import io import json import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from typing import Any, AnyStr, Dict, List, Optional from .types import * xml_ns = "" ns = "" def _string_to_tree(content: AnyStr) -> ET: if isinstance(content, str): return ET.parse(io.StringIO(content)) elif isinstance(content, bytes): return ET.parse(io.BytesIO(content)) if isinstance(content, io.StringIO) or isinstance(content, io.BytesIO): return ET.parse(content) elif isinstance(content, ET): return content else: raise TypeError( f"expected XML as string or bytes, got: {type(content)}") def _parse_authors(elem: Optional[ET.Element], ns: str = ns) -> List[GrobidAffiliation]: if not elem: return [] names = [] for author in elem.findall(f".//{{{ns}}}author"): pn = author.find(f"./{{{ns}}}persName") if not pn: continue given_name = pn.findtext(f"./{{{ns}}}forename") or None surname = pn.findtext(f"./{{{ns}}}surname") or None full_name = " ".join([t.strip() for t in pn.itertext() if t.strip()]).strip() obj: Dict[str, Any] = dict(name=full_name) if given_name: obj["given_name"] = given_name if surname: obj["surname"] = surname ae = author.find(f"./{{{ns}}}affiliation") if ae: affiliation: Dict[str, Any] = dict() for on in ae.findall(f"./{{{ns}}}orgName"): on_type = on.get("type") if on_type: affiliation[on_type] = on.text addr_e = ae.find(f"./{{{ns}}}address") if addr_e: address = dict() for t in addr_e.getchildren(): address[t.tag.split("}")[-1]] = t.text if address: address['post_code'] = address.pop('postCode', None) affiliation["address"] = GrobidAddress(**address) # previously: # affiliation['address'] = { # 'post_code': addr.findtext('./{%s}postCode' % ns) or None, # 'settlement': addr.findtext('./{%s}settlement' % ns) or None, # 'country': addr.findtext('./{%s}country' % ns) or None, # } obj["affiliation"] = GrobidAffiliation(**affiliation) names.append(GrobidAuthor(**obj)) return names def _parse_citation(elem: ET.Element, ns: str = ns) -> GrobidCitation: ref: Dict[str, Any] = dict() ref["id"] = elem.attrib.get("{}id") ref["unstructured"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}note[@type="raw_reference"]' % ns) # Title stuff is messy in references... ref["title"] = elem.findtext(f".//{{{ns}}}analytic/{{{ns}}}title") other_title = elem.findtext(f".//{{{ns}}}monogr/{{{ns}}}title") if other_title: if ref["title"]: ref["journal"] = other_title else: ref["journal"] = None ref["title"] = other_title ref["authors"] = _parse_authors(elem, ns=ns) ref["publisher"] = elem.findtext( f".//{{{ns}}}publicationStmt/{{{ns}}}publisher") if not ref["publisher"]: ref["publisher"] = elem.findtext( f".//{{{ns}}}imprint/{{{ns}}}publisher") if ref["publisher"] == "": ref["publisher"] = None date = elem.find('.//{%s}date[@type="published"]' % ns) ref["date"] = (date is not None) and date.attrib.get("when") ref["volume"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}biblScope[@unit="volume"]' % ns) ref["issue"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}biblScope[@unit="issue"]' % ns) ref["doi"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="DOI"]' % ns) ref["arxiv_id"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="arXiv"]' % ns) if ref["arxiv_id"] and ref["arxiv_id"].startswith("arXiv:"): ref["arxiv_id"] = ref["arxiv_id"][6:] ref["pmcid"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="PMCID"]' % ns) ref["pmid"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="PMID"]' % ns) el = elem.find('.//{%s}biblScope[@unit="page"]' % ns) if el is not None: if el.attrib.get("from") and el.attrib.get("to"): ref["pages"] = "{}-{}".format(el.attrib["from"], el.attrib["to"]) else: ref["pages"] = el.text el = elem.find(".