path: root/docs/source/libmaple/api/iwdg.rst
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1 files changed, 80 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/source/libmaple/api/iwdg.rst b/docs/source/libmaple/api/iwdg.rst
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index 0000000..65f9f7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/libmaple/api/iwdg.rst
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+.. highlight:: c
+.. _libmaple-iwdg:
+Independent Watchdog (IWDG) support. The IWDG peripheral is common
+across supported targets, so everything documented here is portable.
+.. contents:: Contents
+ :local:
+Usage Note
+To use the independent watchdog, first call :ref:`iwdg_init()
+<libmaple-iwdg-iwdg_init>` with the appropriate prescaler and IWDG
+counter reload values for your application. Afterwards, you must
+periodically call :ref:`iwdg_feed() <libmaple-iwdg-iwdg_feed>` before
+the IWDG counter reaches zero to reset the counter to its reload
+value. If you do not, the chip will reset.
+Once started, the independent watchdog cannot be turned off.
+None at this time.
+.. _libmaple-iwdg-iwdg_init:
+.. doxygenfunction:: iwdg_init
+.. _libmaple-iwdg-iwdg_feed:
+.. doxygenfunction:: iwdg_feed
+.. doxygenenum:: iwdg_prescaler
+Register Maps
+.. doxygendefine:: IWDG_BASE
+.. doxygenstruct:: iwdg_reg_map
+Register Bit Definitions
+These are given as source code.
+ /* Key register */
+ #define IWDG_KR_UNLOCK 0x5555
+ #define IWDG_KR_FEED 0xAAAA
+ #define IWDG_KR_START 0xCCCC
+ /* Prescaler register */
+ #define IWDG_PR_DIV_4 0x0
+ #define IWDG_PR_DIV_8 0x1
+ #define IWDG_PR_DIV_16 0x2
+ #define IWDG_PR_DIV_32 0x3
+ #define IWDG_PR_DIV_64 0x4
+ #define IWDG_PR_DIV_128 0x5
+ #define IWDG_PR_DIV_256 0x6
+ /* Status register */
+ #define IWDG_SR_RVU_BIT 1
+ #define IWDG_SR_PVU_BIT 0
+ #define IWDG_SR_RVU (1U << IWDG_SR_RVU_BIT)
+ #define IWDG_SR_PVU (1U << IWDG_SR_PVU_BIT)