This repo contains helpful Ansible scripts for maintaining the bnewbold's servers and infrastructure. Be sure to keep things compatible with ansible 1.7.2 (the version in Debian jessie). Check out for next steps after creating a server with these scripts. Vault: export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=vault_pass.txt Example playbook call: ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/init_adze.yml --vault-password-file=vault_pass.txt Run a single role (helpful for dev): ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/init_adze.yml --vault-password-file=vault_pass.txt -t nginx ===== IRC Setup How to set up the IRC password hash… # znc --makepass [ ** ] Type your new password. [ ?? ] Enter Password: foo [ ?? ] Confirm Password: foo [ ** ] Kill ZNC process, if it's running. [ ** ] Then replace password in the section of your config with this: Method = sha256 Hash = 310c5f99825e80d5b1d663a0a993b8701255f16b2f6056f335ba6e3e720e57ed Salt = YdlPM5yjBmc/;JO6cfL5 [ ** ] After that start ZNC again, and you should be able to login with the new password. Take the strings after `Hash =` and `Salt =` and insert them as the value for `irc_password_hash` and `irc_password_salt` respectively. Alternatively, if you don’t already have `znc` installed, Python 3.3 or higher on Linux will generate the appropriate string for you (assuming your password is `password`): python3 -c 'import crypt; print("irc_password_salt: {}\nirc_password_hash: {}".format(*crypt.crypt("password", salt=crypt.METHOD_SHA256).split("$")[2:]))' On OS X and other platforms the passlib: package may be used to generate the required string: python -c 'import passlib.hash; print("irc_password_salt: {}\nirc_password_hash: {}".format(*passlib.hash.sha256_crypt.encrypt("password", rounds=5000).split("$")[2:]))'