// Free Software under GPL-3.0, see LICENSE // Copyright 2017 Bryan Newbold extern crate clap; extern crate env_logger; #[macro_use] extern crate error_chain; extern crate geniza; #[cfg(test)] extern crate assert_cli; use geniza::*; use std::path::Path; use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand}; fn run() -> Result<()> { env_logger::init().unwrap(); let matches = App::new("geniza-drive") .version(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")) .arg(Arg::with_name("dat-dir") .short("d") .long("dat-dir") .value_name("PATH") .help("dat drive directory") .default_value(".dat") .takes_value(true)) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("init") .about("Creates a blank drive") ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("ls") .about("Lists current files in this dat") ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("cat") .about("Prints a file (as a string) to stdout") .arg_from_usage(" 'file to add'") ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("import-file") .about("Adds an indivudal file to the dat") .arg_from_usage(" 'file to add'") .arg_from_usage("--target 'path to import the file to (if not top level)'") ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("export-file") .about("Copies a file from dat archive to local disk") .arg_from_usage(" 'file to export'") .arg_from_usage("--target 'path to save the file to (if not same name)'") ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("log") .about("History of additions/deletions from this dat") ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("verify") .about("Checks signatures et al") ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("dump-entries") .about("Dump all entries in a debug-friendly format") ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("copy") .about("Internally copies a file in a dat archive") .arg_from_usage(" 'path to copy from'") .arg_from_usage(" 'path to copy from'") ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("remove") .about("Deletes a file path from dat archive") .arg_from_usage(" 'file to delete'") ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("remove-dir-all") .about("Recursively deletes a directory from the dat archive") .arg_from_usage(" 'directory to delete'") ) .get_matches(); let dir = Path::new(matches.value_of("dat-dir").unwrap()); match matches.subcommand() { ("init", Some(_subm)) => { let _drive = DatDrive::create(dir)?; // TODO: print public key in hex println!("Done!"); } ("ls", Some(_subm)) => { let mut drive = DatDrive::open(dir, false)?; for entry in drive.read_dir_recursive("/") { let entry = entry?; println!("{}", entry.path.display()); } } ("cat", Some(subm)) => { let path = Path::new(subm.value_of("FILE").unwrap()); let mut drive = DatDrive::open(dir, true)?; let data = drive.read_file_bytes(&path)?; // TODO: just write to stdout let s = String::from_utf8(data).unwrap(); println!("{}", s); } ("import-file", Some(subm)) => { let path = Path::new(subm.value_of("FILE").unwrap()); let mut drive = DatDrive::open(dir, true)?; let fpath = match subm.value_of("target") { None => Path::new("/").join(path.file_name().unwrap()), Some(p) => Path::new("/").join(p) }; drive.import_file(&path, &fpath)?; } ("export-file", Some(subm)) => { let path = Path::new(subm.value_of("FILE").unwrap()); let mut drive = DatDrive::open(dir, true)?; let fpath = match subm.value_of("target") { None => Path::new("/").join(path.file_name().unwrap()), Some(p) => Path::new("/").join(p) }; drive.export_file(&path, &fpath)?; } ("log", Some(_subm)) => { let mut drive = DatDrive::open(dir, false)?; for entry in drive.history(0) { let entry = entry?; if let Some(stat) = entry.stat { if stat.get_blocks() == 0 { println!("{}\t[chg] {}", entry.index, entry.path.display()); } else { println!("{}\t[put] {}\t{} bytes ({} blocks)", entry.index, entry.path.display(), stat.get_size(), stat.get_blocks()); } } else { println!("{}\t[del] {}", entry.index, entry.path.display()); } } } ("verify", Some(_subm)) => { let mut drive = DatDrive::open(dir, false)?; println!("{:?}", drive.verify()); } ("dump-entries", Some(_subm)) => { let mut drive = DatDrive::open(dir, false)?; for entry in drive.history(0) { let entry = entry?; println!("{}\tpath: {}", entry.index, entry.path.display()); println!("\tchildren: {:?}", entry.children); if let Some(_) = entry.stat { println!("\tstat: Some (add/change)"); } else { println!("\tstat: None (delete)"); } } } ("copy", Some(subm)) => { let from_path= Path::new(subm.value_of("FROM").unwrap()); let to_path= Path::new(subm.value_of("FROM").unwrap()); let mut drive = DatDrive::open(dir, true)?; drive.copy_file(&from_path, &to_path)?; } ("remove", Some(subm)) => { let path = Path::new(subm.value_of("FILE").unwrap()); let mut drive = DatDrive::open(dir, true)?; drive.remove_file(&path)?; } ("remove-dir-all", Some(subm)) => { let path = Path::new(subm.value_of("FILE").unwrap()); let mut drive = DatDrive::open(dir, true)?; drive.remove_dir_all(&path)?; } _ => { println!("Missing or unimplemented command!"); println!("{}", matches.usage()); ::std::process::exit(-1); } } Ok(()) } quick_main!(run); #[test] fn test_drive_cmd() { assert_cli::Assert::cargo_binary("geniza-drive") .with_args(&["-d", "/non-existant-dir", "ls"]) .fails(); assert_cli::Assert::cargo_binary("geniza-drive") .with_args(&["-d", "test-data/dat/simple/.dat", "ls"]) .stdout().contains("README.md") .succeeds(); assert_cli::Assert::cargo_binary("geniza-drive") .with_args(&["-d", "test-data/dat/tree/.dat", "ls"]) .stdout().contains("Cantharellu") .succeeds(); assert_cli::Assert::cargo_binary("geniza-drive") .with_args(&["-d", "test-data/dat/alphabet/.dat", "cat", "/c"]) .stdout().is("c") .succeeds(); assert_cli::Assert::cargo_binary("geniza-drive") .with_args(&["-d", "test-data/dat/simple/.dat", "log"]) .stdout().contains("Felidae") .succeeds(); assert_cli::Assert::cargo_binary("geniza-drive") .with_args(&["-d", "test-data/dat/tree/.dat", "verify"]) .succeeds(); assert_cli::Assert::cargo_binary("geniza-drive") .with_args(&["-d", "test-data/dat/tree/.dat", "dump-entries"]) .succeeds(); }