========================= Test of Git Wiki Features ========================= :Author: Bryan Newbold This document is intended to demonstrate some of the features present in this wiki, or to make their failure obvious. .. image:: fig/bryanJello.jpg :alt: bryan with jello :width: 100 this paragraph should contain a link_, an $\epsilon$ of inline math, and should be followed by a full-on equation. .. _link: http://epsilon.org here is the equation: $$E = m c^2$$ this is in a comment:: .. |epsilon| raw:: latex $\epsilon$ .. raw:: latex $$E = m c^2$$ another attept at inline (:latex:`$\epsilon$`) followed by a full-on equation. :latex:`$$E = m c^2$$` and as a directive: .. latex:: $$-1 = e^{i\pi}$$