path: root/source/gpio.rst
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diff --git a/source/gpio.rst b/source/gpio.rst
index 9104fed..bd562a7 100644
--- a/source/gpio.rst
+++ b/source/gpio.rst
@@ -80,77 +80,18 @@ above).
GPIO Modes
- Basic digital output: when the pin set high the voltage is held at
- +3.3V (|vcc|) and when set low it is pulled down to ground.
- In open drain mode, the pin indicates "low" by accepting current
- flow to ground and "high" by providing increased impedance. An
- example use would be to connect a pin to a bus line (which is
- pulled up to a positive voltage by a separate supply through a
- large resistor). When the pin is high, not much current flows
- through to ground and the line stays at positive voltage; when the
- pin is low the bus "drains" to ground with a small amount of
- current constantly flowing through the large resistor from the
- external supply. In this mode no current is ever actually
- *sourced* from the pin.
- Basic digital input. The pin voltage is sampled; when it is closer
- to 3.3V (|vcc|) the pin status is high, and when it is closer to
- 0V (ground) it is low. If no external circuit is pulling the pin
- voltage to high or low, it will tend to randomly oscillate and be
- very sensitive to noise (e.g., a breath of air across the pin will
- cause the state to flip).
- The state of the pin in this mode is reported the same way as with
- INPUT, but the pin voltage is gently "pulled up" towards
- +3.3V. This means the state will be high unless an external device
- is specifically pulling the pin down to ground, in which case the
- "gentle" pull up will not effect the state of the input.
- The state of the pin in this mode is reported the same way as with
- INPUT, but the pin voltage is gently "pulled down" towards
- 0V. This means the state will be low unless an external device is
- specifically pulling the pin up to 3.3V, in which case the
- "gentle" pull down will not effect the state of the input.
- This is a special mode for when the pin will be used for analog
- (not digital) reads. See the :ref:`ADC <adc>` page.
- This is a special mode for when the pin will be used for PWM
- output (a special case of digital output). See the :ref:`PWM
- <pwm>` page.
-.. TODO PWM_OPEN_DRAIN needs documentation
+.. doxygenenum:: WiringMode
Function Reference
-``pinMode(pin_number, MODE)``
- Usually called from within `setup()`_ to configure the pin. MODE
- is one of the set listed :ref:`above <gpio-modes>`.
+.. doxygenfunction:: pinMode
- Returns ``HIGH`` (|vcc|) or ``LOW`` (0V).
+.. doxygenfunction:: digitalRead
-``digitalWrite(pin_number, value)``
+.. doxygenfunction:: digitalWrite
- Sets the pin to ``HIGH`` or ``LOW``.
+.. doxygenfunction:: analogRead
.. _gpio-recommended-reading:
@@ -159,6 +100,6 @@ Recommended Reading
STMicro documentation for STM32F103RB microcontroller:
- * `All <http://www.st.com/mcu/devicedocs-STM32F103RB-110.html>`_
- * `Datasheet <http://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/ds/13587.pdf>`_ (pdf)
- * `Reference Manual <http://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/rm/13902.pdf>`_ (pdf)
+ * `All <stm32-all>`_
+ * `Datasheet <datasheet>`_ (pdf)
+ * `Reference Manual <full-manual>`_ (pdf)