path: root/docs/source/lang/cpp/bitwisemath.rst
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authorHanna Mendes Levitin <hanna@anomaly-3.local>2010-12-01 03:37:07 -0600
committerHanna Mendes Levitin <hanna@anomaly-3.local>2010-12-01 03:37:07 -0600
commita0549b4a15a7093f990fffa4bc1d2d52ec1c16e2 (patch)
tree9c6383570be6d045db4d8942ca3137fc3cb5b8a0 /docs/source/lang/cpp/bitwisemath.rst
parent3b7f16dba295da3a0071564ac284c25dc56e6b18 (diff)
docs, now with style
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1 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
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+.. highlight:: cpp
+.. _lang-bitwisemath:
+Bitwise Operators (``&``, ``|``, ``^``, ``~``)
+The bitwise operators perform their calculations at the bit level of
+variables. They help solve a wide range of common programming
+Much of the material here is adapted for Maple from an (Arduino)
+`tutorial on bitwise math
+<http://www.arduino.cc/playground/Code/BitMath>`_\ . Another great
+resource is the Wikipedia article on `bitwise operations
+<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitwise_operation>`_\ .
+Below are descriptions and syntax for all of the operators.
+.. contents:: Contents
+ :local:
+.. _lang-bitwisemath-and:
+Bitwise AND (``&``)
+The bitwise AND operator in C++ is a single ampersand, ``&``, used
+between two other integer expressions. Bitwise AND operates on each
+bit position of the surrounding expressions independently, according
+to this rule: if both input bits are 1, the resulting output is 1,
+otherwise the output is 0. Another way of expressing this is::
+ 0 0 1 1 operand1
+ 0 1 0 1 operand2
+ ----------
+ 0 0 0 1 (operand1 & operand2) = result
+On the Maple, the type ``int`` is a 32-bit value, so using ``&``
+between two ``int`` expressions causes 32 simultaneous AND operations
+to occur. In a code fragment like::
+ int a = 92; // in binary: 00000000000000000000000001011100
+ int b = 101; // in binary: 00000000000000000000000001100101
+ int c = a & b; // result: 00000000000000000000000001000100,
+ // (or 68 in decimal).
+Each of the 32 bits in ``a`` and ``b`` are processed using bitwise
+AND, and all 32 resulting bits are stored in ``c``, resulting in the
+value 1000100 in binary, which is 68 in decimal.
+.. _lang-bitwisemath-or:
+Bitwise OR (``|``)
+The bitwise OR operator in C++ is the vertical bar symbol, ``|``. Like
+the ``&`` operator, ``|`` operates independently on each bit in its
+two surrounding integer expressions, but what it does is
+different. The bitwise OR of two bits is 1 if either or both of the
+input bits is 1, otherwise it is 0. For example::
+ 0 0 1 1 operand1
+ 0 1 0 1 operand2
+ ----------
+ 0 1 1 1 (operand1 | operand2) = result
+Here is an example of bitwise OR used in a snippet of C++ code (using
+``char``, which takes up 8 bits of memory, instead of ``int``, which
+uses 32)::
+ char a = 92; // in binary: 01011100
+ char b = 101; // in binary: 01100101
+ char c = a | b; // result: 01111101, or 125 in decimal.
+.. _lang-bitwisemath-xor:
+Bitwise XOR (``^``)
+There is a somewhat unusual operator in C++ called bitwise EXCLUSIVE
+OR, also known as bitwise XOR. (In English, this is usually pronounced
+"zor" or "ex-or"). The bitwise XOR operator is written using the caret
+symbol, ``^``. This operator is very similar to the bitwise OR
+operator ``|``, except it evaluates to 0 for a given bit position when
+both of the input bits for that position are 1::
+ 0 0 1 1 operand1
+ 0 1 0 1 operand2
+ ----------
+ 0 1 1 0 (operand1 ^ operand2) = result
+Another way to look at bitwise XOR is that each bit in the result
+is a 1 if the input bits are different, or 0 if they are the same.
+Here is a simple example::
+ int x = 12; // binary (ignoring extra bits): 1100
+ int y = 10; // binary: 1010
+ int z = x ^ y; // binary: 0110, or decimal 6
+The ^ operator is often used to toggle (i.e. change from 0 to 1, or 1
+to 0) some of the bits in an integer expression. In a bitwise OR
+operation if there is a 1 in the mask bit, that bit is inverted; if
+there is a 0, the bit is not inverted and stays the same. Below is a
+program to blink digital pin 13 (the LED pin on Maple)::
+ // Blink Maple LED pin
+ int led_pin = 13;
+ int toggle = 0;
+ // demo for Exclusive OR
+ void setup(){
+ pinMode(led_pin, OUTPUT);
+ }
+ void loop(){
+ toggle = toggle ^ 1;
+ digitalWrite(led_pin, toggle);
+ delay(100);
+ }
+.. _lang-bitwisemath-not:
+Bitwise NOT (``~``)
+The bitwise NOT operator in C++ is the tilde character ``~``. Unlike
+``&`` and ``|``, the bitwise NOT operator is applied to a single
+operand to its right. Bitwise NOT changes each bit to its opposite: 0
+becomes 1, and 1 becomes 0. For example::
+ 0 1 operand1
+ ----
+ 1 0 ~operand1 = result
+Another example::
+ char a = 103; // binary: 01100111
+ char b = ~a; // binary: 10011000 = -104
+You might be surprised to see a negative number like -104 as the
+result of this operation. This is because the highest bit in an int
+variable is the so-called "sign bit". If the highest bit is 1, the
+number is interpreted as negative. This encoding of positive and
+negative numbers is referred to as *two's complement*. For more
+information, see the Wikipedia article on `two's
+complement. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twos_complement>`_
+As an aside, it is interesting to note that (under two's complement
+arithmetic) for any integer ``x``, ``~x`` is the same as ``-x-1``.
+At times, the sign bit in a signed integer expression can cause
+some unwanted surprises.
+One of the most common uses of bitwise operations is to select or
+manipulate a particular bit (or bits) from an integer value, often
+called `bit masking
+<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mask_%28computing%29>`_\ . See the
+linked Wikipedia article for more information and examples.
+If you really want to see bit-twiddling techniques in their full
+glory, you could do much worse than to get yourself a copy of
+`Hacker's Delight <http://www.hackersdelight.org/>`_\ .
+See Also
+- :ref:`Boolean operations <lang-boolean>` (``&&``, ``||``)
+- :ref:`Compound bitwise operations <lang-compoundbitwise>` (``&=``,
+ ``|=``, ``^=``).
+.. include:: cc-attribution.txt