### Binary Header Fixed 32-bytes ----------------------------------------------------------------- | MAGIC | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | VERSION (0) | ENTRY SIZE (uint16BE) | ALGO NAME LEN | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | ALGORITHM NAME (lower-case string) | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- MAGIC and ENTRY SIZE are both "big-endian", meaning that the "first" (aka "most-significant" byte is in the "first" memory location (aka, "lowest address"). PREFIX LEN is max 24 (bytes) offset: 32 + entrySize * entryIndex count: (fileSize - 32) / entrySize ### SLEEP API SleepStorage trait SleepFile struct/impl get_magic() -> u32 get_algorithm() -> &str read(index) -> &bytes[] write(index, &bytes[]) length() -> u64 First time around just do regular file seek() stuff