path: root/docs/source/lang/api/hardwaretimer.rst
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diff --git a/docs/source/lang/api/hardwaretimer.rst b/docs/source/lang/api/hardwaretimer.rst
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+.. highlight:: cpp
+.. _lang-hardwaretimer:
+This page describes how to control the built-in timers. It does not
+describe how the timers work on your board. For more information on
+that, the :ref:`timers reference <timers>`.
+.. warning:: The timer interface is still taking shape, and is
+ expected to change significantly between releases. Because of
+ that, the functionality described in this page shouldn't be
+ considered stable.
+ If you want a timer API that will be consistent between releases of
+ the Maple IDE, your best bet for now is to use the low-level
+ support in :ref:`libmaple-timer`.
+.. contents:: Contents
+ :local:
+.. _lang-hardwaretimer-getting-started:
+Getting Started
+You'll first need to define a ``HardwareTimer`` variable, which you'll
+use to control the timer. Do this by putting the line
+"``HardwareTimer timer(number);``" with your variables, where
+``number`` is the timer's number.
+Here's an example (we'll fill in :ref:`setup() <lang-setup>` and
+:ref:`loop() <lang-loop>` later)::
+ // Use timer 1
+ HardwareTimer timer(1);
+ void setup() {
+ // Your setup code
+ }
+ void loop() {
+ // ...
+ }
+Configuring the Prescaler and Overflow
+After defining your ``timer`` variable, you'll probably want to
+configure how fast your timer's counter changes (using the prescaler)
+and when it gets reset to zero (using the overflow value). You can do
+that with the ``setPrescaleFactor()`` and ``setOverflow()`` functions.
+.. _lang-hardwaretimer-setprescalefactor:
+.. doxygenfunction:: HardwareTimer::setPrescaleFactor
+ :no-link:
+.. _lang-hardwaretimer-setoverflow:
+.. doxygenfunction:: HardwareTimer::setOverflow
+ :no-link:
+For example::
+ // Use timer 1
+ HardwareTimer timer(1);
+ void setup() {
+ timer.setPrescaleFactor(5);
+ timer.setOverflow(255);
+ }
+ void loop() {
+ // ...
+ }
+You may also find the ``setPeriod()`` function useful:
+.. _lang-hardwaretimer-setperiod:
+.. doxygenfunction:: HardwareTimer::setPeriod
+ :no-link:
+For example::
+ // Use timer 1
+ HardwareTimer timer(1);
+ void setup() {
+ // Have the timer repeat every 20 milliseconds
+ int microseconds_per_millisecond = 1000;
+ timer.setPeriod(20 * microseconds_per_millisecond);
+ }
+ void loop() {
+ // ...
+ }
+.. _lang-hardwaretimer-interrupts:
+Using Timer Interrupts
+.. TODO [0.2.0] Improve the interrupts section, here or in timers.rst
+In order to use timer interrupts, we recommend the following sequence:
+* Pause the timer.
+* Configure the prescaler and overflow.
+* Pick a timer channel to handle the interrupt and set the channel's
+ :ref:`mode <lang-hardwaretimer-timermode>` to ``TIMER_OUTPUT_COMPARE``.
+* Set the channel compare value appropriately (this controls what counter value,
+ from 0 to overflow - 1). If you just want to make the interrupt fire once
+ every time the timer overflows, and you don't care what the timer count is,
+ the channel compare value can just be 1.
+* Attach an interrupt handler to the channel.
+* Refresh the timer.
+* Resume the timer.
+Here are two complete examples.
+**LED blink**: This example blinks the built-in LED without doing
+anything in ``loop()``. ::
+ #define LED_RATE 500000 // in microseconds; should give 0.5Hz toggles
+ // We'll use timer 2
+ HardwareTimer timer(2);
+ void setup() {
+ // Set up the LED to blink
+ // Pause the timer while we're configuring it
+ timer.pause();
+ // Set up period
+ timer.setPeriod(LED_RATE); // in microseconds
+ // Set up an interrupt on channel 1
+ timer.setCompare(TIMER_CH1, 1); // Interrupt 1 count after each update
+ timer.attachInterrupt(1, handler_led);
+ // Refresh the timer's count, prescale, and overflow
+ timer.refresh();
+ // Start the timer counting
+ timer.resume();
+ }
+ void loop() {
+ // Nothing! It's all in the handler_led() interrupt:
+ }
+ void handler_led(void) {
+ toggleLED();
+ }
+**Racing Counters**: This example shows how to use multiple timers at
+the same time. ::
+ int count3 = 0;
+ int count4 = 0;
+ // We'll use timers 3 and 4
+ HardwareTimer timer3(3);
+ HardwareTimer timer4(4);
+ void setup() {
+ // Set up the button for input
+ // Set up timers to add 1 to their counts each time
+ // their interrupts fire.
