path: root/source/arduino/for.rst
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authorMarti Bolivar <mbolivar@mit.edu>2010-10-25 21:15:28 -0400
committerMarti Bolivar <mbolivar@mit.edu>2010-11-17 12:44:28 -0500
commit2d429e75ce69e77f8c95490ac03881ec9aa0354a (patch)
treea3b810a6c75625b07a4b976e5d1e319c60e19a6b /source/arduino/for.rst
parent30ac55d80c18e93f9c39a6dd850c10f9e7fd92ac (diff)
arduino language reference nearing completion, properly CC-BY-SA 3.0 attributed
Diffstat (limited to 'source/arduino/for.rst')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/source/arduino/for.rst b/source/arduino/for.rst
index b7e2e95..cc18722 100644
--- a/source/arduino/for.rst
+++ b/source/arduino/for.rst
@@ -1,117 +1,139 @@
-.. _arduino-for:
-for statements
-The **for** statement is used to repeat a block of statements
-enclosed in curly braces. An increment counter is usually used to
-increment and terminate the loop. The **for** statement is useful
-for any repetitive operation, and is often used in combination with
-arrays to operate on collections of data/pins.
-There are three parts to the **for** loop header:
-``<strong>for</strong> (<strong>initialization</strong>;<strong> condition</strong>;<strong> increment</strong>) {``
+.. highlight:: cpp
+.. _arduino-for:
+for Loops
+.. contents:: Contents
+ :local:
-The **initialization** happens first and exactly once. Each time
-through the loop, the **condition** is tested; if it's true, the
-statement block, and the **increment** is executed, then the
-**condition** is tested again. When the **condition** becomes
-false, the loop ends.
+A ``for`` loop is used to repeat a block of statements enclosed in
+curly braces. ``for`` loops are useful for performing repetitive
+operations, and are often used in combination with :ref:`arrays
+<arduino-array>` to operate on collections of data or multiple
+:ref:`pins <gpio>`. A ``for`` loop is composed of two parts: first, a
+*header*, which sets up the for loop, and then a *body*, which is made
+up of lines of code enclosed in curly braces.
+There are three parts to the ``for`` loop header: an *initialization*
+expression, *loop condition* expression, and a *post-loop*
+expression. The general syntax looks like this::
+ for (initialization; condition; post-loop) {
+ // all of these lines inside the curly braces are part
+ // of the loop body.
+ statement 1;
+ statement 2;
+ ...
+ }
+(Note that there is no semicolon after the post-loop). The
+initialization happens first and exactly once, before the loop begins.
+Each time through the loop, the condition is tested. The condition is
+a :ref:`boolean arduino-boolean` expression. If it is true, then the
+list of statements inside the curly braces are executed. Next, the
+post-loop is executed. The loop then begins again by evaluating the
+condition again, entering the loop body if it is true. This proceeds
+until the condition becomes false.
+Here's an example::
// Dim an LED using a PWM pin
- int PWMpin = 10; // LED in series with 470 ohm resistor on pin 10
- void setup()
- {
- // no setup needed
- }
- void loop()
- {
- for (int i=0; i <= 255; i++){
- analogWrite(PWMpin, i);
- delay(10);
- }
+ int pwmPin = 9; // LED in series with 470 ohm resistor on pin 9
+ void setup() {
+ pinMode(pwmPin, PWM);
+ void loop() {
+ for (int i=0; i <= 65535; i++) {
+ pwmWrite(pwmPin, i);
+ delay(1);
+ }
+ }
+There is a ``for`` loop In the :ref:`loop() <arduino-loop>` function
+of the above example. This loop starts by declaring an ``int``
+variable named ``i``, whose value starts out at zero. The loop
+proceeds by checking if ``i`` is less than or equal to 65535. Since
+``i`` is zero, this is true, and so the calls to :ref:`pwmWrite()
+<wirish-pwmwrite>` and :ref:`arduino-delay` happen next. At this
+point, the post-loop expression ``i++`` is evaluated, which
+:ref:`increments <arduino-increment>` ``i``, so that ``i`` becomes
+one. That concludes the first time through the loop. Each "time
+through the loop" is referred to as an *iteration*.
+The loop then jumps back to the beginning, checking the condition as
+the beginning of its second iteration (initialization is skipped,
+since this only happens once, before the first iteration). One is
+less than 65535, so the loop statements are executed again. This
+proceeds over and over until the iteration when ``i`` finally
+reaches 65536. At that point, the condition is no longer true, so the
+loop stops executing, and the ``loop()`` function returns.
+Here's another example, using a ``for`` loop to brighten and fade an
+LED (see the :ref:`pwmWrite() <wirish-pwmwrite>` reference for more
+ int pwmPin = 9; // hook up the LED to pin 9
+ void loop() {
+ int x = 1;
+ for (int i = 0; i >= 0; i += x) {
+ analogWrite(pwmPin, i); // controls the brightness of the LED
+ if (i == 65535) {
+ x = -1; // switch direction, so i starts decreasing
+ }
+ delay(1);
+ }
+ }
Coding Tips
-The C **for** loop is much more flexible than **for** loops found
-in some other computer languages, including BASIC. Any or all of
-the three header elements may be omitted, although the semicolons
-are required. Also the statements for initialization, condition,
-and increment can be any valid C statements with unrelated
-variables, and use any C datatypes including floats. These types of
-unusual **for** statements may provide solutions to some rare
+The C ``for`` loop is more flexible than ``for`` loops found in some
+other computer languages, including BASIC. Any or all of the three
+header elements may be left blank, although the semicolons are
+required. Also the statements for initialization, condition, and
+post-loop can be any valid C statements, and use any C datatypes,
+including :ref:`floating point numbers <arduino-double>`. These types
+of unusual ``for`` loops sometimes provide solutions to less-common
programming problems.
+For example, using a multiplication in the post-loop line will
+generate a `geometric progression
-For example, using a multiplication in the increment line will
-generate a logarithmic progression:
- for(int x = 2; x < 100; x = x * 1.5){
- println(x);
+ for(int x = 1; x <= 100; x = x * 2) {
+ SerialUSB.println(x);
+This loop prints out the numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, ..., 64. Check
+your understanding of ``for`` loops by answering the following two
+questions (answers are in footnote [#fanswers]_\ ):
-Generates: 2,3,4,6,9,13,19,28,42,63,94
-Another example, fade an LED up and down with one **for** loop:
- void loop()
- {
- int x = 1;
- for (int i = 0; i > -1; i = i + x){
- analogWrite(PWMpin, i);
- if (i = 255) x = -1; // switch direction at peak
- delay(10);
- }
- }
+1. How many iterations occur before the loop finishes?
+2. Why does it stop at 64?
See also
+- :ref:`while <arduino-while>` loops
+- :ref:`do <arduino-dowhile>` loops
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
-- `while <http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/While>`_
+.. [#fanswers]
+ 1. Seven.
+ 2. After the seventh iteration, the post-loop causes ``x`` to
+ equal 128. This is larger than 100, so the loop condition is
+ false, and the loop stops.