//{%s}ptr[@target]" % ns) if el is not None: ref["url"] = el.attrib["target"] # Hand correction # TODO: move this elsewhere if ref["url"].endswith(".Lastaccessed"): ref["url"] = ref["url"].replace(".Lastaccessed", "") if ref["url"].startswith("<"): ref["url"] = ref["url"][1:] if ">" in ref["url"]: ref["url"] = ref["url"].split(">")[0] else: ref["url"] = None return GrobidCitation(**ref) def _parse_journal(elem: ET.Element, ns: str = ns) -> GrobidJournal: journal = dict() journal["name"] = elem.findtext(f".//{{{ns}}}monogr/{{{ns}}}title") journal["publisher"] = elem.findtext( f".//{{{ns}}}publicationStmt/{{{ns}}}publisher") if journal["publisher"] == "": journal["publisher"] = None journal["issn"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="ISSN"]' % ns) journal["eissn"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="eISSN"]' % ns) journal["volume"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}biblScope[@unit="volume"]' % ns) journal["issue"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}biblScope[@unit="issue"]' % ns) journal["abbrev"] = None return GrobidJournal(**journal) def _parse_header(elem: ET.Element, ns: str = ns) -> GrobidHeader: header = elem info = dict() info["title"] = header.findtext(f".//{{{ns}}}analytic/{{{ns}}}title") info["authors"] = _parse_authors( header.find(f".//{{{ns}}}sourceDesc/{{{ns}}}biblStruct")) info["journal"] = _parse_journal(header) date = header.find(f'.//{{{ns}}}date[@type="published"]') info["date"] = (date is not None) and date.attrib.get("when") info["doi"] = header.findtext(f'.//{{{ns}}}idno[@type="DOI"]') if info["doi"]: info["doi"] = info["doi"].lower() return GrobidHeader(**info) def parse_document_xml(xml_text: AnyStr) -> GrobidDocument: """ Use this function to parse TEI-XML of a full document or header processed by GROBID. Eg, the output of '/api/processFulltextDocument' or '/api/processHeader' """ tree = _string_to_tree(xml_text) tei = tree.getroot() info = dict() header = tei.find(f".//{{{ns}}}teiHeader") if header is None: raise ValueError("XML does not look like TEI format") application_tag = header.findall( f".//{{{ns}}}appInfo/{{{ns}}}application")[0] doc = GrobidDocument( grobid_version=application_tag.attrib["version"].strip(), grobid_timestamp=application_tag.attrib["when"].strip(), header=_parse_header(header), ) refs = [] for (i, bs) in enumerate( tei.findall(f".//{{{ns}}}listBibl/{{{ns}}}biblStruct")): ref = _parse_citation(bs) ref.index = i refs.append(ref) doc.citations = refs text = tei.find(f".//{{{ns}}}text") # print(text.attrib) if text and text.attrib.get(f"{{{xml_ns}}}lang"): doc.language_code = text.attrib[f"{{{xml_ns}}}lang"] # xml:lang el = tei.find(f".//{{{ns}}}profileDesc/{{{ns}}}abstract") doc.abstract = (el or None) and " ".join(el.itertext()).strip() el = tei.find(f".//{{{ns}}}text/{{{ns}}}body") doc.body = (el or None) and " ".join(el.itertext()).strip() el = tei.find(f'.//{{{ns}}}back/{{{ns}}}div[@type="acknowledgement"]') doc.acknowledgement = (el or None) and " ".join(el.itertext()).strip() el = tei.find(f'.//{{{ns}}}back/{{{ns}}}div[@type="annex"]') doc.annex = (el or None) and " ".join(el.itertext()).strip() return doc def parse_citations_xml(xml_text: AnyStr) -> List[GrobidCitation]: """ Use this function to parse TEI-XML of one or more references. Eg, the output of '/api/processReferences' or '/api/processCitation'. """ # XXX: this replacement shouldn't be needed? xml_text = xml_text.replace('xmlns=""', "") tree = _string_to_tree(xml_text) root = tree.getroot() if root.tag == 'biblStruct': ref = _parse_citation(root, ns='') ref.index = 0 return [ref] refs = [] for (i, bs) in enumerate(tree.findall(f".//biblStruct")): ref = _parse_citation(bs, ns='') ref.index = i refs.append(ref) return refs