### dat-specific configuration Default servers are specified in the `dat-swarm-defaults` module. As of November 2017, they are: Domain (for mDNS, centralized DNS): dat.local DNS Servers (centralized lookup): discovery1.publicbits.org discovery2.publicbits.org DHT Bootstrap Servers: bootstrap1.publicbits.org:6881 bootstrap2.publicbits.org:6881 bootstrap3.publicbits.org:6881 bootstrap4.publicbits.org:6881 ### mDNS and Centralized DNS Discovery `dns-discovery` node module. Refresh period: 1 minute Take the first 40 hex characters (lowercase; 20 bytes if decoded) of the discovery key (a BLAKE2b hash) instead of a SHA1 hash (which is what bittorrent uses). Prepend this to the domain (`dat.local` in the case of dat). There are both SRV and TXT records. SRV is straightforward, a response like: 0 0 44113 TXT uses some un-documented token scheme... maybe mostly for mDNS, to update or "unannounce" records? Eg: "token=kZabfUWLUw5A4E/EXM3+ka7UybMN95QJjqPk1iGmb0M=" "peers=rBMABKxR" Example lookup: dig @discovery1.publicbits.org 905fd1b6504698425e8bec3dbb77d757e281d505.dat.local SRV Note that you might need to do lookup on *both* servers? Results can be different from either individually. ### DHT Discovery `discovery-channel` Refresh period: 10 minutes