path: root/source/unix-toolchain-win-setup.rst
diff options
authorMarti Bolivar <mbolivar@leaflabs.com>2012-09-05 01:15:08 -0400
committerMarti Bolivar <mbolivar@leaflabs.com>2012-09-05 01:15:08 -0400
commit9c4e459269686720c57c690669312f2a0e2c347a (patch)
tree50e6022d950dab47844e787a7574129e7cca651a /source/unix-toolchain-win-setup.rst
parent5494bff2f9239b92ad8841bb127d33948bccf150 (diff)
unix-toolchain: Break individual OS setup docs into separate files.
A monolithic quickstart is too unwieldy at this point. Move the initial setup instructions into their own files to make it less daunting and easier to read. Signed-off-by: Marti Bolivar <mbolivar@leaflabs.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'source/unix-toolchain-win-setup.rst')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/unix-toolchain-win-setup.rst b/source/unix-toolchain-win-setup.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5885741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/unix-toolchain-win-setup.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+.. highlight:: sh
+.. _unix-toolchain-win-setup:
+Unix Toolchain Windows Setup
+This page contains instructions for setting up a Windows computer for
+use with the :ref:`Unix toolchain <unix-toolchain>`.
+These instructions have been tested successfully on Windows 7 Home
+.. contents:: Contents
+ :local:
+Collect and Install Tools
+First, you'll need some tools.
+* `GitHub for Windows <http://windows.github.com/>`_: this is a GUI
+ for `Git`_, the version control system we use for :ref:`libmaple`.
+ If you don't have one, you need to sign up for a (free) `GitHub
+ account <https://github.com/signup/free>`_.
+ .. note:: If you use Git from the command line, you can clone
+ libmaple with::
+ $ git clone git://github.com/leaflabs/libmaple.git
+ If you go this route, you don't need a GitHub account.
+* `Python`_: choose the **latest 2.7.x version**. (Python 3 works, but
+ you're on your own.)
+* `PySerial`_: Choose the latest **pyserial-x.y-win32.exe version**.
+Fetch ``libmaple`` and Compiler Toolchain
+First, make a Git clone of the :ref:`libmaple` repository with the
+following steps:
+1. **Run GitHub for Windows**, and **sign in** using your GitHub
+ account.
+2. **Visit** `libmaple's GitHub page
+ <https://github.com/leaflabs/libmaple/>`_, and **sign in** to
+ GitHub in your web browser as well.
+3. **Click on the "Clone in Windows" button** on libmaple's GitHub
+ page, which looks like this:
+ .. figure:: /_static/img/github-clone-in-windows.png
+ Your browser may prompt you about what to do when you click the
+ "Clone in Windows" button. Choose the option that launches the
+ GitHub for Windows application.
+Next, you'll need to get some cross-compilers and other tools for
+building and uploading your programs:
+- `Download a .zip of the latest tools
+ <http://static.leaflabs.com/pub/codesourcery/gcc-arm-none-eabi-latest-win32.zip>`_.
+- Extract the .zip, and **move the extracted "arm" folder into the
+ libmaple repository's folder**.
+ You can open the libmaple repository folder by right-clicking
+ libmaple in the main GitHub for Windows screen and choosing "open in
+ explorer":
+ .. figure:: /_static/img/win7-github-open-in-explorer.png
+ :align: center
+Update your PATH
+You'll next need to configure your system to use the various tools
+you've downloaded and installed. Do that by adding the Python and
+``arm\bin`` directories to your PATH environment variable.
+If you've never set environment variables before, this section
+explains what to do.
+**Add Python to your PATH**:
+ Start by navigating to the folder where Python is installed on your
+ system (this is probably ``C:\Python27``). Right click on the folder
+ address, then choose "Copy address as text":
+ .. figure:: /_static/img/win7-copy-python-address.png
+ :align: center
+ Next, open your environment variables window: from the Start/Windows
+ menu, right click on Computer, then choose Properties > Advanced
+ System Settings > Environment Variables. Under the "User variables
+ for YOUR_USERNAME", look for PATH.
+ - If PATH is missing from the list, click "New...".
+ Under "Variable Name", write PATH. Under "Variable value", paste
+ the Python address you just copied, and click OK. The result looks
+ like this:
+ .. figure:: /_static/img/win7-python-path.png
+ :align: center
+ - If PATH is present in the list, click on it and choose "Edit...".
+ Go to the end of the "Variable value:" text box, type a semicolon
+ (the ``;`` character), and then paste the path you just
+ copied. Click OK.
+ Test that this worked by running the Git Shell program that came with
+ GitHub for Windows, then running ``python`` at the command prompt. You
+ should get a Python interpreter that looks like this:
+ .. figure:: /_static/img/win7-python-prompt.png
+ :align: center
+ If that worked, then close the window.
+**Add compiler toolchain to your PATH**:
+ Do this by adding the ``arm\bin`` directory (earlier instructions
+ had you move ``arm`` to the libmaple repository folder) to your PATH
+ environment variable in the same way you added Python.
+ Copy the address of the ``arm\bin`` folder by right-clicking on it
+ after navigating to it:
+ .. figure:: /_static/img/win7-copy-arm-bin-address.png
+ :align: center
+ The PATH environment variable should exist from when you added
+ Python to it, so make sure you choose "Edit..." from the
+ environment variables window. Then paste the ``arm\bin`` address you
+ copied after typing a semicolon. The final result will look
+ something like this:
+ .. figure:: /_static/img/win7-python-arm-bin-path.png
+ :align: center
+ Click OK.
+Once that's done, **open a new Git Shell**, then type this at the
+prompt, and hit return::
+ cd libmaple
+.. warning:: You must open a new Git Shell window. If you use a shell
+ that's already open, then the changes to PATH you just
+ made won't be available, and the instructions in the next
+ section won't work.
+So far, so good?
+Great! Go on to the next section, where you'll compile a program.