path: root/docs/source/maple-quickstart.rst
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diff --git a/docs/source/maple-quickstart.rst b/docs/source/maple-quickstart.rst
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+.. highlight:: sh
+.. _maple-quickstart:
+ Maple Quickstart Guide
+You'll need a `Maple board <http://leaflabs.com/store/>`_, a `Mini-B
+USB cable <http://www.google.com/products?q=mini-b+usb+cable>`_, a
+functional computer, and possibly root (or "administrator") access to
+that computer.
+If you have trouble along the way, try the :ref:`troubleshooting page
+<troubleshooting>` for help with some common problems. If all else
+fails, try our `forum`_, or `contact`_ us directly!
+.. contents:: Contents
+ :local:
+.. _maple-quickstart-get-ide:
+Install and run the IDE
+See the :ref:`IDE installation page <maple-ide-install>` for instructions.
+.. _maple-quickstart-compile-blinky:
+Compile a program!
+Let's load up a simple example program that blinks the status LED.
+From the File menu, select Examples > Digital > Blink:
+.. image:: /_static/img/blinky.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: Click "Blink"
+Next, select Tools > Board > "LeafLabs Maple ... to FLASH":
+.. image:: /_static/img/blinky-to-flash.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: Upload to FLASH
+.. note::
+ You have the option between RAM and FLASH programming: FLASH saves
+ the program into permanent memory so the program will be run every
+ time the Maple is reset, while RAM simply injects the compiled
+ program into the processor's memory.
+ Programming to RAM is faster to upload and a buggy program can be
+ wiped away with a simple reset, while FLASH memory is larger and is
+ the only option for permanently uploading a program.
+.. image:: /_static/img/verify_button.png
+ :align: left
+ :alt: Verify button
+Now press the "verify" button (furthest to the left with a "play"
+arrow) to compile the code. Some output should scroll by in the
+bottom window, and then a confirmation message will appear:
+.. image:: /_static/img/verify-success.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: Code verified successfully.
+.. _maple-quickstart-upload:
+Upload that program!
+Now it's (finally!) time to plug in your Maple. Use a mini-b cable,
+making sure that the power source jumper is on the USB header first.
+We ship Maples with the power source jumper configured that way, so
+you shouldn't have to do anything. For reference, it should look like
+.. image:: /_static/img/plugged-in-maple.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: Correctly plugged in Maple
+.. note::
+ On OS X, a network interface dialog will pop up every time you plug in
+ the Maple.
+ .. image:: /_static/img/osx-unconfigured-popup.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: Unconfigured modem popup
+ If you click "Network Preferences..." and accept the default ("Not
+ Configured"), the dialog won't pop up and everything will work fine.
+ That is, from this window, click "Apply":
+ .. image:: /_static/img/osx-network-prefs-unconfigured.png
+ :align: center
+ :scale: 75%
+ :alt: Click "Apply"
+The Maple should blink a short pattern on the blue status LED every
+time it is plugged in, reset, or reprogrammed, just to let you know
+it's there. If it ever starts throbbing in a slow, smooth pattern,
+then you've got a problem: see the :ref:`troubleshooting
+<troubleshooting>` page for help.
+If all systems are go, select the Board type and Serial Port
+(something like :file:`COM3`, :file:`/dev/ttyACM0`, or
+:file:`/dev/tty.usbmodemfa221`, depending on your platform, from the
+Tools menu:
+Windows XP:
+.. image:: /_static/img/serial-port-win.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: Board type and serial port for Windows XP
+.. image:: /_static/img/serial-port-ubuntu.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: Board type and serial port for Linux
+OS X:
+.. image:: /_static/img/serial-port-mac.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: Board type and serial port for the OS X
+Then press the "Upload" button to upload your program to the
+.. image:: /_static/img/upload-button.png
+ :align: center
+ :alt: Click the "Upload" button
+You should see some text and a progress bar flash by in the status
+window of the IDE, then some blinky patterns on the Maple, and then a
+constant blinking on and off.
+Go ahead and modify the file a little bit: if you change the
+'delay(1000);' numbers to a different value the speed of the blink
+will change. The value is a time in milliseconds to pause before
+continuing with the program, so by default the LED will be on for 1
+second, then off for 1 second, etc. Any time you make any changes, go
+through the same Verify and Upload process to upload the new version
+of your program to your Maple.
+.. warning::
+ The uploading step is the most common source of problems,
+ especially on Windows.
+ The situation is much improved over the past, but if you have
+ trouble, try doing things again, unplugging your Maple and plugging
+ it back in, using :ref:`perpetual bootloader mode
+ <troubleshooting-perpetual-bootloader>`, or restarting the
+ IDE.
+ If nothing works, please report the problem in the `forum`_.
+.. _maple-quickstart-serial-port:
+Use the serial port monitor!
+As a last step to make sure everything has been configured correctly,
+let's upload a hello world program that will send text from the Maple
+back to the IDE over the USB connection. From the File menu, select
+Examples > Stubs > HelloWorld (similarly to when you selected the
+Blink program), and make sure the correct board and serial port
+targets are selected from the Tools pull-down.
+Open the serial monitor window (button on the far right) and make sure
+the 9600 baud speed is selected. Then go back to the code editing
+window and upload your program (Upload will recompile your code
+automatically if there's been any change since the last Verify). You
+should get text spit at you over the serial monitor right after the
+program is uploaded. Shout back! We can hear you!
+Go forth exuberantly!
+We really hope you got this far and didn't frown or make a bitter
+lemon face getting here. Where you go now is up to you: perhaps you've
+got some crazy project cooking, or a longer tutorial to work through,
+or maybe now is a good time for a trip to the kitchen for a delicious
+`sandwich <http://everything2.com/title/Velvet+Elvis>`_.
+If you blew through this guide and are the kind of person who drinks
+their coffee straight, has more than a 100 lines of vim or emacs
+customization, and doesn't even have a mouse plugged into their
+computer, you may want to look at the :ref:`Unix Toolchain quickstart
+<unix-toolchain>` guide. It's the tutorial for getting working with
+your old friends :command:`make`, :command:`jtag`, and :command:`gcc`.
+Let us know what you come up with! Tag us with #leaflabs on Twitter,
+post in the `forum`_, track us down in the real world, whatever. We
+love projects!