Rust ================== ## Resources - - - - Optimization: use `RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native"` to take advantage of CPU special features. (via For local rust/std documentation, do `rustup doc`. ## Little tricks Run tests with stdout output: cargo test -- --nocapture To run tests with logging enabled (eg, with `env_logger`), make sure you add `env_logger::init()` to the test function itself. ## map() and Result Ergonomics `.collect()` has some magical features! In addition to turning an iterator of `Item` into `Vec`, it will turn an iterator of `Result` into `Result>`. This makes it really useful for the end of functions. This is particularly useful for resolving some categories of "error handling in map closures": you can use `?` in the map closure as long as you wrap the happy path with `Ok()` and call collect on the outside. Eg: let list: Vec = junk .iter() .map(|thing| Ok(Item { a: thing.a, b: fixup(thing.widget)?, })) .collect::Result>()?; What about when `map` over an `Option`? Eg: let toy = Shiny { a: 123, b:|v| paint(v).expect("paint to succeed"), }; Should use match in this case: let toy = Shiny { a: 123, b: match component { None => None, Some(v) => Some(paint(v)?), }, };