+ timer3.pause();
+ timer4.pause();
+ timer3.setCount(0);
+ timer4.setCount(0);
+ timer3.setOverflow(30000);
+ timer4.setOverflow(30000);
+ timer3.setCompare(TIMER_CH1, 1000); // somewhere in the middle
+ timer4.setCompare(TIMER_CH1, 1000);
+ timer3.attachCompare1Interrupt(handler3);
+ timer4.attachCompare1Interrupt(handler4);
+ timer3.refresh();
+ timer4.refresh();
+ timer3.resume();
+ timer4.resume();
+ }
+ void loop() {
+ // Display the running counts
+ SerialUSB.print("Count 3: ");
+ SerialUSB.print(count3);
+ SerialUSB.print("\t\tCount 4: ");
+ SerialUSB.println(count4);
+ // While the button is held down, pause timer 4
+ for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
+ if (digitalRead(BOARD_BUTTON_PIN)) {
+ timer4.pause();
+ } else {
+ timer4.resume();
+ }
+ delay(1);
+ }
+ }
+ void handler3(void) {
+ count3++;
+ }
+ void handler4(void) {
+ count4++;
+ }
+``HardwareTimer`` Class Reference
+This section gives a full listing of the capabilities of a
+.. doxygenclass:: HardwareTimer
+ :members: HardwareTimer, pause, resume, getPrescaleFactor, setPrescaleFactor, getOverflow, setOverflow, getCount, setCount, setPeriod, setMode, getCompare, setCompare, attachInterrupt, detachInterrupt, refresh
+.. _lang-hardwaretimer-timermode:
+.. doxygenenum:: timer_mode
+Deprecated Functionality
+The following functionality exists for now, but it has been
+deprecated, and will be removed in a future Maple IDE release. You
+shouldn't use it in new programs, and you should change any of your
+programs which do use them to use the up-to-date features described
+The ``TimerMode`` type from previous releases has been renamed
+``timer_mode``. The mode ``TIMER_OUTPUTCOMPARE`` is still present,
+but will be removed in a future release. Use ``TIMER_OUTPUT_COMPARE``
+.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::attachCompare1Interrupt(voidFuncPtr handler)
+ Use ``attachInterrupt(1, handler)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::attachCompare2Interrupt(voidFuncPtr handler)
+ Use ``attachInterrupt(2, handler)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::attachCompare3Interrupt(voidFuncPtr handler)
+ Use ``attachInterrupt(3, handler)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::attachCompare4Interrupt(voidFuncPtr handler)
+ Use ``attachInterrupt(4, handler)`` instead.
+.. _lang-hardwaretimer-setchannelmode:
+.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::setChannelMode(int channel, timer_mode mode)
+ Use ``setMode(channel, mode)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::setChannel1Mode(timer_mode mode)
+ Use ``setMode(1, mode)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::setChannel2Mode(timer_mode mode)
+ Use ``setMode(2, mode)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::setChannel3Mode(timer_mode mode)
+ Use ``setMode(3, mode)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::setChannel4Mode(timer_mode mode)
+ Use ``setMode(4, mode)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: uint16 HardwareTimer::getCompare1()
+ Use ``getCompare(1, mode)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: uint16 HardwareTimer::getCompare2()
+ Use ``getCompare(2, mode)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: uint16 HardwareTimer::getCompare3()
+ Use ``getCompare(3, mode)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: uint16 HardwareTimer::getCompare4()
+ Use ``getCompare(4, mode)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::setCompare1(uint16 compare)
+ Use ``setCompare(1, compare)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::setCompare2(uint16 compare)
+ Use ``setCompare(2, compare)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::setCompare3(uint16 compare)
+ Use ``setCompare(3, compare)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::setCompare4(uint16 compare)
+ Use ``setCompare(4, compare)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::detachCompare1Interrupt()
+ Use ``detachInterrupt(1)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::detachCompare2Interrupt()
+ Use ``detachInterrupt(2)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::detachCompare3Interrupt()
+ Use ``detachInterrupt(3)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::detachCompare4Interrupt()
+ Use ``detachInterrupt(4)`` instead.
+.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::generateUpdate()
+ Use ``refresh()`` instead.
+In previous releases, to interact with a particular timers, you would
+use one of the predefined ``HardwareTimer`` instances ``Timer1``,
+``Timer2``, ``Timer3``, and ``Timer4``. These are still available for
+now, but they are also deprecated, and will be removed in a future
+release. As detailed in :ref:`lang-hardwaretimer-getting-started`,
+you should define your own ``HardwareTimer`` variables.