATH.
- - If PATH is missing from the list, click "New...".
- Under "Variable Name", write PATH. Under "Variable value", paste
- the Python address you just copied, and click OK. The result looks
- like this:
- .. figure:: /_static/img/win7-python-path.png
- :align: center
- - If PATH is present in the list, click on it and choose "Edit...".
- Go to the end of the "Variable value:" text box, type a semicolon
- (the ``;`` character), and then paste the path you just
- copied. Click OK.
- Test that this worked by running the Git Shell program that came with
- GitHub for Windows, then running ``python`` at the command prompt. You
- should get a Python interpreter that looks like this:
- .. figure:: /_static/img/win7-python-prompt.png
- :align: center
- If that worked, then close the window.
-**Add compiler toolchain to your PATH**:
- Do this by adding the ``arm\bin`` directory (earlier instructions
- had you move ``arm`` to the libmaple repository folder) to your PATH
- environment variable in the same way you added Python.
- Copy the address of the ``arm\bin`` folder by right-clicking on it
- after navigating to it:
- .. figure:: /_static/img/win7-copy-arm-bin-address.png
- :align: center
- The PATH environment variable should exist from when you added
- Python to it, so make sure you choose "Edit..." from the
- environment variables window. Then paste the ``arm\bin`` address you
- copied after typing a semicolon. The final result will look
- something like this:
- .. figure:: /_static/img/win7-python-arm-bin-path.png
- :align: center
- Click OK.
-Once that's done, **open a new Git Shell**, then type this at the
-prompt, and hit return::
- cd libmaple
-.. warning:: You must open a new Git Shell window. If you use a shell
- that's already open, then the changes to PATH you just
- made won't be available, and the instructions in the next
- section won't work.
+You first need to set up your computer by installing and configuring
+various things. Don't fret! We've got detailed instructions, just for
-So far, so good?
+* :ref:`Linux <unix-toolchain-linux-setup>`
+* :ref:`OS X <unix-toolchain-osx-setup>`
+* :ref:`Windows <unix-toolchain-win-setup>`
-Great! Go on to the next section, where you'll compile a program.
+Come back when you're ready. We'll wait.
.. _toolchain-test:
@@ -481,14 +56,19 @@ Test compilation
Test that you've installed all the compilation tools correctly by
-running these commands in your shell::
+running the following commands in your shell.
+Windows users:
- # Windows users:
- # - Type "cs-make" instead of "make"
- # - Don't type the "$", just the parts that come after
- #
- # Linux and OS X users:
- # - First get to libmaple with $ cd libmaple
+ - Don't type the ``$``'s, just the parts that come after.
+ - First get to libmaple by opening a Git Shell, then running ``cd libmaple``.
+ - **Always type** ``cs-make`` **instead of** ``make``.
+Linux and OS X users:
+ - Run these from the top-level libmaple directory.
$ cp main.cpp.example main.cpp
$ make clean
@@ -567,12 +147,12 @@ Notes about the ``libmaple`` build
These are just some miscellaneous notes that are good to know. Feel
free to skip reading this section.
-- The ``dec`` field at the end under ``Final Size:`` gives the total
- program size in bytes. The ``text``, ``data``, and ``bss`` fields
- respectively break down the size of the program into `code
- <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_segment>`_, `initialized data
- <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_segment>`_, and `zero-valued data
- <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.bss>`_.
+- The ``dec`` field at the end of the build output under ``Final
+ Size:`` gives the total program size in bytes. The ``text``,
+ ``data``, and ``bss`` fields respectively break down the size of the
+ program into `code <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_segment>`_,
+ `initialized data <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_segment>`_, and
+ `zero-valued data <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.bss>`_.
- The long list of object files above the ``Final Size`` shows similar
information on a per-file basis. You can use it to help slim down
@@ -598,8 +178,8 @@ Let's blow away the little example program and upload the interactive
test session to your Maple. This will let you interact with the Maple
over a :ref:`USB serial port <usb>`.
-* Linux: you need udev rules set up :ref:`as described above
- <toolchain-udev>`.
+* Linux: you need udev rules set up :ref:`as described in the setup
+ doc <toolchain-udev>`.
* Windows: you need to :ref:`install the Maple's device drivers
@@ -629,8 +209,8 @@ Communicate over USB-Serial
Now let's try out the interactive test session. You need to connect
to the board's serial port device file.
-* Linux: this looks like :file:`/dev/ttyACM*`
-* OS X: it looks like :file:`/dev/tty.usbmodem*`
+* Linux: this looks like :file:`/dev/ttyACM*`.
+* OS X: it looks like :file:`/dev/tty.usbmodem*`.
* Windows: it will be :file:`COMx`, where ``x`` is some number.
Try using one of these to find out which it is::
@@ -786,24 +366,3 @@ Let us know what you come up with! Mention `@leaflabs on Twitter
<http://twitter.com/#!/leaflabs>`_, post in the `forum`_, join the the
#leafblowers IRC channel on `freenode
<http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml>`_, whatever. We love projects!
-.. _Python: http://python.org/download/
-.. _PySerial: http://pyserial.sourceforge.net/
-.. _OpenMoko: http://openmoko.com/
-.. _Git: http://git-scm.com/
-.. _dfu-util: http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Dfu-util
-.. _easy_install: http://packages.python.org/distribute/easy_install.html
-.. rubric:: Footnotes
-.. [#fudev] As a security precaution on Linux, unknown USB devices can
- only be accessed by root. This udev script identifies the Maple
- based on its vendor and product IDs, mounts it to
- :file:`/dev/maple`, and (for Debian-based distros) grants
- read/write permissions to the ``plugdev`` group.
-.. [#fpackman] Some of these software packages might be available on
- `MacPorts <http://www.macports.org/>`_ or `Homebrew
- <http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/>`_. The author had some bad
- experiences with MacPorts a few years ago, though, and hasn't
- touched a package manager on OS X since. Your mileage may vary.