Films To Watch -------------- * Red Turtle (Ghibli, 2016) * Children of Paradise (big budget french occupation carne) * Brain Candy * One, Two, Three * Koyaanisqatsi, Baraka * Black Orpheus * Gummo (low budget 1997 ohio stylized nihilism) * La Nuit Americaine (Day for Night) * Last Life in the Universe * The Man in the White Suit * Seconds (1966 psychadelic, switching lives, The Company) * The Lion in Winter * Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring * MindGame * No Smoking * I Don't Want to Sleep Alone * Du Levande * Rykjavik 101 * Dummy * Logan's Run * Sleep Dealer * Tetsuo: Iron Man * Diving Bell and the Butterfly * Yi Yi * 25th Hour * Babel * At the Edge of Russia (2011 serbian border soldiers wisdom) * Cypher (weird 2002 errosion of reality) * Modesty Blaise (60s female action hero... which year?) * Five Easy Pieces (jack nicholson as oil worker slash pianist) * Papillon (1973 prison escape on devil's island) * Hardware (cyberpunk distopia) * Welt am Draht ("World on a Wire", german VR) * Lawnmower Man ("bad") * Wonderful Days (aka, Sky Blue; anime) * On the Waterfront * Talk to Her * Amour (Heneke) * When Night Falls (Ying Liang, Chinese) * The World of Suzie Wong * Escape From Tomorrow (surreal Disney World) * Rendition * Born in Flames * Boy Eating the Bird's Food * Naked Killer * Twice Born (2012, Penelope Cruz, Balkans) * Hunger (2008, McQueen) * True Grit * Cinema Paradiso * The Man from Earth * 500 Days of Summer * God Bless America * The Game (Fincher) * Network * The Tree of Life * The Man Who Wasn't There (2001, Coen Brothers) * House of Games * We Children from Bahnhof Zoo (Christiane F) * Flash Gordon * Space Station 76 * Tokyo Godfathers * Millennium Actress * Perfect Blue * Tout va bien (1972, Godard) * Paths of Glory * Wolf Children (2012, anime) * Summer Wars (2009, anime) * Together (2000, Swedish) * A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy (Woody Allen) * Margin Call * The Listening (2006) * Pather Panchali (1955) * The Chase (1966) * Last Tango in Paris (1972) * Rhapsody in August (1991 Kurosawa) * Ride with the Devil (1999, Ang Lee) * Bamboozled (2000, Spike Lee) * Land of Plenty (2004, Wim Wenders) * Rules of the Game (Renoir, 1939) * Come and See (Soviet, WWII, 1985) * The Longest Day (WWII, 1962) * A Better Tomorrow (HK, Woo, 1986) * Timecrimes (2007) * Attack the Block * Footloose * Ned Rifle (and rest of the trilogy) * Taxi (Luc Besson) * The Untouchables (1987) * City of Women (Felini, 1980) * Norma Rae * The Tall Blond Man With One Black Shoe * Genesis II (Roddenberry; 1973; Futurama-like plot) (also "The Questor Tapes") * Hard to Be a God (2014) * Songs from the Second Floor (2000) * Downfall (2004) * Cache (2005, Haneke) * Volver * Talk To Her * The Wind Rises * It's Such a Beautiful Day (Hertzfeldt, 2012) * White Material * Viktoria * The Measure of a Man * Arabian Nights (2015, Gomes, 3 parts) * Knight of Cups (2015) * Titus (1999; Shakespearean) * Daisies (Czech new wave, 1966, Věra Chytilová) * Woman on Top (Penelope Cruz romcom, 2000) * Okja (2017) * All About Eve (1950) * The Founder (McDonalds; 2017) * Wax or the Discovery of Television Among the Bees (1991; net art) * Song of the Exile (1990, HK, Maggie Cheung) * Center Stage (1991, HK, Maggie Cheung) * Clean (Assayas, Maggie Cheung) * The Big Chill (Jeff Goldblum) * Hunger (2008, McQueen) * Adults in the Room (2019; Yanis Varofakis) * Virtuosity (1995) * Black is King (Beyonce, 2020) * Lucky Grandma (2020) * She's Gotta Have It * 25th Hour * Police Story (Jackie Chan) * Cameraperson (2016) * Dick Johnson Is Dead (2020) * The Master (2012) * Magic Mike (2012) * Shadow (2019) * Princess of the Row (2020) * The Public (2018) * Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018) * Redefining the Anti-War Film (long essay) * Ma Rainey's Black Bottom (?) * A Star Is Born * Three Days of the Condor * 1900 * Mank (December 2020) * Force Majeure * Judas and the Black Messiah * Black Bear * Family Romance, LLC (2019, Herzog) * Psycho Goreman * Nomadland * Widows (2018) * The Ipcress File (1965) * Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow (1993) * King of New York (1990) * Last and First Men (2020) * Victoria (2015) * The Parallax View (1974; Seattle) * Stolen Kisses (Godard) * On the Waterfront * Contempt (Godard) * The Harder They Fall (2021; netflix) * Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn (2021) * Reds (1981) * Sunset Boulevard (1950) * Your Name (2016, animated; maybe?) * Boyz n the Hood (1991) * Mr Smith Goes to Washington (1939) Documentaries: * Sans Soliet * The Shock of the New (1980 BBC "modern art" series) * Project Grizzly * Manufacturing Consent * Hell House * The Boy With The Incredible Brain * Gasland (2010, fracking) * Mondo Cane (shock film) * Dark Days (2000 NYC underground homeless) * Aatsinki: The Story of Arctic Cowboys * All In This Tea * The Third Wave (2007, tsunami) * October Sky * Road House (1989) * Maidentrip (around the world solo teen) * Lo and Behold (Herzog Internet) * Last Days in Vietnam * National Bird (drones, 2016) * Ride the Divide * The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness (2014; Gibli+Miyazaki) * Ex Libris (NYC Library) * Sinai Field Mission * The Art of the Steal (2009; art collection) * Titicut Follies * High School (doc) * The Bunker Films (2020) * The Pruitt-Igo Myth (2012) * What is Democracy (Astra Taylor) * Dead Slow Ahead (2015; marine shipping) Anime: * Deca-Dence * Patlabor (robot anime) * Knights of Sidonia (anime, TV series) * Dorohedoro * Great Pretender (TV series) * No Guns Life * The Sky Crawlers (2008, anime) * Space Runaway Ideon (series, and film; Evangelion-like?) * Belladonna Other Lists: * ["15 Great Films That You Never Hear About on r/movies"]( * [Full Films on Youtube]( Via L: * Sherpa (2015, documentary) * An Elephant Sitting Still (2017; Chinese; very long) * The Running Man (1987; Arnold) * Following (1998; Christopher Nolan) * Long Day's Journey into Night (2018; Chinese) * Incendies (2010; Denis Villeneuve) * Prisoners (2013; Denis Villeneuve) * Strangers on a Train (1951; Hitchcock) * Collectiv (2019)