QUCS -------- QUCS is alright. It does verilog-a, I think it can load SPICE files, has a decent parts library, enables parametric plotting of circuit parameters, can do basic transmission line and PCB layout simulations, etc. I found "A Qucs Tutorial for RF" helpful for getting started; the default tutorial is also good. On debian wheezy, install the following (some are probably not necessary, like cmake): sudo aptitude install libxml-libxml-perl libgd-gd2-perl zlib1g zlib1g-dev libgd2-xpm-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev libxml-perl libqt4-dev libqt4-qt3support automake libtool gperf flex bison cmake Then follow the build directions at https://github.com/Qucs/qucs/wiki/Build-Linux. You don't need to set the ``--prefix``, but you do need ``--enable-maintainer-mode``. You probably want to ``make -j8`` to build faster. Within QUCS, one "gotcha" is that simulating only creates a simulation engine and dataset; you then need to go to (or create) a data pane (seperate sheet from the circuit schematic) to visualize the results. Lattice FPGA Dev Tools --------------------------- Lattice Semi offers no-cost software development tools for their FPGA parts, called Lattice Diamond. The toolchain is based on Synopsys Synplify Pro for synthesis and Aldec Active-HDL for simulation, and runs on Linux. First you need to register for an account to get a free license, and agree to a EULA. Doves cry. Generate a free license following a link from the "Licensing" tab of the Diamond Software page. It's a 1.2 GB download, which is way smaller than Xilinx ISE. The below was tested with version 3.1 for 64 bit linux. The IDE comes as an .rpm file for Fedora/RedHat. To install on debian/ubuntu, the 'alien' tool can be used to convert this to a .deb. This process can take a long time, particularly at the "debian/rules binary" step. Run:: sudo alien --to-deb --scripts diamond_3_1-base_x64-96-x86_64-linux.rpm Then install the package: sudo dpkg -i diamond_3_1*.deb