path: root/docs/source/unix-toolchain-linux-setup.rst
diff options
authorbnewbold <bnewbold@robocracy.org>2014-08-27 17:36:11 -0400
committerbnewbold <bnewbold@robocracy.org>2014-08-27 17:42:22 -0400
commit34b766c9d5f778762069938c71e052fa40455d1c (patch)
tree3a2b77e636b222fecff6366218cf7845029afecf /docs/source/unix-toolchain-linux-setup.rst
parent746d6fecf86572c9fe95dbbffdf541a8d3875dd0 (diff)
parentadd7e54ccaf61859874527feda2b51ea172ce697 (diff)
merge libmaple docs ("leaflabs-docs") into ./docs
In the past, libample documentation was forked out of this repository because the documentation had increased in scope. For the librambutan, and the rambutan project in general, we will try to keep documentation closer to the source code, so the librambutan-specific documentation should live here. Other sections of leaflabs-docs will be culled in a following commit. This merge attempts to maintain history by using a subtree strategy. Followed directions at: http://nuclearsquid.com/writings/subtree-merging-and-you/ Full history for files should be accessible using the "--follow" flag to git log, eg: git log --follow docs/source/adc.rst It should be possible to pull patches from leaflabs-docs with: git pull -s subtree leaflabs-docs master ... at least until the docs in this repository diverge significantly.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/source/unix-toolchain-linux-setup.rst')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/source/unix-toolchain-linux-setup.rst b/docs/source/unix-toolchain-linux-setup.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1333e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/unix-toolchain-linux-setup.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+.. highlight:: sh
+.. _unix-toolchain-linux-setup:
+Unix Toolchain Linux Setup
+This page contains instructions for setting up a Linux computer for
+use with the :ref:`Unix toolchain <unix-toolchain>`. (Setup
+instructions for :ref:`other operating systems <toolchain-setup>` are
+also available.)
+These instructions have been tested successfully on:
+- Ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04 (32- and 64-bit)
+- Fedora 17 (64-bit)
+- Debian Wheezy 64-bit
+Generic instructions for other distributions are also provided. Please
+`contact`_ us with any updates for distros not already covered!
+.. contents:: Contents
+ :local:
+Collect and Install Tools
+First, you'll need some tools.
+.. warning:: Due to firmware bugs in our :ref:`bootloader
+ <bootloader>`, you must use recent versions of ``dfu-util``, or
+ uploads will not work. ``dfu-util`` versions 0.6 and greater
+ should work.
+**Debian-based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc.)**:
+ Install mandatory and optional tools with ::
+ $ sudo apt-get install build-essential git-core screen dfu-util python python-serial
+ On *64-bit distros only*, you will also need to install some 32-bit
+ libraries needed by the LeafLabs-supported :ref:`ARM GCC toolchain
+ <arm-gcc>` with ::
+ # 64-bit systems only!
+ $ sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
+ # As of Ubuntu 13, you should do this instead:
+ $ sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0
+ You may also need to remove `brltty <http://mielke.cc/brltty/>`_
+ with ::
+ # Optional
+ $ sudo apt-get remove brltty
+ Brltty provides braille access to the console. It has been reported
+ to cause conflicts with Maple.
+**Red Hat-based distributions (RHEL, Fedora, Centos, etc.)**:
+ Install mandatory and optional tools with ::
+ $ sudo yum install screen git python pyserial dfu-util make
+ On *64-bit distros only*, you will also need to install 32-bit
+ libraries needed by the LeafLabs-supported :ref:`ARM GCC toolchain
+ <arm-gcc>` with ::
+ # 64-bit systems only!
+ $ sudo yum install glibc.i686
+ You may also need to remove `brltty <http://mielke.cc/brltty/>`_
+ with one of these::
+ # Optional, 64-bit systems:
+ $ sudo yum erase brltty.x86_64
+ # Optional, 32-bit systems:
+ $ sudo yum erase brltty.i686
+ Brltty provides braille access to the console. It has been
+ reported to cause conflicts with Maple.
+**Other Linux distributions**:
+ On other distributions, you'll need to figure this out for yourself
+ (please `contact`_ us if you have instructions for distros not
+ covered here!).
+ Mandatory tools:
+ * `Git`_ is a distributed version control system. We use it to track
+ our source code.
+ * `dfu-util`_ is a tool from the `OpenMoko`_ project. It is used to
+ upload programs to the Maple over USB.
+ * `Make <http://www.gnu.org/software/make/>`_ is used to direct
+ compilation.
+ * `Python`_ is a programming language. Our reset script, which sends
+ control signals to the board which cause it to to reset and enter
+ the :ref:`bootloader <bootloader>`, is written in Python (and
+ works with Python 2 or 3). Most Linux distributions these days
+ include Python by default.
+ * `PySerial`_ is a Python library for interacting with serial port
+ devices. It's needed by our reset script. PySerial can also be
+ installed with `easy_install`_.
+ Optional tools:
+ * `screen <http://www.gnu.org/s/screen/>`_ is a screen manager used
+ here to connect to serial port devices. (Some popular
+ alternatives are `Minicom
+ <http://alioth.debian.org/projects/minicom/>`_ and `Kermit
+ <http://www.kermitproject.org/>`_).
+Fetch ``libmaple`` and Compiler Toolchain
+First, make a Git clone of :ref:`libmaple`::
+ $ cd ~
+ $ git clone git://github.com/leaflabs/libmaple.git libmaple
+Next, download the `Linux ARM GCC toolchain
+you'll use to build your programs. Extract the archive into a
+directory named :file:`arm`. Put the resulting :file:`arm/bin`
+subdirectory somewhere in your ``PATH``. For example, if you have
+`wget <http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/>`_ installed, you can run::
+ $ cd ~/libmaple
+ $ wget http://static.leaflabs.com/pub/codesourcery/gcc-arm-none-eabi-latest-linux32.tar.gz
+ $ tar xvf gcc-arm-none-eabi-latest-linux32.tar.gz
+ $ export PATH=$PATH:~/libmaple/arm/bin
+You can check that this worked by entering ``arm-none-`` and hitting
+tab to auto-complete; your shell should show a bunch of results. After
+you're done, you'll probably want to update your shell startup script
+so the :file:`arm/bin` directory stays in your ``PATH``.
+.. _toolchain-udev:
+Install udev Rules
+From the libmaple directory, copy our udev rules [#fudev]_ to
+ $ sudo cp support/scripts/45-maple.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/45-maple.rules
+Then restart udev.
+**Ubuntu (NOT Debian)**:
+ Make sure you are in the plugdev group (e.g. by running ``$ groups``
+ and seeing if the output includes "plugdev"). If not, add yourself
+ to plugdev with ::
+ $ sudo usermod -a -G plugdev $USER
+ then log out and log back in.
+ After that's done, restart udev::
+ $ sudo restart udev
+**Debian (NOT Ubuntu)**:
+ Make sure you're in the dialout group. If not, add yourself with ::
+ $ sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
+ then log out and log back in.
+ After that's done, restart udev::
+ $ sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart
+**Red Hat-based distros**:
+ ::
+ $ udevadm control --reload-rules
+After restarting ``udev``, you'll need to unplug and re-plug your
+So far, so good?
+Great! Move on by :ref:`compiling a sample program <toolchain-test>`.
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
+.. [#fudev] As a security precaution on Linux, unknown USB devices can
+ only be accessed by root. This udev script identifies the Maple
+ based on its vendor and product IDs, mounts it to
+ :file:`/dev/maple`, and (for Debian-based distros) grants
+ read/write permissions to the ``plugdev`` group.