# more or less as per http://wiki.znc.in/Running_ZNC_as_a_system_daemon - name: Install znc (jessie-backports) when: (ansible_distribution == "Debian" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "8") apt: name=znc state=present repo=jessie-backports - name: Install znc (non-jessie) when: not (ansible_distribution == "Debian" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "8") apt: name=znc state=present - name: Create znc group group: name=znc state=present - name: Create znc user user: name=znc state=present home=/usr/lib/znc system=yes group=znc shell=/usr/sbin/nologin - name: Ensure pid directory exists file: state=directory path=/var/run/znc group=znc owner=znc - name: Ensure configuration folders exist file: state=directory path=/usr/lib/znc/{{ item }} group=znc owner=znc with_items: - moddata - modules - users - name: Copy znc service file into place copy: src=etc_systemd_system_znc.service dest=/etc/systemd/system/znc.service mode=0644 - name: Create a combined version of the SSL private key and full certificate chain shell: cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ domain }}/privkey.pem /etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ domain }}/fullchain.pem > /usr/lib/znc/znc.pem creates=/usr/lib/znc/znc.pem notify: restart znc - name: Update post-certificate-renewal task template: src: etc_letsencrypt_postrenew_znc.sh.j2 dest: /etc/cron.weekly/znc-letsencrypt-postrenew.sh owner: root group: root mode: 0755 - name: Ensure znc user and group can read cert file: path=/usr/lib/znc/znc.pem group=znc owner=znc mode=0640 notify: restart znc - name: Check for existing config file command: cat /usr/lib/znc/configs/znc.conf register: znc_config ignore_errors: True changed_when: False # never report as "changed" - name: Create znc config directory file: state=directory path=/usr/lib/znc/configs group=znc owner=znc - name: Copy znc configuration file into place template: src=usr_lib_znc_configs_znc.conf.j2 dest=/usr/lib/znc/configs/znc.conf owner=znc group=znc when: znc_config.rc != 0 notify: restart znc - name: Ensure znc is a system service service: name=znc state=restarted enabled=true