--- format: markdown title: Debian Maintainership ... ## Reference - [Official Policy Manual]([https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/): basically a style guide for how software should be packaged and how a Debian operating system should work. - [Packaging Tutorial](https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/packaging-tutorial/packaging-tutorial.en.pdf): this was a great getting-started resource for me: what files under `debian/` do what, what automated tooling exists, how packaging has changed over time, etc. "Hands on". ## Developer Machine Setup Install pacakges: sudo apt install build-essential ccache cdbs cowbuilder debhelper \ devscripts dgit dh-make distcc fakeroot git-buildpackage lintian \ pbuilder quilt sbuild schroot svn-buildpackage wdiff piuparts I set the following user-wide environment variables: QUILT_PATCHES="debian/patches" DH_VERBOSE=1 DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS="hardening=+all" DEBFULLNAME="" DEBEMAIL="" Create a `cowbuilder` environment: sudo cowbuilder --create # on new machines sudo cowbuilder --update # ~regularly sudo cowbuilder --build thing.dsc # do the build ## Basic Commands Run from inside source directory, except apt-get commands: apt-get source $PKG dch -i # new debian/changelog entry w/ incremented version dch "some task" # adds line to current changelog entry uscan -v . # manually check for new package version gbp import-orig --uscan # import new release via uscan (for gbp-developed packages) lintian -EviIL +pedantic # after build apt-get build-dep $PKG dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc # just build a package on local machine (no sign) # OR debuild -us -uc # same as above + lintian? no color sudo debi # install locally debdiff pkg_1.0.deb pkg_1.0-1 dh_make -f ../something-1.0.tar.gz # does the renaming to .orig.tar.gz automatically pdebuild --pbuilder cowbuilder Patching: edit-patch ## dgit `dgit` is complicated! Mostly because it is flexible/powerful, works with a lot of packaging workflows, and there is not a clear default workflow of packaging in general or with `dgit`. In particular dgit is mostly just about interfacing with debian project infrastructure, not storing packaging info in git format. There are multiple tools/workflows for the later (git-buildpackage ("gpb"), git-dpm, etc). ## Debian Helper (`dh`) To override individual built targets, just define them in `debian/rules`. Starting from scratch, when you have tarballs: 1. `mkdir` and `git init` an empty repo 2. `gbp import-orig --pristine-tar `. You can filter files out here if you need to, eg for policy/copyright reasons. 3. `dh_make -p $PKG_$VERSION` to start with defaults. ## Other Tasks Mentors uploads (see [intro](https://mentors.debian.net/intro-maintainers)): - setup a `~/.dput.cf` - create a webface account - upload with: `dput mentors SOMETHING.changes` `pbuilder` for cross-platform/cross-arch builds (eg, armel, mips): # setup ~/.pbuilderrc: # https://jodal.no/2015/03/08/building-arm-debs-with-pbuilder/ sudo apt install qemu-user-static sudo OS=debian DIST=stretch ARCH=armel pbuilder --create then, each test build (slow!): sudo OS=debian DIST=stretch ARCH=armel pdebuild Running piuparts is simple (but slow): sudo piuparts .deb Create a quick blank debug docker (faster than most other tools for creating throw-away environments): docker pull debian:sid docker run -t -i debian:sid bash # In container: apt update